Decoding Clinical Biomarker Space of COVID-19: Exploring Matrix Factorization-based Feature Selection Methods.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: One of the most critical challenges in managing complex diseases like COVID-19 is to establish an intelligent triage system that can optimize the clinical decision-making at the time of a global pandemic. The clinical presentation and patients’ characteristics are usually utilized to identify those patients who need more critical care. However, the clinical evidence shows an unmet need to determine more accurate and optimal clinical biomarkers to triage patients under a condition like the COVID-19 crisis. Here we have presented a machine learning approach to find a group of clinical indicators from the blood tests of a set of COVID-19 patients that are predictive of poor prognosis and morbidity. Our approach consists of two interconnected schemes: Feature Selection and Prognosis Classification. The former is based on different Matrix Factorization (MF)-based methods, and the latter is performed using Random Forest algorithm. Our model reveals that Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) O 2 Saturation and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) are the most important clinical biomarkers determining the poor prognosis in these patients. Our approach paves the path of building quantitative and optimized clinical management systems for COVID-19 and similar diseases.
Project description:One of the most critical challenges in managing complex diseases like COVID-19 is to establish an intelligent triage system that can optimize the clinical decision-making at the time of a global pandemic. The clinical presentation and patients' characteristics are usually utilized to identify those patients who need more critical care. However, the clinical evidence shows an unmet need to determine more accurate and optimal clinical biomarkers to triage patients under a condition like the COVID-19 crisis. Here we have presented a machine learning approach to find a group of clinical indicators from the blood tests of a set of COVID-19 patients that are predictive of poor prognosis and morbidity. Our approach consists of two interconnected schemes: Feature Selection and Prognosis Classification. The former is based on different Matrix Factorization (MF)-based methods, and the latter is performed using Random Forest algorithm. Our model reveals that Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) O2 Saturation and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) are the most important clinical biomarkers determining the poor prognosis in these patients. Our approach paves the path of building quantitative and optimized clinical management systems for COVID-19 and similar diseases.
Project description:Untargeted metabolomics is a powerful phenotyping tool for better understanding biological mechanisms involved in human pathology development and identifying early predictive biomarkers. This approach, based on multiple analytical platforms, such as mass spectrometry (MS), chemometrics and bioinformatics, generates massive and complex data that need appropriate analyses to extract the biologically meaningful information. Despite various tools available, it is still a challenge to handle such large and noisy datasets with limited number of individuals without risking overfitting. Moreover, when the objective is focused on the identification of early predictive markers of clinical outcome, few years before occurrence, it becomes essential to use the appropriate algorithms and workflow to be able to discover subtle effects among this large amount of data. In this context, this work consists in studying a workflow describing the general feature selection process, using knowledge discovery and data mining methodologies to propose advanced solutions for predictive biomarker discovery. The strategy was focused on evaluating a combination of numeric-symbolic approaches for feature selection with the objective of obtaining the best combination of metabolites producing an effective and accurate predictive model. Relying first on numerical approaches, and especially on machine learning methods (SVM-RFE, RF, RF-RFE) and on univariate statistical analyses (ANOVA), a comparative study was performed on an original metabolomic dataset and reduced subsets. As resampling method, LOOCV was applied to minimize the risk of overfitting. The best k-features obtained with different scores of importance from the combination of these different approaches were compared and allowed determining the variable stabilities using Formal Concept Analysis. The results revealed the interest of RF-Gini combined with ANOVA for feature selection as these two complementary methods allowed selecting the 48 best candidates for prediction. Using linear logistic regression on this reduced dataset enabled us to obtain the best performances in terms of prediction accuracy and number of false positive with a model including 5 top variables. Therefore, these results highlighted the interest of feature selection methods and the importance of working on reduced datasets for the identification of predictive biomarkers issued from untargeted metabolomics data.
Project description:Untargeted mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics provides a powerful platform for protein biomarker discovery, but clinical translation depends on the selection of a small number of proteins for downstream verification and validation. Due to the small sample size of typical discovery studies, protein markers identified from discovery data may not be generalizable to independent datasets. In addition, a good protein marker identified using a discovery platform may be difficult to implement in verification and validation platforms. Moreover, although multiomics characterization is being increasingly used in discovery cohort studies, there is no existing method for multiomics-facilitated protein biomarker selection. Here, we present ProMS, a computational algorithm for protein marker selection. The algorithm is based on the hypothesis that a phenotype is characterized by a few underlying biological functions, each manifested by a group of coexpressed proteins. A weighted k-medoids clustering algorithm is applied to all univariately informative proteins to identify both coexpressed protein clusters and a representative protein for each cluster as markers. In two clinically important classification problems, ProMS shows superior performance compared with existing feature selection methods. ProMS can be extended to the multiomics setting (ProMS_mo) through a constrained weighted k-medoids clustering algorithm, and the protein panels selected by ProMS_mo show improved performance on independent test data compared with ProMS. In addition to superior performance, ProMS and ProMS_mo also have two unique strengths. First, the feature clusters enable functional interpretation of the selected protein markers. Second, the feature clusters provide an opportunity to select replacement protein markers, facilitating a robust transition to the verification and validation platforms. In summary, this study provides a unified and effective computational framework for selecting protein biomarkers using proteomics or multiomics data. The software implementation is publicly available at
Project description:BACKGROUND:As one of the most popular data representation methods, non-negative matrix decomposition (NMF) has been widely concerned in the tasks of clustering and feature selection. However, most of the previously proposed NMF-based methods do not adequately explore the hidden geometrical structure in the data. At the same time, noise and outliers are inevitably present in the data. RESULTS:To alleviate these problems, we present a novel NMF framework named robust hypergraph regularized non-negative matrix factorization (RHNMF). In particular, the hypergraph Laplacian regularization is imposed to capture the geometric information of original data. Unlike graph Laplacian regularization which captures the relationship between pairwise sample points, it captures the high-order relationship among more sample points. Moreover, the robustness of the RHNMF is enhanced by using the L2,1-norm constraint when estimating the residual. This is because the L2,1-norm is insensitive to noise and outliers. CONCLUSIONS:Clustering and common abnormal expression gene (com-abnormal expression gene) selection are conducted to test the validity of the RHNMF model. Extensive experimental results on multi-view datasets reveal that our proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.
Project description:In this paper, we compare the performance of six different feature selection methods for LC-MS-based proteomics and metabolomics biomarker discovery-t test, the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test (mww test), nearest shrunken centroid (NSC), linear support vector machine-recursive features elimination (SVM-RFE), principal component discriminant analysis (PCDA), and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA)-using human urine and porcine cerebrospinal fluid samples that were spiked with a range of peptides at different concentration levels. The ideal feature selection method should select the complete list of discriminating features that are related to the spiked peptides without selecting unrelated features. Whereas many studies have to rely on classification error to judge the reliability of the selected biomarker candidates, we assessed the accuracy of selection directly from the list of spiked peptides. The feature selection methods were applied to data sets with different sample sizes and extents of sample class separation determined by the concentration level of spiked compounds. For each feature selection method and data set, the performance for selecting a set of features related to spiked compounds was assessed using the harmonic mean of the recall and the precision (f-score) and the geometric mean of the recall and the true negative rate (g-score). We conclude that the univariate t test and the mww test with multiple testing corrections are not applicable to data sets with small sample sizes (n = 6), but their performance improves markedly with increasing sample size up to a point (n > 12) at which they outperform the other methods. PCDA and PLSDA select small feature sets with high precision but miss many true positive features related to the spiked peptides. NSC strikes a reasonable compromise between recall and precision for all data sets independent of spiking level and number of samples. Linear SVM-RFE performs poorly for selecting features related to the spiked compounds, even though the classification error is relatively low.
Project description:MOTIVATION:Matrix factorization (MF) methods are widely used in order to reduce dimensionality of transcriptomic datasets to the action of few hidden factors (metagenes). MF algorithms have never been compared based on the between-datasets reproducibility of their outputs in similar independent datasets. Lack of this knowledge might have a crucial impact when generalizing the predictions made in a study to others. RESULTS:We systematically test widely used MF methods on several transcriptomic datasets collected from the same cancer type (14 colorectal, 8 breast and 4 ovarian cancer transcriptomic datasets). Inspired by concepts of evolutionary bioinformatics, we design a novel framework based on Reciprocally Best Hit (RBH) graphs in order to benchmark the MF methods for their ability to produce generalizable components. We show that a particular protocol of application of independent component analysis (ICA), accompanied by a stabilization procedure, leads to a significant increase in the between-datasets reproducibility. Moreover, we show that the signals detected through this method are systematically more interpretable than those of other standard methods. We developed a user-friendly tool for performing the Stabilized ICA-based RBH meta-analysis. We apply this methodology to the study of colorectal cancer (CRC) for which 14 independent transcriptomic datasets can be collected. The resulting RBH graph maps the landscape of interconnected factors associated to biological processes or to technological artifacts. These factors can be used as clinical biomarkers or robust and tumor-type specific transcriptomic signatures of tumoral cells or tumoral microenvironment. Their intensities in different samples shed light on the mechanistic basis of CRC molecular subtyping. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION:The RBH construction tool is available from SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Project description:Encoding models provide a powerful framework to identify the information represented in brain recordings. In this framework, a stimulus representation is expressed within a feature space and is used in a regularized linear regression to predict brain activity. To account for a potential complementarity of different feature spaces, a joint model is fit on multiple feature spaces simultaneously. To adapt regularization strength to each feature space, ridge regression is extended to banded ridge regression, which optimizes a different regularization hyperparameter per feature space. The present paper proposes a method to decompose over feature spaces the variance explained by a banded ridge regression model. It also describes how banded ridge regression performs a feature-space selection, effectively ignoring non-predictive and redundant feature spaces. This feature-space selection leads to better prediction accuracy and to better interpretability. Banded ridge regression is then mathematically linked to a number of other regression methods with similar feature-space selection mechanisms. Finally, several methods are proposed to address the computational challenge of fitting banded ridge regressions on large numbers of voxels and feature spaces. All implementations are released in an open-source Python package called Himalaya.
Project description:Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex genetic disorder that affects the brain and has been the focus of many bioinformatics research studies. The primary objective of these studies is to identify and classify genes involved in the progression of AD and to explore the function of these risk genes in the disease process. The aim of this research is to identify the most effective model for detecting biomarker genes associated with AD using several feature selection methods. We compared the efficiency of feature selection methods with an SVM classifier, including mRMR, CFS, the Chi-Square Test, F-score, and GA. We calculated the accuracy of the SVM classifier using validation methods such as 10-fold cross-validation. We applied these feature selection methods with SVM to a benchmark AD gene expression dataset consisting of 696 samples and 200 genes. The results indicate that the mRMR and F-score feature selection methods with SVM classifier achieved a high accuracy of around 84%, with a number of genes between 20 and 40. Furthermore, the mRMR and F-score feature selection methods with SVM classifier outperformed the GA, Chi-Square Test, and CFS methods. Overall, these findings suggest that the mRMR and F-score feature selection methods with SVM classifier are effective in identifying biomarker genes related to AD and could potentially lead to more accurate diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Project description:MotivationNon-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a common tool for obtaining low-rank approximations of non-negative data matrices and has been widely used in machine learning, e.g. for supporting feature extraction in high-dimensional classification tasks. In its classical form, NMF is an unsupervised method, i.e. the class labels of the training data are not used when computing the NMF. However, incorporating the classification labels into the NMF algorithms allows to specifically guide them toward the extraction of data patterns relevant for discriminating the respective classes. This approach is particularly suited for the analysis of mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) data in clinical applications, such as tumor typing and classification, which are among the most challenging tasks in pathology. Thus, we investigate algorithms for extracting tumor-specific spectral patterns from MSI data by NMF methods.ResultsIn this article, we incorporate a priori class labels into the NMF cost functional by adding appropriate supervised penalty terms. Numerical experiments on a MALDI imaging dataset confirm that the novel supervised NMF methods lead to significantly better classification accuracy and stability as compared with other standard approaches.Availability and implementaton informationSupplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Project description:BackgroundHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancers. The discovery of specific genes severing as biomarkers is of paramount significance for cancer diagnosis and prognosis. The high-throughput omics data generated by the cancer genome atlas (TCGA) consortium provides a valuable resource for the discovery of HCC biomarker genes. Numerous methods have been proposed to select cancer biomarkers. However, these methods have not investigated the robustness of identification with different feature selection techniques.MethodsWe use six different recursive feature elimination methods to select the gene signiatures of HCC from TCGA liver cancer data. The genes shared in the six selected subsets are proposed as robust biomarkers. Akaike information criterion (AIC) is employed to explain the optimization process of feature selection, which provides a statistical interpretation for the feature selection in machine learning methods. And we use several methods to validate the screened biomarkers.ResultsIn this paper, we propose a robust method for discovering biomarker genes for HCC from gene expression data. Specifically, we implement recursive feature elimination cross-validation (RFE-CV) methods based on six different classication algorithms. The overlaps in the discovered gene sets via different methods are referred as the identified biomarkers. We give an interpretation of the feature selection process based on machine learning using AIC in statistics. Furthermore, the features selected by the backward logistic stepwise regression via AIC minimum theory are completely contained in the identified biomarkers. Through the classification results, the superiority of interpretable robust biomarker discovery method is verified.ConclusionsIt is found that overlaps among gene subsets contain different quantitative features selected by the RFE-CV of 6 classifiers. The AIC values in the model selection provide a theoretical foundation for the feature selection process of biomarker discovery via machine learning. What's more, genes containing in more optimally selected subsets make better biological sense and implication. The quality of feature selection is improved by the intersections of biomarkers selected from different classifiers. This is a general method suitable for screening biomarkers of complex diseases from high-throughput data.