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Regulation of the neuroendocrine axis in male rats by soy-based diets is independent of age and due specifically to isoflavone action†.

ABSTRACT: Soy-based foods are consumed for their health beneficial effects, implying that the population is exposed to soy isoflavones in the diet. Herein, male rats at 21, 35, and 75 days of age were maintained either on a casein control diet, soybean meal (SBM), or control diet supplemented with daidzin and genistin (G + D) for 14 days. Feeding of SBM and G + D diets decreased testicular testosterone (T) secretion regardless of age. Altered androgen secretion was due to decreased (P < 0.05) Star and Hsd17β protein in the testes and was associated with increased (P < 0.05) Lhβ and Fshβ subunit protein expression in pituitary glands. Second, male rats were fed either a casein control diet, control diet + daidzin, control diet + genistin, or control diet + genistin + daidzin (G + D). Compared to control, feeding of all isoflavone-containing diets decreased (P < 0.05) testicular T concentrations, and more so in the G + D diet group. Interestingly, Esr1 and androgen receptor protein and pituitary Fshβ with Lhβ subunit protein were increased (P < 0.05) by feeding of genistin and G + D diets, but not the daidzin diet. However, daidzein and genistein both caused a concentration dependent inhibition (P < 0.05) of T secretion by Leydig cells in vitro with IC50 of 184 ηM and 36 ηM, respectively. Results demonstrated that altered testicular steroidogenic capacity and pituitary FSHβ and LHβ subunit expression due to soy-based diets result from specific actions by genistein and daidzein. Experiments to assess effects of isoflavone regulation of intratesticular androgen concentrations on male fertility are warranted.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC7822637 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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