
Dataset Information


New Mechanical Fat Separation Technique: Adjustable Regenerative Adipose-tissue Transfer (ARAT) and Mechanical Stromal Cell Transfer (MEST).



Adipose tissue is not only a very important source of filler but also the body's greatest source of regenerative cells.


In this study, adipose tissue was cut to the desired dimensions using ultra-sharp blade systems to avoid excessive blunt pressure and applied to various anatomical areas-a procedure known as adjustable regenerative adipose-tissue transfer (ARAT). Mechanical stromal cell transfer (MEST) of regenerative cells from fat tissue was also examined.


ARAT, MEST, or a combination of these was applied in the facial area of a total of 24 patients who were followed for at least 24 months. The integrity of the fat tissue cut with different diameter blades is shown histopathologically. The number and viability of the stromal cells obtained were evaluated and secretome analyses were performed. Patient and surgeon satisfaction were assessed with a visual analog scale.


With the ARAT technique, the desired size fat grafts were obtained between 4000- and 200-micron diameters and applied at varying depths to different aesthetic units of the face, and a guide was developed. In MEST, stromal cells were obtained from 100 mL of condensed fat using different indication-based protocols with 93% mean viability and cell counts of 28.66 to 88.88 × 106.


There are 2 main complications in fat grafting: visibility in thin skin and a low retention rate. The ARAT technique can be used to prevent these 2 complications. MEST, on the other hand, obtains a high rate of fat and viable stromal cells without applying excessive blunt pressure.

Level of evidence 4


PROVIDER: S-EPMC7780457 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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