Euscorpiopslii sp. nov. and a key of the genus Euscorpiops Vachon, 1980 (Scorpiones, Scorpiopidae) from China
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Abstract A new species, Euscorpiopsliisp. nov., from Xizang (Tibet) in southwest China is described herein. Adult scorpions in this species are principally characterized by yellow-brown colour, a length of less than 40 mm, 17 trichobothria on the external surface of the pedipalp patella and usually six trichobothria on the ventral surface of the pedipalp patella in both sexes. With the description of this new species, the number of known species of the genus Euscorpiops from China is raised to 13 (five species found in Xizang, including the new species, and eight other species in Yunnan). A key to the species of the genus Euscorpiops from China is presented.
Project description:A new species, Scorpiopsingens sp. n., from Xizang, is described and illustrated. Scorpiopsingens sp. n. is characterized by yellow-brown color, large size (length of adults above 70.0 mm), small and dense granules on tegument, a pair of small median eyes, 17 external trichobothria (5 eb, 2 esb, 2 em, 4 est, 4 et), and 7 or 8 (usually 7) ventral trichobothria in the pedipalp patella, chela with a length/width ratio average of 2.2 in males and females, pedipalp chela fingers on adult females and males scalloped, pectinal teeth count 6-8, pectinal fulcra absent. With the description of this new species, the number of known species of Scorpiops from China is raised to 12. An updated identification key to Scorpiops from China is presented.
Project description:A new species, Chaeriluspseudoconchiformus sp. n., is described from Xizang, China. The present new species is distinguished from its congeners by a body length of 32-40 mm, carapace with the anterior margin straight, chela with length/width ratio average of 3.3 in males (3.2-3.4, two adults), and 2.5 in females (2.3-2.6, nine adults), eight or nine (eight usually) rows of denticles on fixed and movable fingers of pedipalp chelae, five pectinal teeth in males and three or four in females. To date, the chaerilid species fauna of China consists of nine species. An updated identification key to Chaerilus from China is presented.
Project description:We describe and illustrate a new scorpion species, Androctonustihamicussp. nov., from the Mecca Province of southwestern Saudi Arabia. The new species is compared to the genus Androctonus Ehrenberg, 1828, which is distributed throughout the Middle East, and especially to A.australis (Linnaeus, 1758). We provide the molecular phylogeny for this species.
Project description:Amamiclytus wuxingensis sp. nov., the third species of the genus from mainland China, is described and illustrated with specimens collected from Wuxing Village, Leishan County, Guizhou Province, China. Distribution and grouping of the new species are discussed and the key to the East Asian species of the genus is updated to accommodate species recorded from mainland China.
Project description:Thirteen novel planctomycetal strains were isolated from five different aquatic sampling locations. These comprise the hydrothermal vent system close to Panarea Island (Italy), a biofilm on the surface of kelp at Monterey Bay (CA, USA), sediment and algae on Mallorca Island (Spain) and Helgoland Island (Germany), as well as a seawater aquarium in Braunschweig, Germany. All strains were shown to belong to the genus Gimesia. Their genomes cover a size range from 7.22 to 8.29 Mb and have a G+C content between 45.1 and 53.7%. All strains are mesophilic (Topt 26-33 °C) with generation times between 12 and 32 h. Analysis of fatty acids yielded palmitic acid (16:0) and a fatty acid with the equivalent chain length of 15.817 as major compounds. While five of the novel strains belong to the already described species Gimesia maris and Gimesia chilikensis, the other strains belong to novel species, for which we propose the names Gimesia alba (type strain Pan241wT = DSM 100744T = LMG 31345T = CECT 9841T = VKM B-3430T), Gimesia algae (type strain Pan161T = CECT 30192T = STH00943T = LMG 29130T), Gimesia aquarii (type strain V144T = DSM 101710T = VKM B-3433T), Gimesia fumaroli (type strain Enr17T = DSM 100710T = VKM B-3429T) and Gimesia panareensis (type strain Enr10T = DSM 100416T = LMG 29082T). STH numbers refer to the Jena Microbial Resource Collection (JMRC).
Project description:Strains of the genus Bradyrhizobium associated with agronomically important crops such as soybean (Glycine max) are increasingly studied; however, information about symbionts of wild Glycine species is scarce. Australia is a genetic centre of wild Glycine species and we performed a polyphasic analysis of three Bradyrhizobium strains-CNPSo 4010T, CNPSo 4016T, and CNPSo 4019T-trapped from Western Australian soils with Glycine clandestina, Glycine tabacina and Glycine max, respectively. The phylogenetic tree of the 16S rRNA gene clustered all strains into the Bradyrhizobium japonicum superclade; strains CNPSo 4010T and CNPSo 4016T had Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense CCBAU 10071T as the closest species, whereas strain CNPSo 4019T was closer to Bradyrhizobium liaoningense LMG 18230T. The multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) with five housekeeping genes-dnaK, glnII, gyrB, recA and rpoB-confirmed the same clusters as the 16S rRNA phylogeny, but indicated low similarity to described species, with nucleotide identities ranging from 93.6 to 97.6% of similarity. Considering the genomes of the three strains, the average nucleotide identity and digital DNA-DNA hybridization values were lower than 94.97 and 59.80 %, respectively, with the closest species. In the nodC phylogeny, strains CNPSo 4010T and CNPSo 4019T grouped with Bradyrhizobium zhanjiangense and Bradyrhizobium ganzhouense, respectively, while strain CNPSo 4016T was positioned separately from the all symbiotic Bradyrhizobium species. Other genomic (BOX-PCR), phenotypic and symbiotic properties were evaluated and corroborated with the description of three new lineages of Bradyrhizobium. We propose the names of Bradyrhizobium agreste sp. nov. for CNPSo 4010T (=WSM 4802T=LMG 31645T) isolated from Glycine clandestina, Bradyrhizobium glycinis sp. nov. for CNPSo 4016T (=WSM 4801T=LMG 31649T) isolated from Glycine tabacina and Bradyrhizobium diversitatis sp. nov. for CNPSo 4019T (=WSM 4799T=LMG 31650T) isolated from G. max.
Project description:Massilibacterium senegalense gen. nov., sp. nov., strain mt8(T), is the type strain of Massilibacterium gen. nov., a new genus within the Bacillaceae family. This Gram-negative facultative anaerobic rod was isolated from the gut microbiota of a severely malnourished boy. Its phenotypic description is hereby presented with a complete annotation of its genome sequence. This genome is 5 697 950 bp long and contains 5615 protein-coding genes and 178 RNA genes, among which are 40 rRNA genes.
Project description:Among the genera of the family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905 Alloscorpiops remains yet rather discrete. New species were added to this genus only recently, increasing its number from two to six. Therefore, species of Alloscorpiops can be considered rare and uncommonly collected. One particular new species, Alloscorpiops viktoriaesp. n., is described based on two females and one pre-adult male collected from the northern part of central Myanmar (Burma). The new species presents most features exhibited by scorpions of the genus Alloscorpiops, but it is characterised by a moderate to small size, very strongly marked granulation, and a particular trichobothrial pattern. Aspects of the ecology and distribution of the new species are discussed and compared with those of other species of genus Alloscorpiops.