ABSTRACT: Protein synthesis on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) requires the dynamic coordination of numerous cellular components. Together, resident ER membrane proteins, cytoplasmic translation factors, and both integral membrane and cytosolic RNA-binding proteins operate in concert with membrane-associated ribosomes to facilitate ER-localized translation. Little is known, however, regarding the spatial organization of ER-localized translation. This question is of growing significance as it is now known that ER-bound ribosomes contribute to secretory, integral membrane, and cytosolic protein synthesis alike. To explore this question, we utilized quantitative proximity proteomics to identify neighboring protein networks for the candidate ribosome interactors SEC61β (subunit of the protein translocase), RPN1 (oligosaccharyltransferase subunit), SEC62 (translocation integral membrane protein), and LRRC59 (ribosome binding integral membrane protein). Biotin labeling time course studies of the four BioID reporters revealed distinct labeling patterns that intensified but only modestly diversified as a function of labeling time, suggesting that the ER membrane is organized into discrete protein interaction domains. Whereas SEC61β and RPN1 reporters identified translocon-associated networks, SEC62 and LRRC59 reporters revealed divergent protein interactomes. Notably, the SEC62 interactome is enriched in redox-linked proteins and ER luminal chaperones, with the latter likely representing proximity to an ER luminal chaperone reflux pathway. In contrast, the LRRC59 interactome is highly enriched in SRP pathway components, translation factors, and ER-localized RNA-binding proteins, uncovering a functional link between LRRC59 and mRNA translation regulation. Importantly, analysis of the LRRC59 interactome by native immunoprecipitation identified similar protein and functional enrichments. Moreover, [35S]-methionine incorporation assays revealed that siRNA silencing of LRRC59 expression reduced steady state translation levels on the ER by ca. 50%, and also impacted steady state translation levels in the cytosol compartment. Collectively, these data reveal a functional domain organization for the ER and identify a key role for LRRC59 in the organization and regulation of local translation.