Ontology highlight
We demonstrate cyclotron production of high-quality 225Ac using an electroplated 226Ra target.Methods
226Ra was extracted from legacy Ra sources using a chelating resin. Subsequent ion-exchange purification gave pure 226Ra with a certain amount of carrier Ba. The radium target was prepared by electroplating. We successfully deposited about 37 MBq of 226Ra on a target box. Maximum activation was achieved using 15.6 MeV protons on the target at 20 µA for 5 h. Two functional resins with various concentrations of nitric acid purified 225Ac and recovered 226Ra. Cooling the intermediate 225Ac for 2-3 weeks decayed the major byproduct of 226Ac and increased the radionuclidic purity of 225Ac. Repeating the same separation protocol provided high-quality 225Ac.Results
We obtained 225Ac at a yield of about 2.4 MBq at the end of bombardment (EOB), and the subsequent initial purification gave 1.7 MBq of 225Ac with 226Ac/225Ac ratio of < 3% at 4 days from EOB. Additional cooling time coupled with the separation procedure (secondary purification) effectively increased the 225Ac (4n + 1 series) radionuclidic purity up to 99 + %. The recovered 225Ac had a similar identification to commercially available 225Ac originating from a 229Th/225Ac generator.Conclusion
This procedure, which involves the 226Ra(p,2n)225Ac reaction and the appropriate purification, has the potential to be a major alternative pathway for 225Ac production because it can be performed in any facility with a compact cyclotron to address the increasing demand for 225Ac.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC8712309 | biostudies-literature |
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature