ABSTRACT: This study establishes important, national benchmarks for burn centers to assess length of stay (LOS) and number of procedures across patient profiles. We examined the relationship between patient characteristics such as age and total body surface area (TBSA) burned and number of procedures and LOS in the United States, using the American Burn Association National Burn Repository (NBR) database version 8.0 (2002-2011). Among 21,175 surviving burn patients (TBSA > 10-60%), mean age was 33 years, and mean injury size was 19.9% TBSA. Outcomes included the number of debridement, excision, autograft procedures, and LOS. Independent variables considered were: age (linear, squared, and cubed to account for nonlinearity), TBSA, TBSAs of partial-thickness and mixed/full-thickness burns, sex, hospital-acquired infection, other infection, inhalation injury, and diabetes status. Regression methods included a mixed-effects model for LOS and ordinary least squares for number of procedures. A backward stepwise procedure (P <0.2) was used to select variables. Number of excision and autografting procedures increased with TBSA; however, this relationship did not hold for debridement. After adjusting for sex, age, and comorbidities, predicted LOS for adults (18+) was 12.1, 21.7, 32.2, 43.7, and 56.1 days for 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% TBSA, respectively. Similarly, predicted LOS for pediatrics (age < 18) was 8.1, 18.8, 33.2, 47.6, and 56.1 days for the same TBSA groups, respectively. While average estimates for adults (1.12 days) and pediatrics (1.01) are close to the one day/TBSA rule-of-thumb, consideration of other important patient and burn features in the NBR can better refine predictions for LOS.