Project description:BackgroundThe incidence and severity of dengue in Latin America has increased substantially in recent decades and data from Puerto Rico suggests an increase in severe cases. Successful clinical management of severe dengue requires early recognition and supportive care.MethodsFatal cases were identified among suspected dengue cases reported to two disease surveillance systems and from death certificates. To be included, fatal cases had to have specimen submitted for dengue diagnostic testing including nucleic acid amplification for dengue virus (DENV) in serum or tissue, immunohistochemical testing of tissue, and immunoassay detection of anti-DENV IgM from serum. Medical records from laboratory-positive dengue fatal case-patients were reviewed to identify possible determinants for death.ResultsAmong 10,576 reported dengue cases, 40 suspect fatal cases were identified, of which 11 were laboratory-positive, 14 were laboratory-negative, and 15 laboratory-indeterminate. The median age of laboratory-positive case-patients was 26 years (range 5 months to 78 years), including five children aged < 15 years; 7 sought medical care at least once prior to hospital admission, 9 were admitted to hospital and 2 died upon arrival. The nine hospitalized case-patients stayed a mean of 15 hours (range: 3-48 hours) in the emergency department (ED) before inpatient admission. Five of the nine case-patients received intravenous methylprednisolone and four received non-isotonic saline while in shock. Eight case-patients died in the hospital; five had their terminal event on the inpatient ward and six died during a weekend. Dengue was listed on the death certificate in only 5 instances.ConclusionsDuring a dengue epidemic in an endemic area, none of the 11 laboratory-positive case-patients who died were managed according to current WHO Guidelines. Management issues identified in this case-series included failure to recognize warning signs for severe dengue and shock, prolonged ED stays, and infrequent patient monitoring.
Project description:BACKGROUND:To describe and analyze the involvement of fentanyl and fentanyl analogs (FAs) in drug-related deaths in West Virginia (WV), United States. METHODS:Retrospective analyses of all WV drug-related deaths from 2005 to 2017 were performed, including comparisons of demographic and toxicological characteristics among total deaths, deaths in which fentanyl/FAs were present, deaths in which they were absent, heroin-related deaths, and prescription opioid-related deaths. RESULTS:Most of the 8813 drug-related deaths were overdoses, with about 11% resulting from transportation/other injuries in which drugs were contributors. Prescription opioid presence (without fentanyl) decreased by 75% from 2005-14 to 2015-17 (3545 deaths to 859 deaths, respectively), while fentanyl involvement in the deaths increased by 122% between these periods (487 to 1082 deaths). Ten FAs were identified (427 instances) after 2015. Alprazolam and ethanol were among the top five most frequently identified substances across years. Fentanyl, heroin and cocaine replaced oxycodone, diazepam and hydrocodone in the top five beginning in 2015. Few decedents had a prescription for fentanyl after 2015, with fewer prescriptions also present for other controlled substances identified. CONCLUSIONS:Fentanyl, rapidly emerging FAs, and other illicit drugs in recent years pose a serious health threat even though prescription opioid-related deaths decreased over the same time period.
Project description:BackgroundTuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in developing countries. Following the disruption to health services in East Timor due to violent political conflict in 1999, the National Tuberculosis Control Program was established, with a local non-government organisation as the lead agency. Within a few months, the TB program was operational in all districts.Methods and findingsUsing the East Timor TB program as a case study, we have examined the enabling factors for the implementation of this type of communicable disease control program in a post-conflict setting. Stakeholder analysis was undertaken, and semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2003 with 24 key local and international stakeholders. Coordination, cooperation, and collaboration were identified as major contributors to the success of the TB program. The existing local structure and experience of the local non-government organisation, the commitment among local personnel and international advisors to establishing an effective program, and the willingness of international advisers and local counterparts to be flexible in their approach were also important factors. This success was achieved despite major impediments, including mass population displacement, lack of infrastructure, and the competing interests of organisations working in the health sector.ConclusionsFive years after the conflict, the TB program continues to operate in all districts with high notification rates, although the lack of a feeling of ownership by government health workers remains a challenge. Lessons learned in East Timor may be applicable to other post-conflict settings where TB is highly prevalent, and may have relevance to other disease control programs.
Project description:BackgroundThere is a large body of literature evaluating the impact of various nutrients of eggs and their dietary cholesterol content on health conditions. There is also literature on the costs of each condition associated with egg consumption. The goal of the present study is to synthesize what is known about the risks and benefits of eggs and the associated costs from a societal perspective.MethodsA risk apportionment model estimated the increased risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) attributable to egg cholesterol content, the decreased risk for other conditions (age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataract, neural tube defects, and sarcopenia) associated with egg consumption, and a literature search identified the cost of illness of each condition. The base 795 case scenario calculated the costs or savings of each condition attributable to egg cholesterol or nutrient content.ResultsGiven the costs associated with CHD and the benefits associated with the other conditions, the most likely scenario associated with eating an egg a day is savings of $2.82 billion annually with uncertainty ranging from a net cost of $756 million to net savings up to $8.50 billion.ConclusionThis study evaluating the economic impact of egg consumption suggests that public health campaigns promoting limiting egg consumption as a means to reduce CHD risk would not be cost-effective from a societal perspective when other benefits are considered. Public health intervention that focuses on a single dietary constituent, and foods that are high in that constituent, may lead to unintended consequences of removing other beneficial constituents and the net effect may not be in its totality a desirable public health outcome. As newer data become available, the model should be updated.
Project description:Qualitative and quantitative risk-benefit assessments (RBA) can be used to support public health decisions in food safety. We conducted an evidence scan to understand the state of the science regarding RBA in seafood to help inform seafood dietary advice in the United States. We collected published RBA studies assessing seafood consumption, designed inclusion and exclusion criteria to screen these studies, and conducted systematic data extraction for the relevant studies published since 2019. Our findings indicate the selection of health risks and benefits does not generally follow a systematic approach. Uncertainty and variability in RBAs is often not addressed, and quantitative RBAs making use of a single health metric generally have not been leveraged to directly support published regulatory decisions or dietary guidance. To elevate the role of RBA in supporting regulatory decision-making, risk assessors and risk managers must work together to set expectations and goals. We identified the need for a prioritization phase (e.g., multicriteria decision analysis model) to determine the risks and benefits of greatest public health impact to inform the RBA design. This prioritization would consider not only the degree of public health impact of each risk and benefit, but also the potential for risks and benefits to converge on common health outcomes and their importance to subpopulations. Including a prioritization could improve the utility of the RBAs to better inform risk management decisions and advance public health. Our work serves to guide the United States Food and Drug Administration's approaches to RBA in foods.
Project description:Background and aimsWe report on a cost analysis study, using population level data to determine the emergency service costs avoided from emergency overdose management at supervised consumption services (SCS).DesignWe completed a cost analysis from a payer's perspective. In this setting, there is a single-payer model of service delivery.SettingIn Calgary, Canada, 'Safeworks Harm Reduction Program' was established in late 2017 and offers 24/7 access to SCS. The facility is a nurse-led service, available for client drop-in. We conducted a cost analysis for the entire duration of the program from November 2017 to January 2020, a period of 2 years and 3 months.MethodsWe assessed costs using the following factors from government health databases: monthly operational costs of providing services for drug consumption, cost of providing ambulance pre-hospital care for clients with overdoses who could not be revived at the facility, cost of initial treatment in an emergency department, and benefit of costs averted from overdoses that were successfully managed at the SCS.ResultsThe proportion of clients who have overdosed at the SCS has decreased steadily for the duration of the program. The number of overdoses that can be managed on site at the SCS has trended upward, currently 98%. Each overdose that is managed at the SCS produces approximately $1600 CAD in cost savings, with a savings of over $2.3 million for the lifetime of the program.ConclusionOverdose management at an SCS creates cost savings by offsetting costs required for managing overdoses using emergency department and pre-hospital ambulance services.
Project description:An important aim of clinical prediction models is to positively impact clinical decision making and subsequent patient outcomes. The impact on clinical decision making and patient outcome can be quantified in prospective comparative-ideally cluster-randomized-studies, known as 'impact studies'. However, such impact studies often require a lot of time and resources, especially when they are (cluster-)randomized studies. Before envisioning such large-scale randomized impact study, it is important to ensure a reasonable chance that the use of the prediction model by the targeted healthcare professionals and patients will indeed have a positive effect on both decision making and subsequent outcomes. We recently performed two differently designed, prospective impact studies on a clinical prediction model to be used in surgical patients. Both studies taught us new valuable lessons on several aspects of prediction model impact studies, and which considerations may guide researchers in their decision to conduct a prospective comparative impact study. We provide considerations on how to prepare a prediction model for implementation in practice, how to present the model predictions, and how to choose the proper design for a prediction model impact study.
Project description:Pharmacogenomic (PGx) evidence for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) continues to evolve. For sites offering testing, maintaining up-to-date interpretations and implementing new clinical decision support (CDS) driven by existing results creates practical and technical challenges. Vanderbilt University Medical Center initiated panel testing in 2010, added CYP2D6 testing in 2017, and released CDS for SSRIs in 2020. We systematically reinterpreted historic CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 genotypes to update phenotypes to current nomenclature and to launch provider CDS and patient-oriented content for SSRIs. Chart review was conducted to identify and recontact providers caring for patients with current SSRI therapy and new actionable recommendations. A total of 15,619 patients' PGx results were reprocessed. Of the non-deceased patients reprocessed, 21% (n = 3278) resulted in CYP2C19*1/*17 reinterpretations. Among 289 patients with an actionable recommendation and SSRI medication prescription, 31.8% (n = 92) did not necessitate contact of a clinician, while 43.2% (n = 125) resulted in clinician contacted, and for 25% (n = 72) no appropriate clinician was able to be identified. Maintenance of up-to-date interpretations and recommendations for PGx results over the lifetime of a patient requires continuous effort. Reprocessing is a key strategy for maintenance and expansion of PGx content to be periodically considered and implemented.