Project description:Active dendritic branchlets enable the propagation of dendritic spikes, whose computational functions remain an open question. Here we propose a concrete function to the active channels in large dendritic trees. Modelling the input-output response of large active dendritic arbors subjected to complex spatio-temporal inputs and exhibiting non-stereotyped dendritic spikes, we find that the dendritic arbor can undergo a continuous phase transition from a quiescent to an active state, thereby exhibiting spontaneous and self-sustained localized activity as suggested by experiments. Analogously to the critical brain hypothesis, which states that neuronal networks self-organize near criticality to take advantage of its specific properties, here we propose that neurons with large dendritic arbors optimize their capacity to distinguish incoming stimuli at the critical state. We suggest that "computation at the edge of a phase transition" is more compatible with the view that dendritic arbors perform an analog rather than a digital dendritic computation.
Project description:Recent deep neural network based methods provide accurate binaural source localization performance. These data-driven models map measured binaural cues directly to source locations hence their performance highly depend on the training data distribution. In this paper, we propose a parametric embedding that maps the binaural cues to a low-dimensional space where localization can be done with a nearest-neighbor regression. We implement the embedding using a neural network, optimized to map points that are close to each other in the latent space (the space of source azimuths or elevations) to nearby points in the embedding space, thus the Euclidean distances between the embeddings reflect their source proximities, and the structure of the embeddings forms a manifold, which provides interpretability to the embeddings. We show that the proposed embedding generalizes well in various acoustic conditions (with reverberation) different from those encountered during training, and provides better performance than unsupervised embeddings previously used for binaural localization. In addition, the proposed method performs better than or equally well as a feed-forward neural network based model that directly estimates the source locations from the binaural cues, and it has better results than the feed-forward model when a small amount of training data is used. Moreover, we also compare the proposed embedding using both supervised and weakly supervised learning, and show that in both conditions, the resulting embeddings perform similarly well, but the weakly supervised embedding allows to estimate source azimuth and elevation simultaneously.
Project description:Spike timing is precise in the auditory system and it has been argued that it conveys information about auditory stimuli, in particular about the location of a sound source. However, beyond simple time differences, the way in which neurons might extract this information is unclear and the potential computational advantages are unknown. The computational difficulty of this task for an animal is to locate the source of an unexpected sound from two monaural signals that are highly dependent on the unknown source signal. In neuron models consisting of spectro-temporal filtering and spiking nonlinearity, we found that the binaural structure induced by spatialized sounds is mapped to synchrony patterns that depend on source location rather than on source signal. Location-specific synchrony patterns would then result in the activation of location-specific assemblies of postsynaptic neurons. We designed a spiking neuron model which exploited this principle to locate a variety of sound sources in a virtual acoustic environment using measured human head-related transfer functions. The model was able to accurately estimate the location of previously unknown sounds in both azimuth and elevation (including front/back discrimination) in a known acoustic environment. We found that multiple representations of different acoustic environments could coexist as sets of overlapping neural assemblies which could be associated with spatial locations by Hebbian learning. The model demonstrates the computational relevance of relative spike timing to extract spatial information about sources independently of the source signal.
Project description:Nucleus laminaris (NL) neurons encode interaural time difference (ITD), the cue used to localize low-frequency sounds. A physiologically based model of NL input suggests that ITD information is contained in narrow frequency bands around harmonics of the sound frequency. This suggested a theory, which predicts that, for each tone frequency, there is an optimal time course for synaptic inputs to NL that will elicit the largest modulation of NL firing rate as a function of ITD. The theory also suggested that neurons in different tonotopic regions of NL require specialized tuning to take advantage of the input gradient. Tonotopic tuning in NL was investigated in brain slices by separating the nucleus into three regions based on its anatomical tonotopic map. Patch-clamp recordings in each region were used to measure both the synaptic and the intrinsic electrical properties. The data revealed a tonotopic gradient of synaptic time course that closely matched the theoretical predictions. We also found postsynaptic band-pass filtering. Analysis of the combined synaptic and postsynaptic filters revealed a frequency-dependent gradient of gain for the transformation of tone amplitude to NL firing rate modulation. Models constructed from the experimental data for each tonotopic region demonstrate that the tonotopic tuning measured in NL can improve ITD encoding across sound frequencies.
Project description:Auditory frisson is the experience of feeling of cold or shivering related to sound in the absence of a physical cold stimulus. Multiple examples of frisson-inducing sounds have been reported, but the mechanism of auditory frisson remains elusive. Typical frisson-inducing sounds may contain a looming effect, in which a sound appears to approach the listener's peripersonal space. Previous studies on sound in peripersonal space have provided objective measurements of sound-inducing effects, but few have investigated the subjective experience of frisson-inducing sounds. Here we explored whether it is possible to produce subjective feelings of frisson by moving a noise sound (white noise, rolling beads noise, or frictional noise produced by rubbing a plastic bag) stimulus around a listener's head. Our results demonstrated that sound-induced frisson can be experienced stronger when auditory stimuli are rotated around the head (binaural moving sounds) than the one without the rotation (monaural static sounds), regardless of the source of the noise sound. Pearson's correlation analysis showed that several acoustic features of auditory stimuli, such as variance of interaural level difference (ILD), loudness, and sharpness, were correlated with the magnitude of subjective frisson. We had also observed that the subjective feelings of frisson by moving a musical sound had increased comparing with a static musical sound.
Project description:Insulin receptor signaling has been postulated to play a role in synaptic plasticity; however, the function of the insulin receptor in CNS is not clear. To test whether insulin receptor signaling affects visual system function, we recorded light-evoked responses in optic tectal neurons in living Xenopus tadpoles. Tectal neurons transfected with dominant-negative insulin receptor (dnIR), which reduces insulin receptor phosphorylation, or morpholino against insulin receptor, which reduces total insulin receptor protein level, have significantly smaller light-evoked responses than controls. dnIR-expressing neurons have reduced synapse density as assessed by EM, decreased AMPA mEPSC frequency, and altered experience-dependent dendritic arbor structural plasticity, although synaptic vesicle release probability, assessed by paired-pulse responses, synapse maturation, assessed by AMPA/NMDA ratio and ultrastructural criteria, are unaffected by dnIR expression. These data indicate that insulin receptor signaling regulates circuit function and plasticity by controlling synapse density.
Project description:Descending circuitry can modulate auditory processing, biasing sensitivity to particular stimulus parameters and locations. Using awake in vivo single unit recordings, this study tested whether electrical stimulation of the thalamus modulates auditory excitability and relative binaural sensitivity in neurons of the amphibian midbrain. In addition, by using electrical stimuli that were either longer than the acoustic stimuli (i.e., seconds) or presented on a sound-by-sound basis (ms), experiments addressed whether the form of modulation depended on the temporal structure of the electrical stimulus. Following long duration electrical stimulation (3-10 s of 20 Hz square pulses), excitability (spikes/acoustic stimulus) to free-field noise stimuli decreased by 32%, but returned over 600 s. In contrast, sound-by-sound electrical stimulation using a single 2 ms duration electrical pulse 25 ms before each noise stimulus caused faster and varied forms of modulation: modulation lasted <2 s and, in different cells, excitability either decreased, increased or shifted in latency. Within cells, the modulatory effect of sound-by-sound electrical stimulation varied between different acoustic stimuli, including for different male calls, suggesting modulation is specific to certain stimulus attributes. For binaural units, modulation depended on the ear of input, as sound-by-sound electrical stimulation preceding dichotic acoustic stimulation caused asymmetric modulatory effects: sensitivity shifted for sounds at only one ear, or by different relative amounts for both ears. This caused a change in the relative difference in binaural sensitivity. Thus, sound-by-sound electrical stimulation revealed fast and ear-specific (i.e., lateralized) auditory modulation that is potentially suited to shifts in auditory attention during sound segregation in the auditory scene.
Project description:The circuit complexity of quantum qubit system evolution as a primitive problem in quantum computation has been discussed widely. We investigate this problem in terms of qudit system. Using the Riemannian geometry the optimal quantum circuits are equivalent to the geodetic evolutions in specially curved parametrization of SU(d(n)). And the quantum circuit complexity is explicitly dependent of controllable approximation error bound.
Project description:Binaural integration in the central nucleus of inferior colliculus (ICC) plays a critical role in sound localization. However, its arithmetic nature and underlying synaptic mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we showed in mouse ICC neurons that the contralateral dominance is created by a "push-pull"-like mechanism, with contralaterally dominant excitation and more bilaterally balanced inhibition. Importantly, binaural spiking response is generated apparently from an ipsilaterally mediated scaling of contralateral response, leaving frequency tuning unchanged. This scaling effect is attributed to a divisive attenuation of contralaterally evoked synaptic excitation onto ICC neurons with their inhibition largely unaffected. Thus, a gain control mediates the linear transformation from monaural to binaural spike responses. The gain value is modulated by interaural level difference (ILD) primarily through scaling excitation to different levels. The ILD-dependent synaptic scaling and gain adjustment allow ICC neurons to dynamically encode interaural sound localization cues while maintaining an invariant representation of other independent sound attributes.
Project description:Determining the quantum circuit complexity of a unitary operation is an important problem in quantum computation. By using the mathematical techniques of Riemannian geometry, we investigate the efficient quantum circuits in quantum computation with n qutrits. We show that the optimal quantum circuits are essentially equivalent to the shortest path between two points in a certain curved geometry of SU(3(n)). As an example, three-qutrit systems are investigated in detail.