Surface measurement of total solar and ultraviolet irradiance and ancillary meteorological data at the South-West Indian Ocean Solar network (IOS-net) stations.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The observational data described in this article are collected at several locations in the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO). Platforms equipped with radiometers and a weather transmitter, and located over Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, La Réunion and Seychelles islands, are used to measure incident global and diffuse shortwave radiation and incident global UV A + B-band radiation along with air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, air pressure and rainfall amount with a sampling frequency of 0.1 Hz. The data are stored as 1-min averages and automatically transmitted to the LE2P-ENERGY lab at the University of La Réunion. The dataset is hosted on the website:, and is uploaded to Zenodo repository. Such a dataset will help in providing information related to solar energy forecasting and assessment for solar energy implementation at a regional and national level in the SWIO.
Project description:BackgroundLeptospirosis is a disease which occurs worldwide but particularly affects tropical areas. Transmission of the disease is dependent on its excretion by reservoir animals and the presence of moist environment which allows the survival of the bacteria.Methods and findingsA retrospective study was undertaken to describe seasonal patterns of human leptospirosis cases reported by the Centre National de Références des Leptospiroses (CNRL, Pasteur Institute, Paris) between 1998 and 2008, to determine if there was an association between the occurrence of diagnosed cases and rainfall, temperature and global solar radiation (GSR). Meteorological data were recorded in the town of Saint-Benoît (Météo France "Beaufonds-Miria" station), located on the windward (East) coast. Time-series analysis was used to identify the variables that best described and predicted the occurrence of cases of leptospirosis on the island. Six hundred and thirteen cases were reported during the 11-year study period, and 359 cases (58.56%) were diagnosed between February and May. A significant correlation was identified between the number of cases in a given month and the associated cumulated rainfall as well as the mean monthly temperature recorded 2 months prior to diagnosis (r?=?0.28 and r?=?0.23 respectively). The predictive model includes the number of cases of leptospirosis recorded 1 month prior to diagnosis (b?=?0.193), the cumulated monthly rainfall recorded 2 months prior to diagnosis (b?=?0.145), the average monthly temperature recorded 0 month prior to diagnosis (b?=?3.836), and the average monthly GSR recorded 0 month prior to diagnosis (b?=?-1.293).ConclusionsLeptospirosis has a seasonal distribution in Reunion Island. Meteorological data can be used to predict the occurrence of the disease and our statistical model can help to implement seasonal prevention measures.
Project description:While intertidal macroalgae are exposed to drastic changes in solar photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) during a diel cycle, and to ocean acidification (OA) associated with increasing CO2 levels, little is known about their photosynthetic performance under the combined influences of these drivers. In this work, we examined the photoprotective strategies controlling electron flow through photosystems II (PSII) and photosystem I (PSI) in response to solar radiation with or without UVR and an elevated CO2 concentration in the intertidal, commercially important, red macroalgae Pyropia (previously Porphyra) yezoensis. By using chlorophyll fluorescence techniques, we found that high levels of PAR alone induced photoinhibition of the inter-photosystem electron transport carriers, as evidenced by the increase of chlorophyll fluorescence in both the J- and I-steps of Kautsky curves. In the presence of UVR, photoinduced inhibition was mainly identified in the O2-evolving complex (OEC) and PSII, as evidenced by a significant increase in the variable fluorescence at the K-step (F k) of Kautsky curves relative to the amplitude of F J-F o (Wk) and a decrease of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (F v/F m). Such inhibition appeared to ameliorate the function of downstream electron acceptors, protecting PSI from over-reduction. In turn, the stable PSI activity increased the efficiency of cyclic electron transport (CET) around PSI, dissipating excess energy and supplying ATP for CO2 assimilation. When the algal thalli were grown under increased CO2 and OA conditions, the CET activity became further enhanced, which maintained the OEC stability and thus markedly alleviating the UVR-induced photoinhibition. In conclusion, the well-established coordination between PSII and PSI endows P. yezoensis with a highly efficient photochemical performance in response to UVR, especially under the scenario of future increased CO2 levels and OA.
Project description:This paper presents hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) measured data at three stations (Lahore, Multan, Bahawalpur) in Punjab, Pakistan. The estimated GHI data from three reanalysis datasets have also been presented. Clearness index (KT ), Solar zenith angle (θsza) and Periodicity factor (Pf) were calculated and used to develop bias correction models. The estimated corrected GHI data using best model M20 for years 2015 and 2016 is also presented.
Project description:Solar ultraviolet (UV) irradiance is a key driver of climatic and biotic change. Ultraviolet irradiance modulates stratospheric warming and ozone production, and influences the biosphere from ecosystem-level processes through to the largest scale patterns of diversification and extinction. Yet our understanding of ultraviolet irradiance is limited because no method has been validated to reconstruct its flux over timescales relevant to climatic or biotic processes. Here, we show that a recently developed proxy for ultraviolet irradiance based on spore and pollen chemistry can be used over long (105 years) timescales. Firstly we demonstrate that spatial variations in spore and pollen chemistry correlate with known latitudinal solar irradiance gradients. Using this relationship we provide a reconstruction of past changes in solar irradiance based on the pollen record from Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana. As anticipated, variations in the chemistry of grass pollen from the Lake Bosumtwi record show a link to multiple orbital precessional cycles (19-21 thousand years). By providing a unique, local proxy for broad spectrum solar irradiance, the chemical analysis of spores and pollen offers unprecedented opportunities to decouple solar variability, climate and vegetation change through geologic time and a new proxy with which to probe the Earth system.
Project description:Recent reconstructions of total solar irradiance (TSI) postulate that quiet-Sun variations could give significant changes to the solar power input to Earth's climate (radiative climate forcings of 0.7-1.1 W m-2 over 1700-2019) arising from changes in quiet-Sun magnetic fields that have not, as yet, been observed. Reconstructions without such changes yield solar forcings that are smaller by a factor of more than 10. We study the quiet-Sun TSI since 1995 for three reasons: (i) this interval shows rapid decay in average solar activity following the grand solar maximum in 1985 (such that activity in 2019 was broadly equivalent to that in 1900); (ii) there is improved consensus between TSI observations; and (iii) it contains the first modelling of TSI that is independent of the observations. Our analysis shows that the most likely upward drift in quiet-Sun radiative forcing since 1700 is between +0.07 and -0.13 W m-2. Hence, we cannot yet discriminate between the quiet-Sun TSI being enhanced or reduced during the Maunder and Dalton sunspot minima, although there is a growing consensus from the combinations of models and observations that it was slightly enhanced. We present reconstructions that add quiet-Sun TSI and its uncertainty to models that reconstruct the effects of sunspots and faculae.
Project description:The energy available in a microgrid that is powered by solar energy is tightly related to the weather conditions at the moment of generation. A very short-term forecast of solar irradiance provides the microgrid with the capability of automatically controlling the dispatch of energy. We propose a dataset to forecast Global Solar Irradiance (GSI) using a data acquisition system (DAQ) that simultaneously records sky imaging and GSI measurements, with the objective of extracting features from clouds and use them to forecast the power produced by a Photovoltaic (PV) system. The DAQ system is nicknamed the Girasol Machine (Girasol means Sunflower in Spanish). The sky imaging system consists of a longwave infrared (IR) camera and a visible (VI) light camera with a fisheye lens attached to it. The cameras are installed inside a weatherproof enclosure that it is mounted on a solar tracker. The tracker updates its pan and tilt every second using a solar position algorithm to maintain the Sun in the center of the IR and VI images. A pyranometer is situated on a horizontal mount next to the DAQ system to measure GSI. The dataset, composed of IR images, VI images, GSI measurements, and the Sun's positions, has been tagged with timestamps.
Project description:Attributable to the Montreal Protocol, the most successful environmental treaty ever, human-made ozone-depleting substances are declining and the stratospheric Antarctic ozone layer is recovering. However, the Antarctic ozone hole continues to occur every year, with the severity of ozone loss strongly modulated by meteorological conditions. In late November and early December 2020, we measured at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula the highest ultraviolet (UV) irradiances recorded in the Antarctic continent in more than two decades. On Dec. 2nd, the noon-time UV index on King George Island peaked at 14.3, very close to the largest UV index ever recorded in the continent. On Dec. 3rd, the erythemal daily dose at the same site was among the highest on Earth, only comparable to those recorded at high altitude sites in the Atacama Desert, near the Tropic of Capricorn. Here we show that, despite the Antarctic ozone recovery observed in early spring, the conditions that favor these extreme surface UV events persist in late spring, when the biologically effective UV radiation is more consequential. These conditions include long-lasting ozone holes (attributable to the polar vortex dynamics) that often bring ozone-depleted air over the Antarctic Peninsula in late spring. The fact that these conditions have been occurring at about the same frequency during the last two decades explains the persistence of extreme surface UV events in Antarctica.
Project description:Various space missions have measured the total solar irradiance (TSI) since 1978. Among them the experiments Precision Monitoring of Solar Variability (PREMOS) on the PICARD satellite (2010-2014) and the Variability of Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations (VIRGO) on the mission Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, which started in 1996 and is still operational. Like most TSI experiments, they employ a dual-channel approach with different exposure rates to track and correct the inevitable degradation of their radiometers. Until now, the process of degradation correction has been mostly a manual process based on assumed knowledge of the sensor hardware. Here we present a new data-driven process to assess and correct instrument degradation using a machine-learning and data fusion algorithm, that does not require deep knowledge of the sensor hardware. We apply the algorithm to the TSI records of PREMOS and VIRGO and compare the results to the previously published results. The data fusion part of the algorithm can also be used to combine data from different instruments and missions into a composite time series. Based on the fusion of the degradation-corrected VIRGO/PMO6 and VIRGO/DIARAD time series, we find no significant change (i.e [Formula: see text] W/m[Formula: see text]) between the TSI levels during the two most recent solar minima in 2008/09 and 2019/20. The new algorithm can be applied to any TSI experiment that employs a multi-channel philosophy for degradation tracking. It does not require deep technical knowledge of the individual radiometers.
Project description:UV radiation (UV) alters secondary metabolism in the skin of Vitis vinifera L. berries, which may affect on the final composition of both, grapes and wines. We compared berry skin transcriptome and phenolic composition between Tempranillo berries grown in the presence or absence of solar UV in a mid-altitude Tempranillo vineyard. By analysing two different ripening degrees, expression of 121 genes was significantly altered. Functional enrichment identified that, principally, secondary metabolism-related transcripts were induced by UV, including VvFLS1, VvGT5 and VvGT6 flavonol biosynthetic genes induction. Concurrently, flavonol accumulation was the most evident impact of UV on the berry skin phenolic composition. Monoterpenoid biosynthetic transcripts were also up-regulated by UV, whereas induction of stilbenoid biosynthetic transcripts and stilbenes accumulation was probably induced by the joint action of UV and other condition under the UV-blocking filter, likely higher temperature. Among regulatory genes, VvMYBF1, VvMYB24 and three bHLH transcription factors were up-regulated by UV. Homologs to Arabidopsis UVR8-dependent UV-B-induced genes were also induced, including VvHY5-1, VvHY5-2 and VvRUP UV-B signalling genes. This suggests that the UV-B-specific signalling pathway is activated in the skin of grapes grown at low-medium altitudes. The biosynthesis and accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds that are appreciated for winemaking were almost specifically triggered, which indicates that viticultural practices increasing solar UV incidence may improve grape features important to wine production.