Project description:Interacting many-electron problems pose some of the greatest computational challenges in science, with essential applications across many fields. The solutions to these problems will offer accurate predictions of chemical reactivity and kinetics, and other properties of quantum systems1-4. Fermionic quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods5,6, which use a statistical sampling of the ground state, are among the most powerful approaches to these problems. Controlling the fermionic sign problem with constraints ensures the efficiency of QMC at the expense of potentially significant biases owing to the limited flexibility of classical computation. Here we propose an approach that combines constrained QMC with quantum computation to reduce such biases. We implement our scheme experimentally using up to 16 qubits to unbias constrained QMC calculations performed on chemical systems with as many as 120 orbitals. These experiments represent the largest chemistry simulations performed with the help of quantum computers, while achieving accuracy that is competitive with state-of-the-art classical methods without burdensome error mitigation. Compared with the popular variational quantum eigensolver7,8, our hybrid quantum-classical computational model offers an alternative path towards achieving a practical quantum advantage for the electronic structure problem without demanding exceedingly accurate preparation and measurement of the ground-state wavefunction.
Project description:Computational encryption, information-theoretic secrecy and quantum cryptography offer progressively stronger security against unauthorized decoding of messages contained in communication transmissions. However, these approaches do not ensure stealth--that the mere presence of message-bearing transmissions be undetectable. We characterize the ultimate limit of how much data can be reliably and covertly communicated over the lossy thermal-noise bosonic channel (which models various practical communication channels). We show that whenever there is some channel noise that cannot in principle be controlled by an otherwise arbitrarily powerful adversary--for example, thermal noise from blackbody radiation--the number of reliably transmissible covert bits is at most proportional to the square root of the number of orthogonal modes (the time-bandwidth product) available in the transmission interval. We demonstrate this in a proof-of-principle experiment. Our result paves the way to realizing communications that are kept covert from an all-powerful quantum adversary.
Project description:Superconducting quantum circuits are a natural platform for quantum simulations of a wide variety of important lattice models describing topological phenomena, spanning condensed matter and high-energy physics. One such model is the bosonic analog of the well-known fermionic Kitaev chain, a 1D tight-binding model with both nearest-neighbor hopping and pairing terms. Despite being fully Hermitian, the bosonic Kitaev chain exhibits a number of striking features associated with non-Hermitian systems, including chiral transport and a dramatic sensitivity to boundary conditions known as the non-Hermitian skin effect. Here, using a multimode superconducting parametric cavity, we implement the bosonic Kitaev chain in synthetic dimensions. The lattice sites are mapped to frequency modes of the cavity, and the in situ tunable complex hopping and pairing terms are created by parametric pumping at the mode-difference and mode-sum frequencies, respectively. We experimentally demonstrate important precursors of nontrivial topology and the non-Hermitian skin effect in the bosonic Kitaev chain, including chiral transport, quadrature wavefunction localization, and sensitivity to boundary conditions. Our experiment is an important first step towards exploring genuine many-body non-Hermitian quantum dynamics.
Project description:Quantum communication is an important branch of quantum information science, promising unconditional security to classical communication and providing the building block of a future large-scale quantum network. Noise in realistic quantum communication channels imposes fundamental limits on the communication rates of various quantum communication tasks. It is therefore crucial to identify or bound the quantum capacities of a quantum channel. Here, we consider Gaussian channels that model energy loss and thermal noise errors in realistic optical and microwave communication channels and study their various quantum capacities in the energy-constrained scenario. We provide improved lower bounds to various energy-constrained quantum capacities of these fundamental channels and show that higher communication rates can be attained than previously believed. Specifically, we show that one can boost the transmission rates of quantum information and private classical information by using a correlated multi-mode thermal state instead of the single-mode thermal state of the same energy.
Project description:Topologically protected pseudospin transport, analogous to the quantum spin Hall effect, cannot be strictly implemented for photons and in general bosons because of the lack of symmetry-protected pseudospins. Here we show that the required protection can be provided by the real-space topological excitation of an interacting quantum fluid: a quantum vortex. We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate at the ? point of the Brillouin zone of a quantum valley Hall system based on two staggered honeycomb lattices. We demonstrate the existence of a coupling between the vortex winding and the valley of the bulk Bloch band. This leads to chiral vortex propagation on each side of the zigzag interface between two regions of inverted staggering. The topological protection provided by the vortex winding prevents valley pseudospin mixing and resonant backscattering, allowing a truly topologically protected valley pseudospin transport.
Project description:One of the key applications of quantum information is simulating nature. Fermions are ubiquitous in nature, appearing in condensed matter systems, chemistry and high energy physics. However, universally simulating their interactions is arguably one of the largest challenges, because of the difficulties arising from anticommutativity. Here we use digital methods to construct the required arbitrary interactions, and perform quantum simulation of up to four fermionic modes with a superconducting quantum circuit. We employ in excess of 300 quantum logic gates, and reach fidelities that are consistent with a simple model of uncorrelated errors. The presented approach is in principle scalable to a larger number of modes, and arbitrary spatial dimensions.
Project description:High-dimensional quantum information processing has emerged as a promising avenue to transcend hardware limitations and advance the frontiers of quantum technologies. Harnessing the untapped potential of the so-called qudits necessitates the development of quantum protocols beyond the established qubit methodologies. Here, we present a robust, hardware-efficient, and scalable approach for operating multidimensional solid-state systems using Raman-assisted two-photon interactions. We then utilize them to construct extensible multi-qubit operations, realize highly entangled multidimensional states including atomic squeezed states and Schrödinger cat states, and implement programmable entanglement distribution along a qudit array. Our work illuminates the quantum electrodynamics of strongly driven multi-qudit systems and provides the experimental foundation for the future development of high-dimensional quantum applications such as quantum sensing and fault-tolerant quantum computing.
Project description:When a system close to a continuous phase transition is subjected to perturbations, it takes an exceptionally long time to return to equilibrium. This critical slowing down is observed universally in the dynamics of bosonic excitations, such as order-parameter collective modes, but it is not generally expected to occur for fermionic excitations. Here using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, we find evidence for fermionic critical slowing down in YbRh2Si2 close to a quantum phase transition between an antiferromagnetic phase and a heavy Fermi liquid. In the latter phase, the relevant quasiparticles are a quantum superposition of itinerant and localized electronic states with a strongly enhanced effective mass. As the temperature is lowered on the heavy-Fermi-liquid side of the transition, the heavy-fermion spectral weight builds up until the Kondo temperature TK ≈ 25 K, then decays towards the quantum phase transition and is, thereafter, followed by a logarithmic rise of the quasiparticle excitation rate below 10 K. A two-band heavy-Fermi-liquid theory shows that this is indicative of the fermionic critical slowing down associated with heavy-fermion breakdown near the quantum phase transition. The critical exponent of this breakdown could be used to classify this system among a wider family of fermionic quantum phase transitions that is yet to be fully explored.
Project description:Characterizing strongly correlated matter is an increasingly central challenge in quantum science, where structure is often obscured by massive entanglement. It is becoming clear that in the quantum regime, state preparation and characterization should not be treated separately-entangling the two processes provides a quantum advantage in information extraction. Here, we present an approach that we term "manybody Ramsey interferometry" that combines adiabatic state preparation and Ramsey spectroscopy: Leveraging our recently developed one-to-one mapping between computational-basis states and manybody eigenstates, we prepare a superposition of manybody eigenstates controlled by the state of an ancilla qubit, allow the superposition to evolve relative phase, and then reverse the preparation protocol to disentangle the ancilla while localizing phase information back into it. Ancilla tomography then extracts information about the manybody eigenstates, the associated excitation spectrum, and thermodynamic observables. This work illustrates the potential for using quantum computers to efficiently probe quantum matter.
Project description:We present experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the collective behavior of submicrometer-sized particles immersed in a nematic micellar solution. We use latex spheres with diameters ranging from 190 to 780 nm and study their aggregation properties due to the interplay of the various colloidal forces at work in the system. We found that the morphology of aggregates strongly depends on the particle size, with evidence for two distinct regimes: the biggest inclusions clump together within minutes into either compact clusters or V-like structures that are completely consistent with attractive elastic interactions. On the contrary, the smallest particles form chains elongated along the nematic axis, within comparable timescales. In this regime, Monte Carlo simulations, based on a modified diffusion-limited cluster aggregation model, strongly suggest that the anisotropic rotational Brownian motion of the clusters combined with short-range depletion interactions dominate the system coarsening; elastic interactions no longer prevail. The simulations reproduce the sharp transition between the two regimes on increasing the particle size. We provide reasonable estimates to interpret our data and propose a likely scenario for colloidal aggregation. These results emphasize the growing importance of the diffusion of species at suboptical-wavelength scales and raise a number of fundamental issues.