Project description:Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) is a rare monogenic disorder, associated with endocrine deficiencies and non-endocrine involvement. Gastrointestinal (GI) manifestations appear in approximately 25% of patients and are the presenting symptom in about 10% of them. Limited awareness among pediatricians of autoimmune enteropathy (AIE) caused by destruction of the gut endocrine cells in APECED patients delays diagnosis and appropriate therapy. We describe an 18-year-old female presenting at the age of 6.10 years with hypoparathyroidism, oral candidiasis and vitiligo. The clinical diagnosis of APECED was confirmed by sequencing the autoimmune regulator-encoding (AIRE) gene. Several characteristics of the disease-Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus type 1 and primary ovarian insufficiency-developed over the years. She had recurrent episodes of severe intractable hypocalcemia. Extensive GI investigations for possible malabsorption, including laboratory analyses, imaging and endoscopy with biopsies were unremarkable. Revision of the biopsies and chromogranin A (CgA) immunostaining demonstrated complete loss of enteroendocrine cells in the duodenum and small intestine, confirming the diagnosis of AIE. Management of hypocalcemia was challenging. Only intravenous calcitriol maintained calcium in the normal range. Between hypocalcemic episodes, the proband maintained normal calcium levels, suggesting a fluctuating disease course. Repeated intestinal biopsy revealed positive intestinal CgA immunostaining. The attribution of severe hypocalcemic episodes to AIE emphasizes the need for increased awareness of this unique presentation of APECED. The fluctuating disease course and repeated intestinal biopsy showing positive CgA immunostaining support a reversible effect of GI involvement. CgA immunostaining is indicated in patients with APECED for whom all other investigations have failed to reveal an explanation for the malabsorption.
Project description:Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is an unusual migraine syndrome characterised by recurrent transient attacks of unilateral weakness or paralysis as part of the migraine aura. Genetically and clinically heterogeneous, FHM1 is caused by mutations in CACNA1A and FHM2 by mutations in ATP1A2.Three children with prolonged hemiplegia were tested for mutations in CACNA1A or ATP1A2.Mutations in CACNA1A and ATP1A2 were screened for by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography and confirmed by sequencing. Expression studies were performed to characterise the functional consequences of these mutations.No mutation was found in the FHM1 gene while three mutations were identified in the FHM2 gene. All three mutations were missense: two were novel and one was de novo; none was found in controls. Functional studies in HeLa cells showed complete loss of mutant pump function without interfering with the wild-type pump, consistent with haploinsufficiency.We identified novel disease causing mutations in the FHM2 gene. Genetic screening for FHM should be considered in a child with prolonged hemiplegia even if there is no prior history or family history of migraine or hemiplegic episodes.
Project description:Heterozygous and rare homozygous mutations in PRoline-Rich Transmembrane protein 2 (PRRT2) underlie a group of paroxysmal disorders including epilepsy, kinesigenic dyskinesia episodic ataxia and migraine. Most of the mutations lead to impaired PRRT2 expression and/or function. Recently, an important role for PRTT2 in the neurotransmitter release machinery, brain development and synapse formation has been uncovered. In this work, we have characterized the phenotype of a mouse in which the PRRT2 gene has been constitutively inactivated (PRRT2 KO). ?-galactosidase staining allowed to map the regional expression of PRRT2 that was more intense in the cerebellum, hindbrain and spinal cord, while it was localized to restricted areas in the forebrain. PRRT2 KO mice are normal at birth, but display paroxysmal movements at the onset of locomotion that persist in the adulthood. In addition, adult PRRT2 KO mice present abnormal motor behaviors characterized by wild running and jumping in response to audiogenic stimuli that are ineffective in wild type mice and an increased sensitivity to the convulsive effects of pentylentetrazol. Patch-clamp electrophysiology in hippocampal and cerebellar slices revealed specific effects in the cerebellum, where PRRT2 is highly expressed, consisting in a higher excitatory strength at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses during high frequency stimulation. The results show that the PRRT2 KO mouse reproduces the motor paroxysms present in the human PRRT2-linked pathology and can be proposed as an experimental model for the study of the pathogenesis of the disease as well as for testing personalized therapeutic approaches.
Project description:To explore the potential causative genes of paroxysmal hypnogenic dyskinesia (PHD), which was initially considered a subtype of paroxysmal dyskinesia and has been recently considered a form of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE).Eleven patients with PHD were recruited. Mutations in proline-rich region transmembrane protein-2 (PRRT2), myofibrillogenesis regulator 1 (MR-1), solute carrier family 2, member 1 (SLC2A1), calcium-activated potassium channel alpha subunit (KCNMA1), cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 4 (CHRNA4), cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta 2 (CHRNB2), cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 2 (CHRNA2), and potassium channel subfamily T member 1 (KCNT1) were screened by direct sequencing.Two PRRT2 mutations were identified in patients with typical PHD. A mutation of c.649dupC (p.Arg217ProfsX8) was identified in a patient with PHD and his father who was diagnosed with paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia. An additional mutation of c.640G>C (p.Ala214Pro) was identified in a sporadic patient and his asymptomatic mother. No mutations were found in the other screened genes.The present study identified PRRT2 mutations in PHD, extending the phenotypic spectrum of PRRT2 and supporting the classification of PHD as a subtype of paroxysmal dyskinesia but not NFLE. Based on the results of this study, screening for the PRRT2 mutation is recommended in patients with PHD.
Project description:Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia with infantile convulsions (PKD/IC) is an episodic movement disorder with autosomal-dominant inheritance and high penetrance, but the causative genetic mutation is unknown. We have now identified four truncating mutations involving the gene PRRT2 in the vast majority (24/25) of well-characterized families with PKD/IC. PRRT2 truncating mutations were also detected in 28 of 78 additional families. PRRT2 encodes a proline-rich transmembrane protein of unknown function that has been reported to interact with the t-SNARE, SNAP25. PRRT2 localizes to axons but not to dendritic processes in primary neuronal culture, and mutants associated with PKD/IC lead to dramatically reduced PRRT2 levels, leading ultimately to neuronal hyperexcitability that manifests in vivo as PKD/IC.
Project description:ObjectiveThe proline-rich transmembrane protein (PRRT2) gene was recently identified using exome sequencing as the cause of autosomal dominant paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD) with or without infantile convulsions (IC) (PKD/IC syndrome). Episodic neurologic disorders, such as epilepsy, migraine, and paroxysmal movement disorders, often coexist and are thought to have a shared channel-related etiology. To investigate further the frequency, spectrum, and phenotype of PRRT2 mutations, we analyzed this gene in 3 large series of episodic neurologic disorders with PKD/IC, episodic ataxia (EA), and hemiplegic migraine (HM).MethodsThe PRRT2 gene was sequenced in 58 family probands/sporadic individuals with PKD/IC, 182 with EA, 128 with HM, and 475 UK and 96 Asian controls.ResultsPRRT2 genetic mutations were identified in 28 out of 58 individuals with PKD/IC (48%), 1/182 individuals with EA, and 1/128 individuals with HM. A number of loss-of-function and coding missense mutations were identified; the most common mutation found was the p.R217Pfs*8 insertion. Males were more frequently affected than females (ratio 52:32). There was a high proportion of PRRT2 mutations found in families and sporadic cases with PKD associated with migraine or HM (10 out of 28). One family had EA with HM and another large family had typical HM alone.ConclusionsThis work expands the phenotype of mutations in the PRRT2 gene to include the frequent occurrence of migraine and HM with PKD/IC, and the association of mutations with EA and HM and with familial HM alone. We have also extended the PRRT2 mutation type and frequency in PKD and other episodic neurologic disorders.
Project description:Mutations in the proline-rich transmembrane protein 2 (PRRT2) gene cause a wide spectrum of neurological diseases, ranging from paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD) to mental retardation and epilepsy. Previously, seven PKD-related PRRT2 heterozygous mutations were identified in the Taiwanese population: P91QfsX, E199X, S202HfsX, R217PfsX, R217EfsX, R240X and R308C. This study aimed to investigate the disease-causing mechanisms of these PRRT2 mutations. We first documented that Prrt2 was localized at the pre- and post-synaptic membranes with a close spatial association with SNAP25 by synaptic membrane fractionation and immunostaining of the rat neurons. Our results then revealed that the six truncating Prrt2 mutants were accumulated in the cytoplasm and thus failed to target to the cell membrane; the R308C missense mutant had significantly reduced protein expression, suggesting loss-of function effects generated by these mutations. Using in utero electroporation of shRNA into cortical neurons, we further found that knocking down Prrt2 expression in vivo resulted in a delay in neuronal migration during embryonic development and a marked decrease in synaptic density after birth. These pathologic effects and novel disease-causing mechanisms may contribute to the severe clinical symptoms in PRRT2-related diseases.
Project description:Previous studies reported that the proline-rich transmembrane protein 2 (PRRT2) gene was identified to be related to paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD), infantile convulsions with PKD, PKD with migraine and benign familial infantile epilepsy (BFIE). The present study explores whether the PRRT2 mutation is a potential cause of febrile seizures, including febrile seizures plus (FS+), generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) and Dravet syndrome (DS); thus, it may provide a new drug target for personalized medicine for febrile seizure patients. We screened PRRT2 exons in a cohort of 136 epileptic patients with febrile seizures, including FS+, GEFS+ and DS. PRRT2 genetic mutations were identified in 25 out of 136 (18.4%) febrile seizures in epileptic patients. Five loss-of-function and coding missense mutations were identified: c.649delC (p.R217Efs*12), c.649_650insC (p.R217Pfs*8), c.412C>G (p.Pro138Ala), c.439G>C (p.Asp147His) and c.623C>A (p.Ser208Tyr). PRRT2 variants were probably involved in the etiology of febrile seizures in epileptic patients.
Project description:IntroductionPRRT2 is a major causative gene for self-limited familial neonatal-infantile epilepsy, paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia, and paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia with infantile convulsions. Voluntary movement trigger is prominent in adolescence and adulthood, but the triggers are unknown in infants.MethodsA gene panel designed for targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) was used to screen genetic abnormalities in a cohort of 45 cases with infantile convulsions. The copy number variation was detected by a computational method based on the normalized depth of coverage and validated by a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) method. The genotype-phenotype correlation of the PRRT2 mutation gene was analyzed.ResultsA de novo heterozygous PRRT2 deletion was identified in a child who had infantile convulsions induced by vigorous sucking. Seizures happened during the change of feeding behavior from breast to formula, which led to hungry and vigorous sucking. Ictal electroencephalograms recorded seizures with focal origination, which provided direct evidence of epileptic seizures in infants with PRRT2 mutations. Seizures stopped soon after the feeding behavior was changed by reducing feeding interval time and extending feeding duration. Data reanalysis on our previously reported cases with PRRT2 mutations showed that six of 18 (33.3%) patients had infantile convulsions or infantile non-convulsion seizures during feeding. The mutations included two truncating mutations (c.579dupA/p.Glu194Argfs*6, and c.649dupC/p.Arg217Profs*8) that were identified in each of the three affected individuals.ConclusionsThis study suggests that feeding, especially vigorous sucking, is potentially a trigger and highlights the significance of feeding behavior in preventing seizures in infants with PRRT2 mutations. Identification of PRRT2 haploinsufficiency mutations in the patients with infantile convulsions induced by sucking suggested a potential genotype-phenotype correlation.