De Novo Transcriptome Meta-Assembly of the Mixotrophic Freshwater Microalga Euglena gracilis.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Euglena gracilis is a well-known photosynthetic microeukaryote considered as the product of a secondary endosymbiosis between a green alga and a phagotrophic unicellular belonging to the same eukaryotic phylum as the parasitic trypanosomatids. As its nuclear genome has proven difficult to sequence, reliable transcriptomes are important for functional studies. In this work, we assembled a new consensus transcriptome by combining sequencing reads from five independent studies. Based on a detailed comparison with two previously released transcriptomes, our consensus transcriptome appears to be the most complete so far. Remapping the reads on it allowed us to compare the expression of the transcripts across multiple culture conditions at once and to infer a functionally annotated network of co-expressed genes. Although the emergence of meaningful gene clusters indicates that some biological signal lies in gene expression levels, our analyses confirm that gene regulation in euglenozoans is not primarily controlled at the transcriptional level. Regarding the origin of E. gracilis, we observe a heavily mixed gene ancestry, as previously reported, and rule out sequence contamination as a possible explanation for these observations. Instead, they indicate that this complex alga has evolved through a convoluted process involving much more than two partners.
Project description:BackgroundThe phytoflagellated protozoan, Euglena gracilis, has been proposed as an attractive feedstock for the accumulation of valuable compounds such as β-1,3-glucan, also known as paramylon, and wax esters. The production of wax esters proceeds under anaerobic conditions, designated as wax ester fermentation. In spite of the importance and usefulness of Euglena, the genome and transcriptome data are currently unavailable, though another research group has recently published E.gracilis transcriptome study during our submission. We herein performed an RNA-Seq analysis to provide a comprehensive sequence resource and some insights into the regulation of genes including wax ester metabolism by comparative transcriptome analysis of E.gracilis under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.ResultsThe E.gracilis transcriptome analysis was performed using the Illumina platform and yielded 90.3 million reads after the filtering steps. A total of 49,826 components were assembled and identified as a reference sequence of E.gracilis, of which 26,479 sequences were considered to be potentially expressed (having FPKM value of greater than 1). Approximately half of all components were estimated to be regulated in a trans-splicing manner, with the addition of protruding spliced leader sequences. Nearly 40 % of 26,479 sequences were annotated by similarity to Swiss-Prot database using the BLASTX program. A total of 2080 transcripts were identified as differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in response to anaerobic treatment for 24 h. A comprehensive pathway enrichment analysis using the KEGG pathway revealed that the majority of DEGs were involved in photosynthesis, nucleotide metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid metabolism. We successfully identified a candidate gene set of paramylon and wax esters, including novel β-1,3-glucan and wax ester synthases. A comparative expression analysis of aerobic- and anaerobic-treated E.gracilis cells indicated that gene expression changes in these components were not extensive or dynamic during the anaerobic treatment.ConclusionThe RNA-Seq analysis provided comprehensive transcriptome information on E.gracilis for the first time, and this information will advance our understanding of this unique organism. The comprehensive analysis indicated that paramylon and wax ester metabolic pathways are regulated at post-transcriptional rather than the transcriptional level in response to anaerobic conditions.
Project description:Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis) has been proposed as one of the most attractive microalgae species for biodiesel and biomass production, which exhibits a number of shapes, such as spherical, spindle-shaped, and elongated. Shape is an important biomarker for E. gracilis, serving as an indicator of biological clock status, photosynthetic and respiratory capacity, cell-cycle phase, and environmental condition. The ability to prepare E. gracilis of uniform shape at high purities has significant implications for various applications in biological research and industrial processes. Here, we adopt a label-free, high-throughput, and continuous technique utilizing inertial microfluidics to separate E. gracilis by a key shape parameter-cell aspect ratio (AR). The microfluidic device consists of a straight rectangular microchannel, a gradually expanding region, and five outlets with fluidic resistors, allowing for inertial focusing and ordering, enhancement of the differences in cell lateral positions, and accurate separation, respectively. By making use of the shape-activated differences in lateral inertial focusing dynamic equilibrium positions, E. gracilis with different ARs ranging from 1 to 7 are directed to different outlets.
Project description:BackgroundMicroalgae can contribute to more than 40% of global primary biomass production and are suitable candidates for various biotechnology applications such as food, feed products, drugs, fuels, and wastewater treatment. However, the primary limitation for large-scale algae production is the fact that algae requires large amounts of fresh water for cultivation. To address this issue, scientists around the world are working on ways to reuse the water to grow microalgae so that it can be grown in successive cycles without the need for fresh water.ResultsIn this study, we present the results when we cultivate microalgae with cultivation water that is purified and reused. Specifically, we purify the cultivation water using an ultrafiltration membrane (UFM) treatment and investigate how this treatment affects: the biomass and biochemical components of the microalgae; characteristics of microalgae growth inhibitors; the mechanism whereby potential growth inhibitors are secreted (followed using metabolomics analysis); the effect of activated carbon (AC) treatment and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on the removal of growth inhibitors of Euglena gracilis. Firstly, the results show that E. gracilis can be only cultivated through two growth cycles with water that has been filtered and reused, and the growth of E. gracilis is significantly inhibited when the water is used a third time. Secondly, as the number of reused water cycles increases, the Cl- concentration gradually increases in the cultivation water. When the Cl- concentration accumulates to a level of fivefold higher than that of the control, growth of E. gracilis is inhibited as the osmolality tolerance range is exceeded. Interestingly, the osmolality of the reused water can be reduced by replacing NH4Cl with urea as the source of nitrogen in the cultivation water. Thirdly, E. gracilis secretes humic acid (HA)-which is produced by the metabolic pathways for valine, leucine, and isoleucine biosynthesis and by linoleic acid metabolism-into the cultivation water. Because HA contains large fluorescent functional groups, specifically extended π(pi)-systems containing C=C and C=O groups and aromatic rings, we were able to observe a positive correlation between HA concentration and the rate of inhibition of E. gracilis growth using fluorescence spectroscopy. Moreover, photosynthetic efficiency is adversely interfered by HA, thereby reductions in the synthetic efficiency of paramylon and lipid in E. gracilis. In this way, we are able to confirm that HA is the main growth inhibitor of E. gracilis. Finally, we verify that all the HA is removed or converted into nutrients efficiently by AC or UV/H2O2/O3 treatments, respectively. As a result of these treatments, growth of E. gracilis is restored (AC treatment) and the amount of biomass is promoted (UV/H2O2/O3 treatment).ConclusionsThese studies have important practical and theoretical significance for the cyclic cultivation of E. gracilis and for saving water resources. Our work may also provide a useful reference for other microalgae cultivation.
Project description:Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis) is an attractive organism due to its evolutionary history and substantial potential to produce biochemicals of commercial importance. This study describes the establishment of an optimized protocol for the genetic transformation of E. gracilis mediated by Agrobacterium (A. tumefaciens). E. gracilis was found to be highly sensitive to hygromycin and zeocin, thus offering a set of resistance marker genes for the selection of transformants. A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT) yielded hygromycin-resistant cells. However, hygromycin-resistant cells hosting the gus gene (encoding β-glucuronidase (GUS)) were found to be GUS-negative, indicating that the gus gene had explicitly been silenced. To circumvent transgene silencing, GUS was expressed from the nuclear genome as transcriptional fusions with the hygromycin resistance gene (hptII) (encoding hygromycin phosphotransferase II) with the foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV)-derived 2A self-cleaving sequence placed between the coding sequences. ATMT of Euglena with the hptII-2A-gus gene yielded hygromycin-resistant, GUS-positive cells. The transformation was verified by PCR amplification of the T-DNA region genes, determination of GUS activity, and indirect immunofluorescence assays. Cocultivation factors optimization revealed that a higher number of transformants was obtained when A. tumefaciens LBA4404 (A600 = 1.0) and E. gracilis (A750 = 2.0) cultures were cocultured for 48 h at 19 °C in an organic medium (pH 6.5) containing 50 µM acetosyringone. Transformation efficiency of 8.26 ± 4.9% was achieved under the optimized cocultivation parameters. The molecular toolkits and method presented here can be used to bioengineer E. gracilis for producing high-value products and fundamental studies.
Project description:Euglena, a flagellated unicellular protist, has recently received widespread attention for various high-value metabolites, especially paramylon, which was only found in Euglenophyta. The limited species and low biomass of Euglena has impeded paramylon exploitation and utilization. This study established an optimal cultivation method of Euglena pisciformis AEW501 for paramylon production under mixotrophic cultivation. The results showed that the optimum mixotrophic conditions were 20 °C, pH 7.0, and 63 μmol photons m-2∙s-1, and the concentrations of sodium acetate and diammonium hydrogen phosphate were 0.98 g L-1 and 0.79 g L-1, respectively. The maximal biomass and paramylon content were 0.72 g L-1 and 71.39% of dry weight. The algal powder contained more than 16 amino acids, 6 vitamins, and 10 unsaturated fatty acids under the optimal cultivation. E. pisciformis paramylon was pure β-1,3-glucan-type polysaccharide (the purity was up to 99.13 ± 0.61%) composed of linear glucose chains linked together by β-1,3-glycosidic bonds. These findings present a valuable basis for the industrial exploitation of paramylon with E. pisciformis AEW501.
Project description:BACKGROUND:Photosynthetic euglenids are major contributors to fresh water ecosystems. Euglena gracilis in particular has noted metabolic flexibility, reflected by an ability to thrive in a range of harsh environments. E. gracilis has been a popular model organism and of considerable biotechnological interest, but the absence of a gene catalogue has hampered both basic research and translational efforts. RESULTS:We report a detailed transcriptome and partial genome for E. gracilis Z1. The nuclear genome is estimated to be around 500 Mb in size, and the transcriptome encodes over 36,000 proteins and the genome possesses less than 1% coding sequence. Annotation of coding sequences indicates a highly sophisticated endomembrane system, RNA processing mechanisms and nuclear genome contributions from several photosynthetic lineages. Multiple gene families, including likely signal transduction components, have been massively expanded. Alterations in protein abundance are controlled post-transcriptionally between light and dark conditions, surprisingly similar to trypanosomatids. CONCLUSIONS:Our data provide evidence that a range of photosynthetic eukaryotes contributed to the Euglena nuclear genome, evidence in support of the 'shopping bag' hypothesis for plastid acquisition. We also suggest that euglenids possess unique regulatory mechanisms for achieving extreme adaptability, through mechanisms of paralog expansion and gene acquisition.
Project description:Diatoms are a group of eukaryotic microalgae populating almost all aquatic and wet environments. Their abundance and species diversity make these organisms significant contributors to biogeochemical cycles and important components of aquatic ecosystems. Although significant progress has been made in studies of Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) over the last two decades, since the spread of "omics" technologies, our current knowledge of the molecular processes and gene regulatory networks that facilitate environmental adaptation remain incomplete. Here, we present a transcriptome analysis of Fragilaria radians isolated from Lake Baikal. The resulting assembly contains 27,446 transcripts encoding 21,996 putative proteins. The transcriptome assembly and annotation were coupled with quantitative experiments to search for differentially expressed transcripts between (i) exponential growth phase and dark-acclimated cell cultures, and (ii) those changing expression level during the early response to light treatment in dark-acclimated cells. The availability of F. radians genome and transcriptome data provides the basis for future targeted studies of this species. Furthermore, our results extend taxonomic and environmental sampling of Bacillariophyta, opening new opportunities for comparative omics-driven surveys.
Project description:Euglena gracilis, a green microalga known as a potential candidate for jet fuel producers and new functional food resources, is highly tolerant to antibiotics, heavy metals, and other environmental stresses. Its cells contain many high-value products, including vitamins, amino acids, pigments, unsaturated fatty acids, and carbohydrate paramylon as metabolites, which change contents in response to various extracellular environments. However, mechanism insights into the cellular metabolic response of Euglena to different toxic chemicals and adverse environmental stresses were very limited. We extensively investigated the changes of cell biomass, pigments, lipids, and paramylon of E. gracilis under several environmental stresses, such as heavy metal CdCl2, antibiotics paromomycin, and nutrient deprivation. In addition, global metabolomics by Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) was applied to study other metabolites and potential regulatory mechanisms behind the differential accumulation of major high-valued metabolites. This study collects a comprehensive update on the biology of E. gracilis for various metabolic responses to stress conditions, and it will be of great value for Euglena cultivation and high-value [154mm][10mm]Q7metabolite production.
Project description:The shrimp Palaemon serratus is a coastal decapod crustacean with a high commercial value. It is harvested for human consumption. In this study, we used Illumina sequencing technology (HiSeq 2000) to sequence, assemble and annotate the transcriptome of P. serratus. RNA was isolated from muscle of adults individuals and, from a pool of larvae. A total number of 4 cDNA libraries were constructed, using the TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation Kit v2. The raw data in this study was deposited in NCBI SRA database with study accession number of SRP090769. The obtained data were subjected to de novo transcriptome assembly using Trinity software, and coding regions were predicted by TransDecoder. We used Blastp and Sma3s to annotate the identified proteins. The transcriptome data could provide some insight into the understanding of genes involved in the larval development and metamorphosis. SPECIFICATIONS:[Table: see text].