Project description:Electromagnetic responses in superconductors provide valuable information on the pairing symmetry as well as physical quantities such as the superfluid density. However, at the superconducting gap energy scale, optical excitations of the Bogoliugov quasiparticles are forbidden in conventional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductors when momentum is conserved. Accordingly, far-infrared optical responses have been understood in the framework of a dirty-limit theory by Mattis and Bardeen for over 60 years. Here we show, by investigating the selection rules imposed by particle-hole symmetry and unitary symmetries, that intrinsic momentum-conserving optical excitations can occur in clean multi-band superconductors when one of the following three conditions is satisfied: (i) inversion symmetry breaking, (ii) symmetry protection of the Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces, or (iii) simply finite spin-orbit coupling with unbroken time reversal and inversion symmetries. This result indicates that clean-limit optical responses are common beyond the straightforward case of broken inversion symmetry. We apply our theory to optical responses in FeSe, a clean multi-band superconductor with inversion symmetry and significant spin-orbit coupling. This result paves the way for studying clean-limit superconductors through optical measurements.
Project description:We develop a unified view of topological phase transitions (TPTs) in solids by revising the classical band theory with the inclusion of topology. Reevaluating the band evolution from an "atomic crystal" (a normal insulator (NI)) to a solid crystal, such as a semiconductor, we demonstrate that there exists ubiquitously an intermediate phase of topological insulator (TI), whose critical transition point displays a linear scaling between electron hopping potential and average bond length, underlined by deformation-potential theory. The validity of the scaling relation is verified in various two-dimensional (2D) lattices regardless of lattice symmetry, periodicity, and form of electron hoppings, based on a generic tight-binding model. Significantly, this linear scaling is shown to set an upper bound for the degree of structural disorder to destroy the topological order in a crystalline solid, as exemplified by formation of vacancies and thermal disorder. Our work formulates a simple framework for understanding the physical nature of TPTs with significant implications in practical applications of topological materials.
Project description:Hyperbolic neural networks have been popular in the recent past due to their ability to represent hierarchical data sets effectively and efficiently. The challenge in developing these networks lies in the nonlinearity of the embedding space namely, the Hyperbolic space. Hyperbolic space is a homogeneous Riemannian manifold of the Lorentz group which is a semi-Riemannian manifold, i.e. a manifold equipped with an indefinite metric. Most existing methods (with some exceptions) use local linearization to define a variety of operations paralleling those used in traditional deep neural networks in Euclidean spaces. In this paper, we present a novel fully hyperbolic neural network which uses the concept of projections (embeddings) followed by an intrinsic aggregation and a nonlinearity all within the hyperbolic space. The novelty here lies in the projection which is designed to project data on to a lower-dimensional embedded hyperbolic space and hence leads to a nested hyperbolic space representation independently useful for dimensionality reduction. The main theoretical contribution is that the proposed embedding is proved to be isometric and equivariant under the Lorentz transformations, which are the natural isometric transformations in hyperbolic spaces. This projection is computationally efficient since it can be expressed by simple linear operations, and, due to the aforementioned equivariance property, it allows for weight sharing. The nested hyperbolic space representation is the core component of our network and therefore, we first compare this representation - independent of the network - with other dimensionality reduction methods such as tangent PCA, principal geodesic analysis (PGA) and HoroPCA. Based on this equivariant embedding, we develop a novel fully hyperbolic graph convolutional neural network architecture to learn the parameters of the projection. Finally, we present experiments demonstrating comparative performance of our network on several publicly available data sets.
Project description:When engineered on scales much smaller than the operating wavelength, metal-semiconductor nanostructures exhibit properties unobtainable in nature. Namely, a uniaxial optical metamaterial described by a hyperbolic dispersion relation can simultaneously behave as a reflective metal and an absorptive or emissive semiconductor for electromagnetic waves with orthogonal linear polarization states. Using an unconventional multilayer architecture, we demonstrate luminescent hyperbolic metasurfaces, wherein distributed semiconducting quantum wells display extreme absorption and emission polarization anisotropy. Through normally incident micro-photoluminescence measurements, we observe absorption anisotropies greater than a factor of 10 and degree-of-linear polarization of emission >0.9. We observe the modification of emission spectra and, by incorporating wavelength-scale gratings, show a controlled reduction of polarization anisotropy. We verify hyperbolic dispersion with numerical simulations that model the metasurface as a composite nanoscale structure and according to the effective medium approximation. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate >350% emission intensity enhancement relative to the bare semiconducting quantum wells.
Project description:Enforcing a straight-line condition of the total energy upon removal/addition of fractional electrons on eigen states has been successfully applied to atoms and molecules for calculating ionization potentials and electron affinities, but fails for solids due to the extended nature of the eigen orbitals. Here we have extended the straight-line condition to the removal/addition of fractional electrons on Wannier functions constructed within the occupied/unoccupied subspaces. It removes the self-interaction energies of those Wannier functions, and yields accurate band gaps for solids compared to experiments. It does not have any adjustable parameters and the computational cost is at the DFT level. This method can also work for molecules, providing eigen energies in good agreement with experimental ionization potentials and electron affinities. Our approach can be viewed as an alternative approach of the standard LDA+U procedure.
Project description:Anisotropic optical crystals can exhibit a hyperbolic response within the Reststrahlen band (RB) and support directional polaritonic propagations when interacting with light. Most of the reported low-symmetry optical crystals showcase the evolution from hyperbolic to elliptic dispersion topologies, largely owing to their adjacent RBs being either overlapped or separated. Here, we report an exceptional Reststrahlen point (ERP) in rare-earth oxyorthosilicate Y2SiO5, at which two neighboring RBs almost kiss each other. Consequently, we observe the direct hyperbolic-to-hyperbolic topological transition: the hyperbolic branches close and reopen along with the rotating transverse axis (TA). At such ERP, the TA merges to the direction orthogonal to its proximate phonon mode, mainly due to the interplay between these two non-orthogonal phonon modes. We also find that even with the existence of only one single RB, the TA can rotate in-plane. Our findings are prevalent in isostructural rare-earth oxyorthosilicates, such as Lu2SiO5. The universally underlying physics of ERP and its corresponding special class of rare-earth oxyorthosilicates may offer playgrounds for continuously tuning phonon polariton propagation direction, and broadband controlling light dispersion of polaritonic nanodevices.
Project description:Band gaps and electron affinities of binary and ternary, wurtzite (wz-) and zincblende (zb-) III-nitrides are investigated using a unified hybrid density functional theory, and band offsets between wz- and zb- alloys are calculated using Anderson's electron affinity model. A conduction (and valence) band offset of 1.85 (0.89) eV has been calculated for zb-GaN/InN heterojunctions, which is 0.25 eV larger (and 0.26 eV smaller) than that of the wz- counterpart. Such polarization-free zb-GaN/InGaN/GaN quantum well structures with large conduction band offsets have the potential to suppress electron leakage current and quantum-confined Stark effects (QCSEs). Contrarily, the conduction (and valence) band offset of zb-AlN/GaN heterojunctions is calculated to be 1.32 (0.43) eV, which is 1.15 eV smaller (and 0.13 eV larger) than that of the wz- case. The significant reduction in zb-AlN/GaN band offsets is ascribed to the smaller and indirect band gap of zb-AlN-the direct-to-indirect crossover point in zb-Al X Ga1-X N is when X ∼ 65%. The small band gap of the zb-AlN barrier and the small conduction band offsets imply that electrons can be injected into zb-AlN/GaN/AlN quantum well heterostructures with small bias and less energy loss when captured by the quantum wells, respectively, i.e., loss as heat is reduced. The band gap of ternary III-nitrides does not linearly depend on alloy compositions, implying a nonlinear dependence of band offsets on compositions. As a result, the large bowing of the conduction band offset is identified and ascribed to the cation-like behavior of the conduction band minimum, while the linear dependence of the valence band offset on compositions is attributed to the anion-like character of the valence band maximum.
Project description:We analyse the fine convergence properties of one parameter families of hyperbolic metrics that move always in a horizontal direction, i.e. orthogonal to the action of diffeomorphisms. Such families arise naturally in the study of general curves of metrics on surfaces, and in one of the gradients flows for the harmonic map energy.
Project description:Patterns of gene expressions play a key role in determining cell state. Although correlations in gene expressions have been well documented, most of the current methods treat them as independent variables. One way to take into account gene correlations is to find a low-dimensional curved geometry that describes variation in the data. Here we develop such a method and find that gene expression across multiple cell types exhibits a low-dimensional hyperbolic structure. When more genes are taken into account, hyperbolic effects become stronger but representation remains low dimensional. The size of the hyperbolic map, which indicates the hierarchical depth of the data, was the largest for human cells, the smallest for mouse embryonic cells, and intermediate in differentiated cells from different mouse organs. We also describe how hyperbolic metric can be incorporated into the t-SNE method to improve visualizations compared with leading methods.
Project description:Models of evolution of simple languages have typically assumed full alignment of the speaker and listeners interests, with perfect understanding representing the optimal outcome for both parties. In more realistic settings, communicating individuals will often desire different outcomes from one another. Previous work has shown that misalignment of speaker-listener interests reduces the maximum informativeness among Nash-equilibrium languages, and that multiple equilibrium languages (with different degrees of informativeness) are supported. We study the stochastic evolutionary dynamics of signaling games in which the alignment of speaker-listener interests can vary. We find that increased misalignment of speaker-listener interests is associated with a decrease in information transmission. Moreover, the most common languages to evolve are typically the most informative languages supportable as static Nash equilibria, suggesting a solution to the 'equilibrium selection problem'. In addition, our dynamics reveal the mechanism by which less informative languages evolve: words that previously signaled intense states come to be used hyperbolically for less intense states, with listeners' interpretation of these newly-ambiguous words evolving downward in response. We ground our results in linguistic data on intensifiers such as so and very, words which have unique dynamics-with constant recycling and innovation that match our theoretical results well.