A Matrilineal Study on the Origin and Genetic Relations of the Ecuadorian Pillareno Creole Pig Population through D-Loop Mitochondrial DNA Analysis.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Domestic pig breeds reached America on the second Columbus trip; from this date, Iberian pig genetic resources were disseminated throughout the continent, forming diverse creole breeds. These Ecuadorian Creole pigs are important for food production but have been genetically eroded since the introduction of transboundary breeds. In this study, we sought to characterize this erosion more thoroughly through mitochondrial DNA D-Loop analysis of Ecuadorian Pillareño Creole pigs from seven regions of Ecuador. To allow comparison, we also included in our analysis sequences from wild species, commercial lines, and domestic pigs, which were obtained from the NCBI GenBank database. Creole pigs' population showed overall moderate Hd values and low π values, and a negative value of Tajima's D was observed. The greatest differentiation from the Ecuadorian Pillareño Creole pigs was observed between Asian wild and Asian domestic pigs. The haplotype analysis revealed three different phylogenetic clades (A, E I, and E II) and 65 haplotypes. Ecuadorian Creole populations were grouped into nine haplotypes for Clade E I and E II, which have not previously been reported for Creole Pillareño populations. Our analysis indicates that in the establishment of Creole Pillareño pigs, individuals most likely separated from the Asian pig population and appear to be genetically influenced by European and Iberian populations raised in Spain.
Project description:Latin American Creole chickens are generally not characterized; this is the case in Ecuador, where the lack of scientific information is contributing to their extinction. Here, we developed a characterization of the genetic resources of Ecuadorian chickens located in three continental agroecosystems (Pacific coastal, Andean, and Amazonian). Blood samples of 234 unrelated animals were collected in six provinces across Ecuador: Bolívar, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Guayas, Morona Santiago, and Tungurahua, in order to perform a genetic characterization and population structure assessment using the AVIANDIV project microsatellites panel (30 loci) and D-loop sequences of mitochondrial DNA and comparing with reference data from other breeds or genetic lines. The results indicate that Ecuadorian Creole chickens are the result of the admixture of different genetic groups that occurred during the last five centuries. While the influence of South Spanish breeds is demonstrated in the colonial age, genetic relationships with other breeds (Leghorn, Spanish fighter cock) cannot be discarded. The geographical configuration of the country and extreme climate variability have influenced the genetic isolation of groups constituting a homogeneous genetic status into the whole population. This is not only a source of genetic variation, but also a critical point because genetic drift produces a loss of genetic variants.
Project description:In order to understand the genetic ancestry and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity of current Colombian horse breeds we sequenced a 364-bp fragment of the mitocondrial DNA D-loop in 116 animals belonging to five Spanish horse breeds and the Colombian Paso Fino and Colombian Creole cattle horse breeds. Among Colombian horse breeds, haplogroup D had the highest frequency (53%), followed by haplogroups A (19%), C (8%) and F (6%). The higher frequency of haplogroup D in Colombian horse breeds supports the theory of an ancestral Iberian origin for these breeds. These results also indicate that different selective pressures among the Colombian breeds could explain the relatively higher genetic diversity found in the Colombian Creole cattle horse when compared with the Colombian Paso Fino.
Project description:The mitogenomes of one animal of each of the three Mangalica breeds, Blonde, Red, and Swallow-belly were assembled from reads obtained by Next Generation Sequencing of the three genomes. Features of the mitogenomes were identical in the three breeds, apart from a second tRNA-Val gene on the L strand in Swallow-belly. Phylogenetic comparison of the three mitogenomes with 112 full mtDNA sequences clearly put Mangalicas into the European clade. Comparing the mitogenome of eight Mangalica animals revealed particular differences between them. The mitogenome of some Mangalicas was closely related to the Croatian Turopolje breed and this indicates either the common origin of their maternal lineages or admixture of some populations of the breeds. However, the origin of the mitogenome of certain purebred Mangalicas kept in the Hungarian Mangalica Gene Reserve still remains unknown.
Project description:Ethiopia is home to a diverse gene pool of indigenous sheep populations. Therefore, a better understanding of genetic variation holds the key to future utilization through conservation. Three of these breeds, Afar, Blackhead Somali, and Hararghe Highland, are found in eastern Ethiopia where they contribute significantly to the livelihood of most pastoralist, agro-pastoralist, and smallholder farmers. These indigenous sheep are recognized on the basis of morphotype and their genetic distinction remains unknown. Here, to assess genetic variation, and matrilineal genetic origin and relationship of fat-rumed sheep found in eastern Ethiopia, 300 individuals from the three breeds were genotyped for 22 microsatellite markers and sequenced for the mitochondrial DNA displacement loop (mtDNA d-loop) region. The overall HO and HE were 0.57 and 0.75, respectively. Differentiation statistics revealed that a high proportion (97%) of the total genetic variation was explained by differences between individuals within populations. Genotype assignment independent of the population of origin showed K = 2 to be the optimum number of genetic backgrounds present in the dataset. This result was further confirmed by mtDNA D-loop sequences comparison in which the matrilineal genetic origin of eastern Ethiopia sheep is from two haplotype groups (types A and B) among the five haplotypes globally observed. Taken together, our findings suggest that the sheep populations from three breeds originated from two ancestral genetic backgrounds that may have diverged prior to their introduction to Ethiopia. However, to obtain a complete picture of the evolutionary dynamics of Ethiopian indigenous sheep, more samples and populations from within and outside of the country will need to be analyzed.
Project description:An unusually high frequency of the lamellar ichthyosis TGM1 mutation, c.1187G > A, has been observed in the Ecuadorian province of Manabí. Recently, the same mutation has been detected in a Galician patient (Northwest of Spain). By analyzing patterns of genetic variation around this mutation in Ecuadorian patients and population matched controls, we were able to estimate the age of c.1187G > A and the time to their most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of c.1187G > A Ecuadorian carriers. While the estimated mutation age is 41 generations ago (~1,025 years ago [ya]), the TMRCA of Ecuadorian c.1187G > A carrier haplotypes dates to just 17 generations (~425 ya). Probabilistic-based inferences of local ancestry allowed us to infer a most likely European origin of a few (16% to 30%) Ecuadorian haplotypes carrying this mutation. In addition, inferences on demographic historical changes based on c.1187G > A Ecuadorian carrier haplotypes estimated an exponential population growth starting ~20 generations, compatible with a recent founder effect occurring in Manabí. Two main hypotheses can be considered for the origin of c.1187G > A: (i) the mutation could have arisen in Spain >1,000 ya (being Galicia the possible homeland) and then carried to Ecuador by Spaniards in colonial times ~400 ya, and (ii) two independent mutational events originated this mutation in Ecuador and Galicia. The geographic and cultural characteristics of Manabí could have favored a founder effect that explains the high prevalence of TGM1 c.1187G > A in this region.
Project description:Dissecting genetic variation of local breeds is important for the success of conservation. In this research, we investigated the genomic variation of Colombian Creole (CR) pigs, with a focus on the breed-specific variants in the exonic region of 34 genes with reported effects on adaptive and economic traits. Seven individuals of each of the three CR breeds (CM, Casco de Mula; SP, San Pedreño; and ZU, Zungo) were whole-genome sequenced along with 7 Iberian (IB) pigs and 7 pigs of each of the four most used cosmopolitan (CP) breeds (Duroc, Landrace × Large White, and Pietrain). Molecular variability in CR (6,451,218 variants; from 3,919,242, in SP, to 4,648,069, in CM) was comparable to that in CP, but higher than in IB. For the investigated genes, SP pigs displayed less exonic variants (178) than ZU (254), CM (263), IB (200), and the individual CP genetic types (201 to 335). Sequence variation in these genes confirmed the resemblance of CR to IB and indicates that CR pigs, particularly ZU and CM, are not exempt from selective introgression of other breeds. A total of 50 exonic variants were identified as being potentially specific to CR, including a high-impact deletion in the intron between exons 15 and 16 of the leptin receptor gene, which was only found in CM and ZU. The identification of breed-specific variants in genes related to adaptive and economical traits can bolster the understanding of the role of gene-environment interactions on local adaptation and points the way for effective breeding and conservation of CR pigs.
Project description:The genetic origins and diversity of Creole sheep from five regions of Colombia were investigated based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variations across 89 sequences from five breeds: one wool Creole sheep (CL) and four hair Creole sheep, including Ethiopian (OPCE), Sudan (OPCS), Pelibuey (OPCP) and Wayúu (OPCW). A global comparison was done using 62 haplotypes from Iberian, African, Indian, Caribbean, Mexican, Caucasian and European sheep based on sequences retrieved from GenBank. This study aimed to identify the maternal origin of Colombian Creole sheep and their genetic relationships at a global level. The results showed 31 different haplotypes from Colombian Creole sheep, which can be assigned to maternal lineage B, the most common lineage found in European sheep breeds and the only one found in several Iberian breed (e.g., Churra, Spanish Merino) that most likely participated in the Creole formation. Additional analyses showed that wool and hair sheep retained a broad genetic identity despite being geographically separated. The global-level phylogenetic analysis revealed that Colombian Creole sheep belong to a distinct and defined genetic lineage that is likely the result of a founder effect with ecotypes of Iberian descent and the subsequent introduction of foreign breeds. This is consistent with historical reports on the presence of sheep in South America and, particularly, Colombia.
Project description:BACKGROUND: The genetic background of type 2 diabetes is complex involving contribution by both nuclear and mitochondrial genes. There is an excess of maternal inheritance in patients with type 2 diabetes and, furthermore, diabetes is a common symptom in patients with mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Polymorphisms in mtDNA have been reported to act as risk factors in several complex diseases. FINDINGS: We examined the nucleotide variation in complete mtDNA sequences of 64 Finnish patients with matrilineal diabetes. We used conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis and sequencing to detect sequence variation. We analysed the pathogenic potential of nonsynonymous variants detected in the sequences and examined the role of the m.16189 T>C variant. Controls consisted of non-diabetic subjects ascertained in the same population. The frequency of mtDNA haplogroup V was 3-fold higher in patients with diabetes. Patients harboured many nonsynonymous mtDNA substitutions that were predicted to be possibly or probably damaging. Furthermore, a novel m.13762 T>G in MTND5 leading to p.Ser476Ala and several rare mtDNA variants were found. Haplogroup H1b harbouring m.16189 T > C and m.3010 G > A was found to be more frequent in patients with diabetes than in controls. CONCLUSIONS: Mildly deleterious nonsynonymous mtDNA variants and rare population-specific haplotypes constitute genetic risk factors for maternally inherited diabetes.
Project description:BackgroundThe current extensive use of the domestic goat (Capra hircus) is the result of its medium size and high adaptability as multiple breeds. The extent to which its genetic variability was influenced by early domestication practices is largely unknown. A common standard by which to analyze maternally-inherited variability of livestock species is through complete sequencing of the entire mitogenome (mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA).ResultsWe present the first extensive survey of goat mitogenomic variability based on 84 complete sequences selected from an initial collection of 758 samples that represent 60 different breeds of C. hircus, as well as its wild sister species, bezoar (Capra aegagrus) from Iran. Our phylogenetic analyses dated the most recent common ancestor of C. hircus to ~460,000 years (ka) ago and identified five distinctive domestic haplogroups (A, B1, C1a, D1 and G). More than 90 % of goats examined were in haplogroup A. These domestic lineages are predominantly nested within C. aegagrus branches, diverged concomitantly at the interface between the Epipaleolithic and early Neolithic periods, and underwent a dramatic expansion starting from ~12-10 ka ago.ConclusionsDomestic goat mitogenomes descended from a small number of founding haplotypes that underwent domestication after surviving the last glacial maximum in the Near Eastern refuges. All modern haplotypes A probably descended from a single (or at most a few closely related) female C. aegagrus. Zooarchaelogical data indicate that domestication first occurred in Southeastern Anatolia. Goats accompanying the first Neolithic migration waves into the Mediterranean were already characterized by two ancestral A and C variants. The ancient separation of the C branch (~130 ka ago) suggests a genetically distinct population that could have been involved in a second event of domestication. The novel diagnostic mutational motifs defined here, which distinguish wild and domestic haplogroups, could be used to understand phylogenetic relationships among modern breeds and ancient remains and to evaluate whether selection differentially affected mitochondrial genome variants during the development of economically important breeds.
Project description:The majority of genetic variants for psychiatric disorders have been found within non-coding genomic regions. Physical interactions of gene promoters with distant regulatory elements carrying risk alleles may explain how the latter affect gene expression. Recently, whole genome maps of long-range chromosomal contacts from human postmortem brains have been integrated with gene sequence and chromatin accessibility data to decipher disease-specific alterations in chromatin architecture. Cell culture and rodent models provide a causal link between chromatin conformation, long-range chromosomal contacts, gene expression, and disease phenotype. Here, we give an overview of the techniques used to study chromatin contacts and their limitations in brain research. We present evidence for three-dimensional genome changes in physiological brain function and assess how its disturbance contributes to psychiatric disorders. Lastly, we discuss remaining questions and future research directions with a focus on clinical applications.