Project description:Effusive pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of air and fluid within the pleural space: blood, pus, or serous fluid. Thus, effusive pneumothorax can be categorized as hemopneumothorax, pyopneumothorax, or hydropneumothorax, depending on the type of fluid accumulation. Hydropneumothorax is a clinical condition defined by the presence of air and serous fluid within the pleura space. Hydropneumothorax is one of the common respiratory emergencies encountered in the emergency department in India. Etiologies can be classified into infectious and non-infectious causes, among which tuberculosis being the most common one. Point of care ultrasound (POCUS) can help diagnose hydropneumothorax at the bedside rather than shift the patient for an X-ray. Here, we describe a case of hydropneumothorax, which was diagnosed using POCUS by characteristic sonographic signs, namely "Hydro-point" and "barcode-hydro point-sinusoidal sign." Sonographic hydro-point is the transition zone of the air-fluid interface, which is seen in hydropneumothorax. Targhetta et al., in 1992, introduced the term "Hydro-point" in lung ultrasound for diagnosing hydropneumothorax but has been under-reported/unspoken much in the literature. With the use of POCUS, we diagnosed and stabilized the patient in the Emergency Department.
Project description:BackgroundCOVID-19 patients requiring mechanical ventilation may develop significant pneumomediastinum and sub-cutaneous emphysema without associated pneumothorax (SWAP). Prophylactic chest tube placement or sub-fascial "blowholes" are usually recommended to prevent tension pneumothorax and clinical decline. Risk of iatrogenic lung injury and release of virus into the environment is high. Incidence and conservative management data of such barotraumatic complications during the COVID-19 pandemic are lacking.MethodsAll patients with mediastinal air and SWAP evaluated by the department of Thoracic Surgery at the Mount Sinai Hospital between March 30 and April 10, 2020 were identified. All patients without pneumothorax were treated conservatively with daily chest x-ray and observation. Three patients had prophylactic chest tube placement prior to the study period without thoracic surgery consultation.ResultsThere were 29 cases of mediastinal air with SWAP out of 171 COVID positive intubated patients (17.0%) who were treated conservatively. Patients were intubated for an average of 2.4 days before SWAP was identified. 12 patients (41%) had improvement or resolution without intervention. Two patients progressed to pneumothorax 3 and 8 days following initial presentation. Both had chest tubes placed without incident before there were any changes in oxygenation, hemodynamics, supportive medications, or ventilator settings. There were 3 patients who had percutaneous tubes placed before the study period all of whom had significant worsening of their sub-cutaneous air and air leak.ConclusionsConservative management of massive sub-cutaneous emphysema without pneumothorax in COVID-19 patients is safe and limits viral exposure to healthcare workers. Placement of chest tubes is discouraged unless a definite sizable pneumothorax develops.
Project description:BackgroundPatients with COVID-19 receiving mechanical ventilation may become aggravated with a secondary respiratory infection. The aim of this study was to describe secondary respiratory infections, their predictive factors, and outcomes in patients with COVID-19 requiring mechanical ventilation.MethodsA cohort study was carried out in a single tertiary hospital in Santiago, Chile, from 1st June to 31st July 2020. All patients with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit that required mechanical ventilation were included.ResultsA total of 175 patients were enrolled, of which 71 (40.6%) developed at least one secondary respiratory infection during follow-up. Early and late secondary infections were diagnosed in 1.7% and 31.4% respectively. Within late secondary infections, 88% were bacterial, 10% were fungal, and 2% were of viral origin. One-third of isolated bacteria were multidrug-resistant. Bivariate analysis showed that the history of corticosteroids used before admission and the use of dexamethasone during hospitalization were associated with a higher risk of secondary infections (p = 0.041 and p = 0.019 respectively). Multivariate analysis showed that for each additional day of mechanical ventilation, the risk of secondary infection increases 1.1 times (adOR = 1.07; 95% CI 1.02-1.13, p = 0.008) CONCLUSIONS: Patients with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit and requiring mechanical ventilation had a high rate of secondary infections during their hospital stay. The number of days on MV was a risk factor for acquiring secondary respiratory infections.
Project description:BackgroundCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) may result in hypoxic respiratory failure necessitating mechanical ventilation. Barotrauma is a well-documented complication of mechanical ventilation.ObjectiveTo describe the presentation, characteristics, and management of mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19 who developed barotrauma.MethodsRetrospective case series study of 13 adult, mechanically ventilated, laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 positive patients admitted between 3/15/2020 and 4/14/2020 to a community hospital in New York City. Patient demographics, clinical course, ventilatory parameters, and radiographic results were obtained from electronic medical records. Barotrauma was defined as pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, and or pneumothorax on chest X-ray. Descriptive analyses and Mann-Whitney U test were performed, where appropriate.ResultsOf the 574 COVID-19 positive patients, 139 (24.2%) needed mechanical ventilation and 13 (9.4%) of those developed barotrauma. Majority of patients were Black race (92.3%), older than age 65 (56.8%), male (69.2%), and had comorbidities (76.9%). Most common presenting symptoms were cough (84.6%) and dyspnea (76.9%). Barotrauma presentations included 3/13 pneumothoraces and pneumomediastinum, 12/13 pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema, and 1/13 pneumothorax alone. The average days on ventilator was 3.4, average positive expiratory-end pressure 15.5 cmH2O, dynamic compliance 33.8 mL/cmH2O, and P/F ratio 165. Interventions were 4/13 chest tubes and 2/13 pigtail catheters.ConclusionsBarotrauma is a common complication of mechanical ventilation of COVID-19 patients. Despite high ventilatory pressures, tension pneumothorax is rare and barotrauma could potentially be managed conservatively. Further studies are needed to evaluate the indication and outcome of thoracostomies and conservative management.
Project description:BackgroundAn ever-increasing number of studies have reported an increased incidence of spontaneous pulmonary barotrauma such as pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and subcutaneous emphysema in patients with COVID-19. We conducted this systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the value and significance of the available data.MethodsA thorough systematic search was conducted to identify studies of barotrauma in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Data analysis of case reports was done using a statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 22, and meta-analysis was performed using CMA-3.ResultsWe identified a total of 4488 studies after thorough database searching.118 case reports and series, and 15 observational studies were included in the qualitative analysis. Fifteen studies were included in the quantitative analysis. The observational studies reported barotrauma in 4.2% (2.4-7.3%) among hospitalized patients; 15.6% (11-21.8%) among critically ill patients; and 18.4% (13-25.3%) in patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, showing a linear relationship of barotrauma with the severity of the disease. In addition, barotrauma was associated with a longer length of hospital stay, more extended ICU stay, and higher in-hospital mortality. Also, a slightly higher odds of barotrauma was seen in COVID-19 ARDS compared with non-COVID-19 ARDS.ConclusionCOVID-19 pneumonia is associated with a higher incidence of barotrauma. It presents unique challenges for invasive and non-invasive ventilation management. Further studies are required to unravel the underlying pathophysiology and develop safer management strategies.
Project description:BackgroundPneumomediastinum and pneumothorax are complications which may be associated with barotrauma in mechanically ventilated patients. The current literature demonstrates unclear outcomes regarding barotrauma in critically ill patients with severe COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence of barotrauma in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia and its influence on survival.Study design and methodsA retrospective cohort study was performed from March 18, 2020 to May 5, 2020, with follow-up through June 18, 2020, encompassing critically ill intubated patients admitted for COVID-19 pneumonia at an academic tertiary care hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Critically ill patients with pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, or both (n = 75) were compared to those without evidence of barotrauma (n = 206). Clinical characteristics and short-term patient outcomes were analyzed.ResultsBarotrauma occurred in 75/281 (26.7%) of included patients. On multivariable analysis, factors associated with increased 30-day mortality were elevated age (HR 1.015 [95% CI 1.004-1.027], P = 0.006), barotrauma (1.417 [1.040-1.931], P = 0.027), and renal dysfunction (1.602 [1.055-2.432], P = 0.027). Protective factors were administration of remdesivir (0.479 [0.321-0.714], P < 0.001) and receipt of steroids (0.488 [0.370-0.643], P < 0.001).ConclusionBarotrauma occurred at high rates in intubated critically ill patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and was found to be an independent risk factor for 30-day mortality.
Project description:Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has recently evolved as a pandemic disease. Although the respiratory system is predominantly affected, cardiovascular complications have been frequently identified, including acute myocarditis, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, arrhythmias and venous thromboembolic events. Pericardial disease has been rarely reported. We present a case of acute life-threatening cardiac tamponade caused by a small pericardial effusion in a mechanically ventilated patient with severe COVID-19 associated pneumonia. The patient presented acute circulatory collapse with hemodynamic features of cardiogenic or obstructive shock. Bedside echocardiography permitted prompt diagnosis and life-saving pericardiocentesis. Further investigation revealed no other apparent cause of pericardial effusion except for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cardiac tamponade may complicate COVID-19 and should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute hemodynamic deterioration in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients.