Polycistronic Artificial microRNA-Mediated Resistance to Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus in Cucumber.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), as a typical seed-borne virus, causes costly and devastating diseases in the vegetable trade worldwide. Genetic sources for resistance to CGMMV in cucurbits are limited, and environmentally safe approaches for curbing the accumulation and spread of seed-transmitted viruses and cultivating completely resistant plants are needed. Here, we describe the design and application of RNA interference-based technologies, containing artificial microRNA (amiRNA) and synthetic trans-acting small interfering RNA (syn-tasiRNA), against conserved regions of different strains of the CGMMV genome. We used a rapid transient sensor system to identify effective anti-CGMMV amiRNAs. A virus seed transmission assay was developed, showing that the externally added polycistronic amiRNA and syn-tasiRNA can successfully block the accumulation of CGMMV in cucumber, but different virulent strains exhibited distinct influences on the expression of amiRNA due to the activity of the RNA-silencing suppressor. We also established stable transgenic cucumber plants expressing polycistronic amiRNA, which conferred disease resistance against CGMMV, and no sequence mutation was observed in CGMMV. This study demonstrates that RNA interference-based technologies can effectively prevent the occurrence and accumulation of CGMMV. The results provide a basis to establish and fine-tune approaches to prevent and treat seed-based transmission viral infections.
Project description:Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) is a severe threat to melon production worldwide. At present, there are no cultivars available on the market which show an effective resistance or tolerance to CGMMV infection; only wild Cucumis species were reported as resistant. Germplasm accessions of Cucumis melo, as well as C. anguria, C. ficifolius, C. myriocarpus and C. metuliferus, were mechanically infected with isolates belonging to the European and Asian strain of CGMMV and screened for resistance by scoring symptom severity and comparing the accumulation of virus by qRT-PCR. The wild species C. anguria and C. ficifolius showed no symptoms and did not accumulate CGGMV following inoculation, while C. metuliferus was highly susceptible to the isolates of both strains of CGMMV. The virus accumulated also in C. myriocarpus and the European isolate produced symptoms, but the Asian isolate did not. Thirty C. melo accessions were susceptible to CGMMV. An isolate-dependent expression of symptoms was observed in 16 melon accessions: they showed mild and severe symptoms at 14 and 21 days after inoculation with the European and Asian isolate, respectively. Freeman's Cucumber showed few or no symptoms following inoculation with the isolate of either CGMMV strain. This particular accession also showed reduced virus accumulation, whereas most other tested germplasm accessions showed significantly higher viral loads and, therefore, may well be a candidate for breeding programs aiming to reduce the losses produced by CGMMV with resistant commercial melon cultivars.
Project description:The infectious full-length cDNA clones of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) isolates KW and KOM, which were isolated from watermelon and oriental melon, respectively, were constructed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. We successfully inoculated Nicotiana benthamiana with the cloned CGMMV isolates KW and KOM by Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration. Virulence and symptomatic characteristics of the cloned CGMMV isolates KW and KOM were tested on several indicator plants. No obvious differences between two cloned isolates in disease development were observed on the tested indicator plants. We also determined full genome sequences of the cloned CGMMV isolates KW and KOM. Sequence comparison revealed that only four amino acids (at positions 228, 699, 1212, and 1238 of the replicase protein region) differ between the cloned isolates KW and KOM. A previous study reported that the isolate KOM could not infect Chenopodium amaranticolor, but the cloned KOM induced chlorotic spots on the inoculated leaves. When compared with the previously reported sequence of the original KOM isolate, the cloned KOM contained one amino acid mutation (Ala to Thr) at position 228 of the replicase protein, suggesting that this mutation might be responsible for induction of chlorotic spots on the inoculated leaves of C. amaranticolor.
Project description:Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), a well-known Tobamovirus, infects cucurbits across the globe. To determine its current status, molecular characterization, genetic recombination, gene flow and selection pressure, 10 districts from Punjab province of Pakistan were surveyed and a total of 2561 cucurbits samples were collected during 2019-2020. These samples were subjected to virus-specific double antibody sandwich-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) for the detection of CGMMV. The results revealed that viral disease was prevalent in all surveyed districts of Punjab with an overall 25.69% disease incidence. ELISA positive samples were further confirmed through RT-PCR and sequencing of coat protein (CP) cistron. Sequence analysis showed that the present studied CGMMV isolates have 96-99.5% nucleotide and 94.40-99.50% amino acid identities with those already available in GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis also revealed that understudied isolates were closely related with South Korean (AB369274) and Japanese (V01551) isolates and clustered in a separate clad. Sequence polymorphisms were observed in 663 bp of sequence within 31 CGMMV isolates covering complete CP gene. Total number of sites were 662, of which 610 and 52 sites were monomorphic and polymorphic (segregating), respectively. Of these polymorphic, 24 were singleton variable and 28 were parsimony informative. Overall nucleotide diversity (π) in all the understudied 31 isolates was 0.00010 while a total of 1 InDel event was observed and InDel Diversity (k) was 0.065. Haplotype diversity analysis revealed that there was a total 29 haplotypes with haplotype diversity (Hd) of 0.993458 in all the 31 isolates which provide evidence of less diversity among Pakistani isolates. The statistical analysis revealed the values 2.568, 5.31304 and 4.86698 of Tajima's D, Fu, & Li's F* and D*, respectively, which witnessed the population of CGMMV was under balanced selection pressure.
Project description:Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), a critical plant virus, has caused significant economic losses in cucurbit crops worldwide. It has not been proved that CGMMV can be transmitted by an insect vector. In this study, the physical contact transmission of CGMMV by Myzus persicae in Nicotiana benthamiana plants was confirmed under laboratory conditions. The acquisition rate increased with time, and most aphids acquired CGMMV at 72 h of the acquisition access period (AAP). Besides, the acquired CGMMV was retained in the aphids for about 12 h, which was efficiently transmitted back to the healthy N. benthamiana plants. More importantly, further experiments suggested that the transmission was mediated by physical contact rather than the specific interaction between insect vector and plant virus. The results obtained in our study contribute to the development of new control strategies for CGMMV in the field.
Project description:The movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) of tobamoviruses play critical roles in viral cell-to-cell and long-distance movement, respectively. Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) is a member of the genus Tobamovirus. The functions of CGMMV MP and CP during viral infection remain largely unclear. Here, we show that CGMMV MP can interact with CP in vivo, and the amino acids at positions 79-128 in MP are vital for the MP-CP interaction. To confirm this finding, we mutated five conserved residues within the residue 79-128 region and six other conserved residues flanking this region, followed by in vivo interaction assays. The results showed that the conserved threonine residue at the position 107 in MP (MPT107 ) is important for the MP-CP interaction. Substitution of T107 with alanine (MPT107A ) delayed CGMMV systemic infection in Nicotiana benthamiana plants, but increased CGMMV local accumulation. Substitutions of another 10 conserved residues, not responsible for the MP-CP interaction, with alanine inhibited or abolished CGMMV systemic infection, suggesting that these 10 conserved residues are possibly required for the MP movement function through a CP-independent manner. Moreover, two movement function-associated point mutants (MPF17A and MPD97A ) failed to cause systemic infection in plants without impacting on the MP-CP interaction. Furthermore, we have found that co-expression of CGMMV MP and CP increased CP accumulation independent of the interaction. MP and CP interaction inhibits the salicylic acid-associated defence response at an early infection stage. Taken together, we propose that the suppression of host antiviral defence through the MP-CP interaction facilitates virus systemic infection.
Project description:The molecular mode controlling cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV)-induced watermelon blood flesh disease (WBFD) is largely unknown. In this study, we have found that application of exogenous boron suppressed CGMMV infection in watermelon fruit and alleviated WBFD symptoms. Our transcriptome analysis showed that the most up-regulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were associated with polyamine and auxin biosynthesis, abscisic acid catabolism, defence-related pathways, cell wall modification, and energy and secondary metabolism, while the down-regulated DEGs were mostly involved in ethylene biosynthesis, cell wall catabolism, and plasma membrane functions. Our virus-induced gene silencing results showed that silencing of SPDS expression in watermelon resulted in a higher putrescine content and an inhibited CGMMV infection correlating with no WBFD symptoms. SBT and TUBB1 were also required for CGMMV infection. In contrast, silencing of XTH23 and PE/PEI7 (low-level lignin, cellulose and pectin) and ATPS1 (low-level glutathione) promoted CGMMV accumulation. Furthermore, RAP2-3, MYB6, WRKY12, H2A, and DnaJ11 are likely to participate in host antiviral resistance. In addition, a higher (spermidine + spermine):putrescine ratio, malondialdehyde content, and lactic acid content were responsible for fruit decay and acidification. Our results provide new knowledge on the roles of boron in watermelon resistance to CGMMV-induced WBFD. This new knowledge can be used to design better control methods for CGMMV in the field and to breed CGMMV resistant watermelon and other cucurbit crops.
Project description:We present here the first complete genome sequence of the tobamovirus Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) from Australia, obtained from an infected cucumber plant. Compared with other CGMMV genomes, its closest nucleotide identities were 99.6% to KP772568, 99.3% to KF155229, and 99.1% to DQ767631 from Canada, Israel, and India, respectively.
Project description:BackgroundCucurbits produce fruits or vegetables that have great dietary importance and economic significance worldwide. The published genomes of at least 11 cucurbit species are boosting gene mining and novel breeding strategies, however genetic transformation in cucurbits is impractical as a tool for gene function validation due to low transformation efficiency. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is a potential alternative tool. So far, very few ideal VIGS vectors are available for cucurbits.ResultsHere, we describe a new VIGS vector derived from cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), a monopartite virus that infects cucurbits naturally. We show that the CGMMV vector is competent to induce efficient silencing of the phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana and in cucurbits, including watermelon, melon, cucumber and bottle gourd. Infection with the CGMMV vector harboring PDS sequences of 69-300 bp in length in the form of sense-oriented or hairpin cDNAs resulted in photobleaching phenotypes in N. benthamiana and cucurbits by PDS silencing. Additional results reflect that silencing of the PDS gene could persist for over two months and the silencing effect of CGMMV-based vectors could be passaged.ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that CGMMV vector could serve as a powerful and easy-to-use tool for characterizing gene function, controlling viral pathogens or even performing resistance breeding in cucurbits. Moreover, this study will possess considerable important reference value for developing different viral vectors.
Project description:Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) is a Tobamovirus of economic importance affecting cucurbit crops and Asian cucurbit vegetables. Non-host crops of CGMMV, including capsicum (Capsicum annum), sweetcorn (Zea mays), and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), were tested for their susceptibility to the virus, with field and glasshouse trials undertaken. After 12 weeks post-sowing, the crops were tested for the presence of CGMMV, and in all cases, no CGMMV was detected. Commonly found within the growing regions of cucurbits and melons worldwide are weeds, such as black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), wild gooseberry (Physalis minima), pigweed (Portulaca oleracea), and Amaranth species. Several weeds/grasses were tested for their ability to become infected with CGMMV by inoculating weeds directly with CGMMV and routinely testing over a period of eight weeks. Amaranthus viridis was found to be susceptible, with 50% of the weeds becoming infected with CGMMV. To further analyse this, six Amaranth samples were used as inoculum on four watermelon seedlings per sample and tested after eight weeks. CGMMV was detected in three of six watermelon bulk samples, indicating that A. viridis is a potential host/reservoir for CGMMV. Further research into the relationship between CGMMV and weed hosts is required. This research also highlights the importance of proper weed management to effectively manage CGMMV.