Project description:Ice exhibits extraordinary structural variety in its polymorphic structures. The existence of a new form of diversity in ice polymorphism has recently been debated in both experimental and theoretical studies, questioning whether hydrogen-disordered ice can transform into multiple hydrogen-ordered phases, contrary to the known one-to-one correspondence between disordered ice and its ordered phase. Here, we report a high-pressure phase, ice XIX, which is a second hydrogen-partially-ordered phase of ice VI. We demonstrate that disordered ice undergoes different manners of hydrogen ordering, which are thermodynamically controlled by pressure in the case of ice VI. Such multiplicity can appear in all disordered ice, and it widely provides a research approach to deepen our knowledge, for example of the crucial issues of ice: the centrosymmetry of hydrogen-ordered configurations and potentially induced (anti-)ferroelectricity. Ultimately, this research opens up the possibility of completing the phase diagram of ice.
Project description:Most ice polymorphs have order-disorder "pairs" in terms of hydrogen positions, which contributes to the rich variety of ice polymorphs; in fact, three recently discovered polymorphs- ices XIII, XIV, and XV-are ordered counter forms to already identified disordered phases. Despite the considerable effort to understand order-disorder transition in ice crystals, there is an inconsistency among the various experiments and calculations for ice XV, the ordered counter form of ice VI, i.e., neutron diffraction observations suggest antiferroelectrically ordered structures, which disagree with dielectric measurement and theoretical studies, implying ferroelectrically ordered structures. Here we investigate in-situ neutron diffraction measurements and density functional theory calculations to revisit the structure and stability of ice XV. We find that none of the completely ordered configurations are particular favored; instead, partially ordered states are established as a mixture of ordered domains in disordered ice VI. This scenario in which several kinds of ordered configuration coexist dispels the contradictions in previous studies. It means that the order-disorder pairs in ice polymorphs are not one-to-one correspondent pairs but rather have one-to-n correspondence, where there are n possible configurations at finite temperature.
Project description:Ice polymorphs usually appear as hydrogen disorder-order pairs. Ice VI has a wide range of thermodynamic stability and exists in the interior of Earth and icy moons. Our previous work suggested ice β-XV as a second polymorph deriving from disordered ice VI, in addition to ice XV. Here we report thermal and structural characterization of the previously inaccessible deuterated polymorph using ex situ calorimetry and high-resolution neutron powder diffraction. Ice β-XV, now called ice XIX, is shown to be partially antiferroelectrically ordered and crystallising in a √2×√2×1 supercell. Our powder data recorded at subambient pressure fit best to the structural model in space group [Formula: see text]. Key to the synthesis of deuterated ice XIX is the use of a DCl-doped D2O/H2O mixture, where the small H2O fraction enhances ice XIX nucleation kinetics. In addition, we observe the transition from ice XIX to its sibling ice XV upon heating, which proceeds via a transition state (ice VI‡) containing a disordered H-sublattice. To the best of our knowledge this represents the first order-order transition known in ice physics.
Project description:The majority of methods for the design of phase I trials in oncology are based upon a single course of therapy, yet in actual practice, it may be the case that there is more than one treatment schedule for any given dose. Therefore, the probability of observing a dose-limiting toxicity may depend upon both the total amount of the dose given, as well as the frequency with which it is administered. The objective of the study then becomes to find an acceptable combination of both dose and schedule. Past literature on designing these trials has entailed the assumption that toxicity increases monotonically with both dose and schedule. In this article, we relax this assumption for schedules and present a dose-schedule finding design that can be generalized to situations in which we know the ordering between all schedules and those in which we do not. We present simulation results that compare our method with other suggested dose-schedule finding methodology.
Project description:New phase diagrams for water confined in graphene nanocapillaries and single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are proposed, identifying ice structures, their melting points and revealing the presence of a solid-liquid critical point. For quasi-2D water in nanocapillaries, we show through molecular-dynamics simulations that AA stacking in multilayer quasi-2D ice arises from interlayer hydrogen-bonding and is stable up to three layers, thereby explaining recent experimental observations. Detailed structural and energetic analyses show that quasi-2D water can freeze discontinuously through a first-order phase transition or continuously with a critical point. The first-order transition line extends to a continuous transition line, defined by a sharp transition in diffusivity between solid-like and liquid-like regimes. For quasi-1D water, confined in CNTs, we observe the existence of a similar critical point at intermediate densities. In addition, an end point is identified on the continuous-transition line, above which the solid and liquid phases deform continuously. The solid-liquid phase transition temperatures in CNTs are shown to be substantially higher than 273 K, confirming recent Raman spectroscopy measurements. We observe ultrafast proton and hydroxyl transport in quasi-1D and -2D ice at 300 K, exceeding those of bulk water up to a factor of five, thereby providing possible applications to fuel-cells and electrolyzers.
Project description:The villin headpiece helical subdomain (HP36) is one of the best known model systems for computational studies of fast-folding all-? miniproteins. HP21 is a peptide fragment-derived from HP36-comprising only the first and second helices of the full domain. Experimental studies showed that although HP21 is mostly unfolded in solution, it does maintain some persistent native-like structure as indicated by the analysis of NMR-derived chemical shifts. Here we compare the experimental data for HP21 with the results obtained from a 15-?s long folding molecular dynamics simulation performed in explicit water and with full electrostatics. We find that the simulation is in good agreement with the experiment and faithfully reproduces the major experimental findings, namely that (a) HP21 is disordered in solution with <10% of the trajectory corresponding to transiently stable structures, (b) the most highly populated conformer is a native-like structure with an RMSD from the corresponding portion of the HP36 crystal structure of <1 Å, (c) the simulation-derived chemical shifts-over the whole length of the trajectory-are in reasonable agreement with the experiment giving reduced ?(2) values of 1.6, 1.4, and 0.8 for the ??(13) C(?) , ??(13) CO, and ??(13) C(?) secondary shifts, respectively (becoming 0.8, 0.7, and 0.3 when only the major peptide conformer is considered), and finally, (d) the secondary structure propensity scores are in very good agreement with the experiment and clearly indicate the higher stability of the first helix. We conclude that folding molecular dynamics simulations can be a useful tool for the structural characterization of even marginally stable peptides.