Project description:In the biotechnological desulfurization process under haloalkaline conditions, dihydrogen sulfide (H2S) is removed from sour gas and oxidized to elemental sulfur (S8) by sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. Besides S8, the byproducts sulfate (SO42-) and thiosulfate (S2O32-) are formed, which consume caustic and form a waste stream. The aim of this study was to increase selectivity toward S8 by a new process line-up for biological gas desulfurization, applying two bioreactors with different substrate conditions (i.e., sulfidic and microaerophilic), instead of one (i.e., microaerophilic). A 111-day continuous test, mimicking full scale operation, demonstrated that S8 formation was 96.6% on a molar H2S supply basis; selectivity for SO42- and S2O32- were 1.4 and 2.0% respectively. The selectivity for S8 formation in a control experiment with the conventional 1-bioreactor line-up was 75.6 mol %. At start-up, the new process line-up immediately achieved lower SO42- and S2O32- formations compared to the 1-bioreactor line-up. When the microbial community adapted over time, it was observed that SO42- formation further decreased. In addition, chemical formation of S2O32- was reduced due to biologically mediated removal of sulfide from the process solution in the anaerobic bioreactor. The increased selectivity for S8 formation will result in 90% reduction in caustic consumption and waste stream formation compared to the 1-bioreactor line-up.
Project description:An important form of biological sulfur is sulfane sulfur, or S0, which is found in polysulfide and persulfide compounds as well as in elemental sulfur. Sulfane sulfur, often in the form of S8, functions as a key energy source in the metabolic processes of thermophilic Archaean organisms found in sulfur-rich environments and can be metabolized both aerobically and anaerobically by different archaeons. Despite this importance, S8 has a low solubility in water (∼19 nM), raising questions of how it can be made chemically accessible in complex environments. Motivated by prior crystallographic data showing S8 binding to hydrophobic motifs in filamentous glycoproteins from the sulfur reducing Staphylothermus marinus anaerobe, we demonstrate that simple macrocyclic hydrophobic motifs, such as 2-hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin (2HPβ), are sufficient to solubilize S8 at concentrations up to 2.0 ± 0.2 mM in aqueous solution. We demonstrate that the solubilized S8 can be reduced with the common reductant tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) and reacts with thiols to generate H2S. The thiol-mediated conversion of 2HPβ/S8 to H2S ranges from 80% to quantitative efficiency for Cys and glutathione (GSH). Moreover, we demonstrate that 2HPβ can catalyze the Cys-mediated reduction of S8 to H2S in water. Adding to the biological relevance of the developed systems, we demonstrate that treatment of Raw 264.7 macrophage cells with the 2HPβ/S8 complex prior to LPS stimulation decreases NO2 - levels, which is consistent with known activities of bioavailable H2S and sulfane sulfur. Taken together, these investigations provide a new strategy for delivering H2S and sulfane sulfur in complex systems and more importantly provide new insights into the chemical accessibility and storage of S0 and S8 in biological environments.
Project description:Archaea domain is comprised of many versatile taxa that often colonize extreme habitats. Here, we report the discovery of strictly anaerobic extremely halophilic euryarchaeon, capable of obtaining energy by dissimilatory reduction of elemental sulfur using acetate as the only electron donor and forming sulfide and CO2 as the only products. This type of respiration has never been observed in hypersaline anoxic habitats and is the first example of such metabolic capability in the entire Archaea domain. We isolated and cultivated these unusual organisms, selecting one representative strain, HSR2, for detailed characterization. Our studies including physiological tests, genome sequencing, gene expression, metabolomics and [(14)C]-bicarbonate assimilation assays revealed that HSR2 oxidized acetate completely via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Anabolic assimilation of acetate occurred via activated glyoxylate bypass and anaplerotic carboxylation. HSR2 possessed sulfurtransferase and an array of membrane-bound polysulfide reductase genes, all of which were expressed during the growth. Our findings suggest the biogeochemical contribution of haloarchaea in hypersaline anoxic environments must be reconsidered.
Project description:Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems are employed to remove SO(x) gasses that are produced by the combustion of coal for electric power generation, and consequently limit acid rain associated with these activities. Wet FGDs represent a physicochemically extreme environment due to the high operating temperatures and total dissolved solids (TDS) of fluids in the interior of the FGD units. Despite the potential importance of microbial activities in the performance and operation of FGD systems, the microbial communities associated with them have not been evaluated. Microbial communities associated with distinct process points of FGD systems at several coal-fired electricity generation facilities were evaluated using culture-dependent and -independent approaches. Due to the high solute concentrations and temperatures in the FGD absorber units, culturable halothermophilic/tolerant bacteria were more abundant in samples collected from within the absorber units than in samples collected from the makeup waters that are used to replenish fluids inside the absorber units. Evaluation of bacterial 16S rRNA genes recovered from scale deposits on the walls of absorber units revealed that the microbial communities associated with these deposits are primarily composed of thermophilic bacterial lineages. These findings suggest that unique microbial communities develop in FGD systems in response to physicochemical characteristics of the different process points within the systems. The activities of the thermophilic microbial communities that develop within scale deposits could play a role in the corrosion of steel structures in FGD systems.
Project description:Biological sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) may be effective in removing toxic lead and mercury ions (Pb(II) and Hg(II)) from wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater through anaerobic sulfite reduction. To confirm this hypothesis, a sulfite-reducing up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor was set up to treat FGD wastewater at metal loading rates of 9.2 g/m(3)-d Pb(II) and 2.6 g/m(3)-d Hg(II) for 50 days. The reactor removed 72.5 ± 7% of sulfite and greater than 99.5% of both Hg(II) and Pb(II). Most of the removed lead and mercury were deposited in the sludge as HgS and PbS. The contribution of cell adsorption and organic binding to Pb(II) and Hg(II) removal was 20.0 ± 0.1% and 1.8 ± 1.0%, respectively. The different bioavailable concentration levels of lead and mercury resulted in different levels of lethal toxicity. Cell viability analysis revealed that Hg(II) was less toxic than Pb(II) to the sludge microorganisms. In the batch tests, increasing the Hg(II) feeding concentration increased sulfite reduction rates. In conclusion, a sulfite-reducing reactor can efficiently remove sulfite, Pb(II) and Hg(II) from FGD wastewater.
Project description:Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus Lcr35 is a well-known bacterial strain whose efficiency in preventing recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis has been largely demonstrated in clinical trials. The presence of sodium thiosulfate (STS) has been shown to enhance its ability to inhibit the growth of C. albicans strains. In this study, we confirmed that Lcr35 has a fungicidal effect not only on the planktonic form of C. albicans but also on other life forms such as hypha and biofilm. Transcriptomic analysis showed that the presence of C. albicans induced a metabolic adaptation of Lcr35 potentially associated with a competitive advantage over yeast cells. However, STS alone had no impact on the global gene expression of Lcr35, which is not in favor of the involvement of an enzymatic transformation of STS. Comparative gas chromatography- mass spectrometry analysis of the organic phase from cell-free supernatant (CFS) fractions obtained from Lcr35 cultures performed in the presence and absence of STS identified elemental sulfur (S0) in the samples initially containing STS. In addition, the anti-candida activity of CFS from STS-containing cultures was shown to be pH-dependent and occurred at acidic pH lower than 5. We next investigated the antifungal activity of lactic acid and acetic acid, the two main organic acids produced by Lactobacillus spp. The two molecules affected the viability of C. albicans but only at pH 3.5 and in a dose-dependent manner, an antifungal effect that was enhanced in samples containing STS in which the thiosulfate was decomposed into S0. In conclusion, the use of STS as an excipient in the manufacturing process of Lcr35 exerted a dual action since the production of organic acids by Lcr35 facilitates the decomposition of thiosulfate into S0, thereby enhancing the bacteria’s own anti-fungal effect.
Project description:Thermoelectric power generation from coal requires large amounts of water, much of which is used for wet flue gas desulfurization (wFGD) systems that minimize sulfur emissions, and consequently, acid rain. The microbial communities in wFGDs and throughout thermoelectric power plants can influence system performance, waste processing, and the long term stewardship of residual wastes. Any microorganisms that survive in wFGD slurries must tolerate high total dissolved solids concentrations (TDS) and temperatures (50-60°C), but the inocula for wFGDs are typically from fresh surface waters (e.g., lakes or rivers) of low TDS and temperatures, and whose activity might be limited under the physicochemically extreme conditions of the wFGD. To determine the extents of microbiological activities in wFGDs, we examined the microbial activities and communities associated with three wFGDs. O2 consumption rates of three wFGD slurries were optimal at 55°C, and living cells could be detected microscopically, indicating that living and active communities of organisms were present in the wFGD and could metabolize at the high temperature of the wFGD. A 16S rRNA gene-based survey revealed that the wFGD-associated microbial communities included taxa attributable to both thermophilic and mesophilic lineages. Metatranscriptomic analysis of one of the wFGDs indicated an abundance of active Burholderiaceae and several Gammaproteobacteria, and production of transcripts associated with carbohydrate metabolism, osmotic stress response, as well as phage, prophages, and transposable elements. These results illustrate that microbial activities can be sustained in physicochemically extreme wFGDs, and these activities may influence the performance and environmental impacts of thermoelectric power plants.
Project description:Coal is still a major energy source, mostly used in power plants. However, the coal combustion emits harmful SO2 and fly ash. Wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) technology is extensively used to control SO2 emissions in power plants. However, only limited studies have investigated the synergistic dust removal by the WFGD system. Spray scrubbers and sieve-tray spray scrubbers are often used in WFGD systems to improve the SO2 removal efficiency. In this study, the synergistic dust removal of WFGD systems for a spray scrubber and a sieve-tray spray scrubber was investigated using the experimental and modelling approaches, respectively. For the spray scrubber, the influence of parameters, including dust particle diameters and inlet concentrations of dust particles, and the flow rates of flue gas and slurry of limestone/gypsum on the dust removal efficiency, was investigated. For the sieve-tray spray scrubber, the influence of parameters such as the pore diameter and porosity of sieve trays on the dust removal efficiency was examined. The study found that the dust removal efficiency in the sieve-tray spray scrubber was approximately 1.1-10.6% higher than that of the spray scrubber for the same experimental conditions. Based on the parameters investigated and geometric parameters of a scrubber, a novel droplets swarm model for dust removal efficiency was developed from the single droplet model. The enhanced dust removal efficiency of sieve tray was expressed by introducing a strength coefficient to an inertial collision model. The dust removal efficiency model for the sieve-tray spray scrubber was developed by combining the droplets swarm model for the spray scrubber with the modified inertial collision model for the sieve tray. The results simulated using both models are consistent with the experimental data obtained.
Project description:Wide ranges of growth yields on sulfur (from 2.4 x 10(10) to 8.1 x 10(11) cells g(-1)) and maximum sulfur oxidation rates (from 0.068 to 1.30 mmol liter(-1) h(-1)) of an Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain (CCM 4253) were observed in 73 batch cultures. No significant correlation between the constants was observed. Changes of the Michaelis constant for sulfur (from 0.46 to 15.5 mM) in resting cells were also noted.
Project description:Ratio of biomass to sulfide loading dictates the stability of the biological desulfurization process through biochemical transformation of (poly)sulfides