Modelling photosystem I as a complex interacting network.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we model the excitation energy transfer (EET) of photosystem I (PSI) of the common pea plant Pisum sativum as a complex interacting network. The magnitude of the link energy transfer between nodes/chromophores is computed by Forster resonant energy transfer (FRET) using the pairwise physical distances between chromophores from the PDB 5L8R (Protein Data Bank). We measure the global PSI network EET efficiency adopting well-known network theory indicators: the network efficiency (Eff) and the largest connected component (LCC). We also account the number of connected nodes/chromophores to P700 (CN), a new ad hoc measure we introduce here to indicate how many nodes in the network can actually transfer energy to the P700 reaction centre. We find that when progressively removing the weak links of lower EET, the Eff decreases, while the EET paths integrity (LCC and CN) is still preserved. This finding would show that the PSI is a resilient system owning a large window of functioning feasibility and it is completely impaired only when removing most of the network links. From the study of different types of chromophore, we propose different primary functions within the PSI system: chlorophyll a (CLA) molecules are the central nodes in the EET process, while other chromophore types have different primary functions. Furthermore, we perform nodes removal simulations to understand how the nodes/chromophores malfunctioning may affect PSI functioning. We discover that the removal of the CLA triggers the fastest decrease in the Eff, confirming that CAL is the main contributors to the high EET efficiency. Our outcomes open new perspectives of research, such comparing the PSI energy transfer efficiency of different natural and agricultural plant species and investigating the light-harvesting mechanisms of artificial photosynthesis both in plant agriculture and in the field of solar energy applications.
Project description:The mechanistic Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) signalling network is an evolutionarily conserved network that controls key cellular processes, including cell growth and metabolism. Consisting of the major kinase complexes mTOR Complex 1 and 2 (mTORC1/2), the mTOR network harbours complex interactions and feedback loops. The DEP domain-containing mTOR-interacting protein (DEPTOR) was recently identified as an endogenous inhibitor of both mTORC1 and 2 through direct interactions, and is in turn degraded by mTORC1/2, adding an extra layer of complexity to the mTOR network. Yet, the dynamic properties of the DEPTOR-mTOR network and the roles of DEPTOR in coordinating mTORC1/2 activation dynamics have not been characterised. Using computational modelling, systems analysis and dynamic simulations we show that DEPTOR confers remarkably rich and complex dynamic behaviours to mTOR signalling, including abrupt, bistable switches, oscillations and co-existing bistable/oscillatory responses. Transitions between these distinct modes of behaviour are enabled by modulating DEPTOR expression alone. We characterise the governing conditions for the observed dynamics by elucidating the network in its vast multi-dimensional parameter space, and develop strategies to identify core network design motifs underlying these dynamics. Our findings provide new systems-level insights into the complexity of mTOR signalling contributed by DEPTOR.
Project description:One approach to understanding how life-like properties emerge involves building synthetic cellular systems that mimic certain dynamical features of living cells such as bacteria. Here, we developed a model of a reaction network in a cellular system inspired by the ability of bacteria to form a biofilm in response to increasing cell density. Our aim was to determine the role of chemical feedback in the dynamics. The feedback was applied through the enzymatic rate dependence on pH, as pH is an important parameter that controls the rates of processes in cells. We found that a switch in pH can be used to drive base-catalyzed gelation or precipitation of a substance in the external solution. A critical density of cells was required for gelation that was essentially independent of the pH-driven feedback. However, the cell pH reached a higher maximum as a result of the appearance of pH oscillations with feedback. Thus, we conclude that while feedback may not play a vital role in some density-dependent behavior in cellular systems, it nevertheless can be exploited to activate internally regulated cell processes at low cell densities.
Project description:gen45-carpel_development - crc1 mutant - Identification of target genes from three transcription factors involved in gynoecium development - Comparison between the wild type Ler and crc1 mutant. Keywords: gene knock out 1 dye-swap - CATMA arrays
Project description:Photosystem II (PS II) complexes are membrane protein complexes that are composed of >20 distinct subunit proteins. Similar to many other membrane protein complexes, two PS II complexes are believed to form a homo-dimer whose molecular mass is approximately 650 kDa. Contrary to this well known concept, we propose that the functional form of PS II in vivo is a monomer, based on the following observations. Deprivation of lipids caused the conversion of PS II from a monomeric form to a dimeric form. Only a monomeric PS II was detected in solubilized cyanobacterial and red algal thylakoids using blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Furthermore, energy transfer between PS II units, which was observed in the purified dimeric PS II, was not detected in vivo. Our proposal will lead to a re-evaluation of many crystallographic models of membrane protein complexes in terms of their oligomerization status.
Project description:Mechanistic investigations of the water-splitting reaction of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of photosystem II (PSII) are fundamentally informed by structural studies. Many physical techniques have provided important insights into the OEC structure and function, including X-ray diffraction (XRD) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy as well as mass spectrometry (MS), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy applied in conjunction with mutagenesis studies. However, experimental studies have yet to yield consensus as to the exact configuration of the catalytic metal cluster and its ligation scheme. Computational modeling studies, including density functional (DFT) theory combined with quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) hybrid methods for explicitly including the influence of the surrounding protein, have proposed chemically satisfactory models of the fully ligated OEC within PSII that are maximally consistent with experimental results. The inorganic core of these models is similar to the crystallographic model upon which they were based, but comprises important modifications due to structural refinement, hydration, and proteinaceous ligation which improve agreement with a wide range of experimental data. The computational models are useful for rationalizing spectroscopic and crystallographic results and for building a complete structure-based mechanism of water-splitting in PSII as described by the intermediate oxidation states of the OEC. This review summarizes these recent advances in QM/MM modeling of PSII within the context of recent experimental studies.
Project description:In thylakoid membranes, photosystem II (PSII) monomers from the stromal lamellae contain the subunits PsbS and Psb27 (PSIIm-S/27), while PSII monomers (PSIIm) from granal regions lack these subunits. Here, we have isolated and characterized these 2 types of PSII complexes in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). PSIIm-S/27 showed enhanced fluorescence, the near absence of oxygen evolution, and limited and slow electron transfer from QA to QB compared to the near-normal activities in the granal PSIIm. However, when bicarbonate was added to PSIIm-S/27, water splitting and QA to QB electron transfer rates were comparable to those in granal PSIIm. The findings suggest that the binding of PsbS and/or Psb27 inhibits forward electron transfer and lowers the binding affinity for bicarbonate. This can be rationalized in terms of the recently discovered photoprotection role played by bicarbonate binding via the redox tuning of the QA/QA•- couple, which controls the charge recombination route, and this limits chlorophyll triplet-mediated 1O2 formation. These findings suggest that PSIIm-S/27 is an intermediate in the assembly of PSII in which PsbS and/or Psb27 restrict PSII activity while in transit using a bicarbonate-mediated switch and protective mechanism.
Project description:We introduce a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics model of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II in the S(1) Mn(4)(IV,III,IV,III) state, where Ca(2+) is bridged to manganese centers by the carboxylate moieties of D170 and A344 on the basis of the new X-ray diffraction (XRD) model recently reported at 1.9 Å resolution. The model is also consistent with high-resolution spectroscopic data, including polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structure data of oriented single crystals. Our results provide refined intermetallic distances within the Mn cluster and suggest that the XRD model most likely corresponds to a mixture of oxidation states, including species more reduced than those observed in the catalytic cycle of water splitting.
Project description:Photosystem II (PSII) is a membrane-spanning, multi-subunit pigment-protein complex responsible for the oxidation of water and the reduction of plastoquinone in oxygenic photosynthesis. In the present review, the recent explosive increase in available structural information about the PSII core complex based on X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy is described at a level of detail that is suitable for a future structure-based analysis of light-harvesting processes. This description includes a proposal for a consistent numbering scheme of protein-bound pigment cofactors across species. The structural survey is complemented by an overview of the state of affairs in structure-based modeling of excitation energy transfer in the PSII core complex with emphasis on electrostatic computations, optical properties of the reaction center, the assignment of long-wavelength chlorophylls, and energy trapping mechanisms.
Project description:Plastoquinone (PLQ) acts as an electron carrier between photosystem II (PSII) and the cytochrome b6f complex. To understand how PLQ enters and leaves PSII, here we show results of coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations of PSII embedded in the thylakoid membrane, covering a total simulation time of more than 0.5?ms. The long time scale allows the observation of many spontaneous entries of PLQ into PSII, and the unbinding of plastoquinol (PLQol) from the complex. In addition to the two known channels, we observe a third channel for PLQ/PLQol diffusion between the thylakoid membrane and the PLQ binding sites. Our simulations point to a promiscuous diffusion mechanism in which all three channels function as entry and exit channels. The exchange cavity serves as a PLQ reservoir. Our simulations provide a direct view on the exchange of electron carriers, a key step of the photosynthesis machinery.
Project description:Photosystem I is defined as plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Taking advantage of genetic engineering, kinetic analyses and cryo-EM, our data provide novel mechanistic insights into binding and electron transfer between PSI and Pc. Structural data at 2.74 Å resolution reveals strong hydrophobic interactions in the plant PSI-Pc ternary complex, leading to exclusion of water molecules from PsaA-PsaB/Pc interface once the PSI-Pc complex forms. Upon oxidation of Pc, a slight tilt of bound oxidized Pc allows water molecules to accommodate the space between Pc and PSI to drive Pc dissociation. Such a scenario is consistent with the six times larger dissociation constant of oxidized as compared with reduced Pc and mechanistically explains how this molecular machine optimized electron transfer for fast turnover.