Synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism in arsenic (+3) methyltransferase of the Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) and its gene expression among field populations.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Naturally occurring arsenic is toxic at extremely low concentrations, yet some species persist even in high arsenic environments. We wanted to test if these species show evidence of evolution associated with arsenic exposure. To do this, we compared allelic variation across 872 coding nucleotides of arsenic (+3) methyltransferase (as3mt) and whole fish as3mt gene expression from three field populations of Gambusia affinis, from water sources containing low (1.9 ppb), medium-low (3.3 ppb), and high (15.7 ppb) levels of arsenic. The high arsenic site exceeds the US EPA's Maximum Contamination Level for drinking water. Medium-low and high populations exhibited homozygosity, and no sequence variation across all animals sampled. Eleven of 24 fish examined (45.8%) in the low arsenic population harbored synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exons 4 and/or 10. SNP presence in the low arsenic population was not associated with differences in as3mt transcript levels compared to fish from the medium-low site, where SNPs were noted; however, as3mt expression in fish from the high arsenic concentration site was significantly lower than the other two sites. Low sequence variation in fish populations from sites with medium-low and high arsenic concentrations suggests greater selective pressure on this allele, while higher variation in the low population suggests a relaxed selection. Our results suggest gene regulation associated with arsenic detoxification may play a more crucial role in influencing responses to arsenic than polymorphic gene sequence. Understanding microevolutionary processes to various contaminants require the evaluation of multiple populations across a wide range of pollution exposures.
Project description:The western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) is a sexually dimorphic poeciliid fish known for its worldwide biological invasion and therefore an important research model for studying invasion biology. This organism may also be used as a suitable model to explore sex chromosome evolution and reproductive development in terms of differentiation of ZW sex chromosomes, ovoviviparity, and specialization of reproductive organs. However, there is a lack of high-quality genomic data for the female G. affinis; hence, this study aimed to generate a chromosome-level genome assembly for it. The chromosome-level genome assembly was constructed using Oxford nanopore sequencing, BioNano, and Hi-C technology. G. affinis genomic DNA sequences containing 217 contigs with an N50 length of 12.9 Mb and 125 scaffolds with an N50 length of 26.5 Mb were obtained by Oxford nanopore and BioNano, respectively, and the 113 scaffolds (90.4% of scaffolds containing 97.9% nucleotide bases) were assembled into 24 chromosomes (pseudo-chromosomes) by Hi-C. The Z and W chromosomes of G. affinis were identified by comparative genomic analysis of female and male G. affinis, and the mechanism of differentiation of the Z and W chromosomes was explored. Combined with transcriptome data from 6 tissues, a total of 23,997 protein-coding genes were predicted and 23,737 (98.9%) genes were functionally annotated. The high-quality female G. affinis reference genome provides a valuable omics resource for future studies of comparative genomics and functional genomics to explore the evolution of Z and W chromosomes and the reproductive developmental biology of G. affinis.
Project description:Sex-specific markers are a prerequisite for understanding reproductive biology, genetic factors involved in sex differences, mechanisms of sex determination, and ultimately the evolution of sex chromosomes. The Western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, may be considered a model species for sex-chromosome evolution, as it displays female heterogamety (ZW/ZZ), and is also ecologically interesting as a worldwide invasive species. Here, de novo RNA-sequencing on the gonads of sexually mature G. affinis was used to identify contigs that were highly transcribed in females but not in males (i.e., transcripts with ovary-specific expression). Subsequently, 129 primer pairs spanning 79 contigs were tested by PCR to identify sex-specific transcripts. Of those primer pairs, one female-specific DNA marker was identified, Sanger sequenced and subsequently validated in 115 fish. Sequence analyses revealed a high similarity between the identified sex-specific marker and the 3´ UTR of the aminomethyl transferase (amt) gene of the closely related platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus). This is the first time that RNA-seq has been used to successfully characterize a sex-specific marker in a fish species in the absence of a genome map. Additionally, the identified sex-specific marker represents one of only a handful of such markers in fishes.
Project description:Municipal wastewaters have been known to contain various estrogens and androgens. Little is known about the joint action of these chemicals from wastewaters on fishes in the aquatic environment. The objectives of this study were to investigate the estrogenic and/or androgenic effects in wild mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) of two effluent-impacted rivers in South China by determining morphological changes and hepatic mRNA expression levels of relevant genes such as vitellogenin (Vtg), estrogen receptor (ERα) and androgen receptors (ARα and ARβ), and to assess the linkages of those morphological changes and hepatic mRNA expression levels to the chemical concentrations measured by in vitro bioassays and chemical analysis. The results showed a significant induction of Vtg and ERα mRNA in the livers of the males and a gonopodium-like anal fin in the females collected at the majority of sites. Redundancy analysis and Pearson correlation analysis showed that the chemical concentrations obtained by in vitro bioassays and chemical analysis had significant correlations with some of the endpoints for the estrogenic and/or androgenic effects in mosquitofish. The findings from this study indicate that the estrogens and androgens present in the two rivers could cause the observed estrogenic and androgenic effects in mosquitofish.
Project description:Consistent individual differences in behavioral tendencies (animal personality) can affect individual mate choice decisions. We asked whether personality traits affect male and female mate choice decisions similarly and whether potential personality effects are consistent across different mate choice situations. Using western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) as our study organism, we characterized focal individuals (males and females) twice for boldness, activity, and sociability/shoaling and found high and significant behavioral repeatability. Additionally, each focal individual was tested in two different dichotomous mate choice tests in which it could choose between computer-animated stimulus fish of the opposite sex that differed in body size and activity levels, respectively. Personality had different effects on female and male mate choice: females that were larger than average showed stronger preferences for large-bodied males with increasing levels of boldness/activity (i.e., towards more proactive personality types). Males that were larger than average and had higher shoaling tendencies showed stronger preferences for actively swimming females. Size-dependent effects of personality on the strength of preferences for distinct phenotypes of potential mating partners may reflect effects of age/experience (especially in females) and social dominance (especially in males). Previous studies found evidence for assortative mate choice based on personality types or hypothesized the existence of behavioral syndromes of individuals' choosiness across mate choice criteria, possibly including other personality traits. Our present study exemplifies that far more complex patterns of personality-dependent mate choice can emerge in natural systems.
Project description:To convert external light into internal neural signal, vertebrates rely on a special group of proteins, the visual opsins. Four of the five types of visual opsins-short-wavelength sensitive 1 (Sws1), short-wavelength sensitive 2 (Sws2), medium-wavelength sensitive (Rh2), and long-wavelength sensitive (Lws)-are expressed in cone cells for scotopic vision, with the fifth, rhodopsin (Rh1), being expressed in rod cells for photopic vision. Fish often display differing ontogenetic cone opsin expression profiles, which may be related to dietary and/or habitat ontogenetic shift. The western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) is an aggressive invader that has successfully colonized every continent except Antarctica. The strong invasiveness of this species may be linked to its visual acuity since it can inhabit turbid waters better than other fishes. By genome screening and transcriptome analysis, we identify seven cone opsin genes in the western mosquitofish, including one sws1, two sws2, one rh2, and three lws. The predicted maximal absorbance wavelength (λmax) values of the respective proteins are 353 nm for Sws1, 449 nm for Sws2a, 408 nm for Sws2b, 516 nm for Rh2-1, 571 nm for Lws-1, and 519 nm for Lws-3. Retention of an intron in the lws-r transcript likely renders this visual opsin gene non-functional. Our real-time quantitative PCR demonstrates that adult male and female western mosquitofish do not differ in their cone opsin expression profiles, but we do reveal an ontogenetic shift in cone opsin expression. Compared to adults, larvae express proportionally more sws1 and less lws-1, suggesting that the western mosquitofish is more sensitive to shorter wavelengths in the larval stage, but becomes more sensitive to longer wavelengths in adulthood.
Project description:Exposure to certain anthropogenic chemicals can inhibit the activity to cytochrome P450 aromatase (CYP19) in fishes leading to decreased plasma 17β-estradiol (E2), plasma vitellogenin (VTG), and egg production. Reproductive dysfunction resulting from exposure to aromatase inhibitors has been extensively investigated in several laboratory model species of fish. These model species have ovaries that undergo asynchronous oocyte development, but many fishes have ovaries with group-synchronous oocyte development. Fishes with group-synchronous oocyte development have dynamic reproductive cycles which typically occur annually and are often triggered by complex environmental cues. This has resulted in a lack of test data and uncertainty regarding sensitivities to and adverse effects of aromatase inhibition. The present study used the western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) as a laboratory model to investigate adverse effects of chemical aromatase inhibition on group-synchronous oocyte development. Adult female western mosquitofish were exposed to either 0, 2, or 30 μg/L of the model nonsteroidal aromatase inhibiting chemical, fadrozole, for a complete reproductive cycle. Fish were sampled at four time-points representing pre-vitellogenic resting, early vitellogenesis, late vitellogenesis/early ovarian recrudescence, and late ovarian recrudescence. Temporal changes in numerous reproductive parameters were measured, including gonadosomatic index (GSI), plasma sex steroids, and expression of selected genes in the brain, liver, and gonad that are important for reproduction. In contrast to fish from the control treatment, fish exposed to 2 and 30 μg/L of fadrozole had persistent elevated expression of cyp19 in the ovary, depressed expression of vtg in the liver, and a low GSI. These responses suggest that completion of a group-synchronous reproductive cycle was unsuccessful during the assay in fish from either fadrozole treatment. These adverse effects data show that exposure to aromatase inhibitors has the potential to cause reproductive dysfunction in a wide range of fishes with both asynchronous and group-synchronous reproductive strategies.
Project description:The western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, is a freshwater poecilid fish native to the southeastern United States but with a global distribution due to widespread human introduction. Gambusia affinis has been used as a model species for a broad range of evolutionary and ecological studies. We sequenced the genome of a male G. affinis to facilitate genetic studies in diverse fields including invasion biology and comparative genetics. We generated Illumina short read data from paired-end libraries and in vitro proximity-ligation libraries. We obtained 54.9× coverage, N50 contig length of 17.6 kb, and N50 scaffold length of 6.65 Mb. Compared to two other species in the Poeciliidae family, G. affinis has slightly fewer genes that have shorter total, exon, and intron length on average. Using a set of universal single-copy orthologs in fish genomes, we found 95.5% of these genes were complete in the G. affinis assembly. The number of transposable elements in the G. affinis assembly is similar to those of closely related species. The high-quality genome sequence and annotations we report will be valuable resources for scientists to map the genetic architecture of traits of interest in this species.
Project description:BackgroundThe Western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, is a model for sex chromosome organization and evolution of female heterogamety. We previously identified a G. affinis female-specific marker, orthologous to the aminomethyl transferase (amt) gene of the related platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus). Here, we have analyzed the structure and differentiation of the G. affinis W-chromosome, using a cytogenomics and bioinformatics approach.ResultsThe long arm of the G. affinis W-chromosome (Wq) is highly enriched in dispersed repetitive sequences, but neither heterochromatic nor epigenetically silenced by hypermethylation. In line with this, Wq sequences are highly transcribed, including an active nucleolus organizing region (NOR). Female-specific SNPs and evolutionary young transposable elements were highly enriched and dispersed along the W-chromosome long arm, suggesting constrained recombination. Wq copy number expanded elements also include female-specific transcribed sequences from the amt locus with homology to TE. Collectively, the G. affinis W-chromosome is actively differentiating by sex-specific copy number expansion of transcribed TE-related elements, but not (yet) by extensive sequence divergence or gene decay.ConclusionsThe G. affinis W-chromosome exhibits characteristic genomic properties of an evolutionary young sex chromosome. Strikingly, the observed sex-specific changes in the genomic landscape are confined to the W long arm, which is separated from the rest of the W-chromosome by a neocentromere acquired during sex chromosome evolution and may thus have become functionally insulated. In contrast, W short arm sequences were apparently shielded from repeat-driven differentiation, retained Z-chromosome like genomic features, and may have preserved pseudo-autosomal properties.
Project description:Aquatic vertebrates that emerge onto land to spawn, feed, or evade aquatic predators must return to the water to avoid dehydration or asphyxiation. How do such aquatic organisms determine their location on land? Do particular behaviors facilitate a safe return to the aquatic realm? In this study, we asked: will fully-aquatic mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) stranded on a slope modulate locomotor behavior according to body position to facilitate movement back into the water? To address this question, mosquitofish (n?=?53) were placed in four positions relative to an artificial slope (30° inclination) and their responses to stranding were recorded, categorized, and quantified. We found that mosquitofish may remain immobile for up to three minutes after being stranded and then initiate either a "roll" or a "leap". During a roll, mass is destabilized to trigger a downslope tumble; during a leap, the fish jumps up, above the substrate. When mosquitofish are oriented with the long axis of the body at 90° to the slope, they almost always (97%) initiate a roll. A roll is an energetically inexpensive way to move back into the water from a cross-slope body orientation because potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. When placed with their heads toward the apex of the slope, most mosquitofish (>50%) produce a tail-flip jump to leap into ballistic flight. Because a tail-flip generates a caudually-oriented flight trajectory, this locomotor movement will effectively propel a fish downhill when the head is oriented up-slope. However, because the mass of the body is elevated against gravity, leaps require more mechanical work than rolls. We suggest that mosquitofish use the otolith-vestibular system to sense body position and generate a behavior that is "matched" to their orientation on a slope, thereby increasing the probability of a safe return to the water, relative to the energy expended.
Project description:Propylparaben (PrP) is a widely used preservative that is constantly detected in aquatic environments and poses a potential threat to aquatic ecosystems. In the present work, adult male mosquitofish were acutely (4d) and chronically (32d) exposed to environmentally and humanly realistic concentrations of PrP (0, 0.15, 6.00 and 240 μg/L), aimed to investigate the toxic effects, endocrine disruption and possible mechanisms of PrP. Histological analysis showed time- and dose-dependent manners in the morphological injuries of brain, liver and testes. Histopathological alterations in the liver were found in 4d and severe damage was identified in 32d, including hepatic sinus dilatation, cytoplasmic vacuolation, cytolysis and nuclear aggregation. Tissue impairments in the brain and testes were detected in 32d; cell cavitation, cytomorphosis and blurred cell boundaries appeared in the brain, while the testes lesions contained spermatogenic cell lesion, decreased mature seminal vesicle, sperm cells gathering, seminiferous tubules disorder and dilated intercellular space. Furthermore, delayed spermatogenesis had occurred. The transcriptional changes of 19 genes along the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal-liver (HPGL) axis were investigated across the three organs. The disrupted expression of genes such as Ers, Ars, Vtgs, cyp19a, star, hsd3b, hsd17b3 and shh indicated the possible abnormal steroidogenesis, estrogenic or antiandrogen effects of PrP. Overall, the present results provided evidences for the toxigenicity and endocrine disruptive effects on the male mosquitofish of chronic PrP exposure, which highlights the need for more investigations of its potential health risks.