Project description:Gaussian Boson Samplers are photonic quantum devices with the potential to perform intractable tasks for classical systems. As with other near-term quantum technologies, an outstanding challenge is to identify specific problems of practical interest where these devices can prove useful. Here, we show that Gaussian Boson Samplers can be used to predict molecular docking configurations, a central problem for pharmaceutical drug design. We develop an approach where the problem is reduced to finding the maximum weighted clique in a graph, and show that Gaussian Boson Samplers can be programmed to sample large-weight cliques, i.e., stable docking configurations, with high probability, even with photon losses. We also describe how outputs from the device can be used to enhance the performance of classical algorithms. To benchmark our approach, we predict the binding mode of a ligand to the tumor necrosis factor-α converting enzyme, a target linked to immune system diseases and cancer.
Project description:Molecular vibroic spectroscopy, where the transitions involve non-trivial Bosonic correlation due to the Duschinsky Rotation, is strongly believed to be in a similar complexity class as Boson Sampling. At finite temperature, the problem is represented as a Boson Sampling experiment with correlated Gaussian input states. This molecular problem with temperature effect is intimately related to the various versions of Boson Sampling sharing the similar computational complexity. Here we provide a full description to this relation in the context of Gaussian Boson Sampling. We find a hierarchical structure, which illustrates the relationship among various Boson Sampling schemes. Specifically, we show that every instance of Gaussian Boson Sampling with an initial correlation can be simulated by an instance of Gaussian Boson Sampling without initial correlation, with only a polynomial overhead. Since every Gaussian state is associated with a thermal state, our result implies that every sampling problem in molecular vibronic transitions, at any temperature, can be simulated by Gaussian Boson Sampling associated with a product of vacuum modes. We refer such a generalized Gaussian Boson Sampling motivated by the molecular sampling problem as Vibronic Boson Sampling.
Project description:Gaussian boson sampling (GBS) plays a crucially important role in demonstrating quantum advantage. As a major imperfection, the limited connectivity of the linear optical network weakens the quantum advantage result in recent experiments. In this work, we introduce an enhanced classical algorithm for simulating GBS processes with limited connectivity. It computes the loop Hafnian of an n×n symmetric matrix with bandwidth w in O(nw2w) time. It is better than the previous fastest algorithm which runs in O(nw22w) time. This classical algorithm is helpful on clarifying how limited connectivity affects the computational complexity of GBS and tightening the boundary for achieving quantum advantage in the GBS problem.
Project description:Boson sampling is a computational task strongly believed to be hard for classical computers, but efficiently solvable by orchestrated bosonic interference in a specialized quantum computer. Current experimental schemes, however, are still insufficient for a convincing demonstration of the advantage of quantum over classical computation. A new variation of this task, scattershot boson sampling, leads to an exponential increase in speed of the quantum device, using a larger number of photon sources based on parametric down-conversion. This is achieved by having multiple heralded single photons being sent, shot by shot, into different random input ports of the interferometer. We report the first scattershot boson sampling experiments, where six different photon-pair sources are coupled to integrated photonic circuits. We use recently proposed statistical tools to analyze our experimental data, providing strong evidence that our photonic quantum simulator works as expected. This approach represents an important leap toward a convincing experimental demonstration of the quantum computational supremacy.
Project description:Quantum steering-a strong correlation to be verified even when one party or its measuring device is fully untrusted-not only provides a profound insight into quantum physics but also offers a crucial basis for practical applications. For continuous-variable (CV) systems, Gaussian states among others have been extensively studied, however, mostly confined to Gaussian measurements. While the fulfilment of Gaussian criterion is sufficient to detect CV steering, whether it is also necessary for Gaussian states is a question of fundamental importance in many contexts. This critically questions the validity of characterizations established only under Gaussian measurements like the quantification of steering and the monogamy relations. Here, we introduce a formalism based on local uncertainty relations of non-Gaussian measurements, which is shown to manifest quantum steering of some Gaussian states that Gaussian criterion fails to detect. To this aim, we look into Gaussian states of practical relevance, i.e. two-mode squeezed states under a lossy and an amplifying Gaussian channel. Our finding significantly modifies the characteristics of Gaussian-state steering so far established such as monogamy relations and one-way steering under Gaussian measurements, thus opening a new direction for critical studies beyond Gaussian regime.
Project description:Posterior computation for high-dimensional data with many parameters can be challenging. This article focuses on a new method for approximating posterior distributions of a low- to moderate-dimensional parameter in the presence of a high-dimensional or otherwise computationally challenging nuisance parameter. The focus is on regression models and the key idea is to separate the likelihood into two components through a rotation. One component involves only the nuisance parameters, which can then be integrated out using a novel type of Gaussian approximation. We provide theory on approximation accuracy that holds for a broad class of forms of the nuisance component and priors. Applying our method to simulated and real data sets shows that it can outperform state-of-the-art posterior approximation approaches.
Project description:Gaussian boson sampling (GBS) has the potential to solve complex graph problems, such as clique finding, which is relevant to drug discovery tasks. However, realizing the full benefits of quantum enhancements requires large-scale quantum hardware with universal programmability. Here we have developed a time-bin-encoded GBS photonic quantum processor that is universal, programmable and software-scalable. Our processor features freely adjustable squeezing parameters and can implement arbitrary unitary operations with a programmable interferometer. Leveraging our processor, we successfully executed clique finding on a 32-node graph, achieving approximately twice the success probability compared to classical sampling. As proof of concept, we implemented a versatile quantum drug discovery platform using this GBS processor, enabling molecular docking and RNA-folding prediction tasks. Our work achieves GBS circuitry with its universal and programmable architecture, advancing GBS toward use in real-world applications.
Project description:High-power terahertz (THz) quantum cascade laser, as an emerging THz solid-state radiation source, is attracting attention for numerous applications including medicine, sensing, and communication. However, due to the sub-wavelength confinement of the waveguide structure, direct beam brightness upscaling with device area remains elusive due to several mode competition and external optical lens is normally used to enhance the THz beam brightness. Here, we propose a metallic THz photonic crystal resonator with a phase-engineered design for single mode surface emission over a broad area. The quantum cascade surface-emitting laser is capable of delivering an output peak power over 185 mW with a narrow beam divergence of 4.4° × 4.4° at 3.88 THz. A high beam brightness of 1.6 × 107 W sr-1m-2 with near-diffraction-limited M2 factors of 1.4 in both vertical and lateral directions is achieved from a large device area of 1.6 × 1.6 mm2 without using any optical lenses. The adjustable phase shift between the lattices enables a stable and high-intensity surface emission over a broad device area, which makes it an ideal light extractor for large-scale THz emitters. Our research paves the way to high brightness solid-state THz lasers and facilitates new applications in standoff THz imaging, detection, and diagnosis.
Project description:Standard three-dimensional Fourier transform (FT) NMR experiments of molecular systems often involve prolonged measurement times due to extensive sampling required along the indirect time domains to obtain adequate spectral resolution. In recent years, a wealth of alternative sampling methods has been proposed to ease this bottleneck. However, due to their algorithmic complexity, for a given sample and experiment it is often hard to determine the minimal sampling requirement, and hence the maximal achievable experimental speed up. Herein we introduce an absolute minimal sampling (AMS) method that can be applied to common 3D NMR experiments. We show for the proteins ubiquitin and arginine kinase that for widely used experiments, such as 3D HNCO, accurate carbon frequencies can be obtained with a single time increment, while for others, such as 3D HN(CA)CO, all relevant information is obtained with as few as 6 increments amounting to a speed up of a factor 7-50.
Project description:Quantum field theories describe a variety of fundamental phenomena in physics. However, their study often involves cumbersome numerical simulations. Quantum simulators, on the other hand, may outperform classical computational capacities due to their potential scalability. Here we report an experimental realization of a quantum simulation of fermion-antifermion scattering mediated by bosonic modes, using a multilevel trapped ion, which is a simplified model of fermion scattering in both perturbative and non-perturbative quantum electrodynamics. The simulated model exhibits prototypical features in quantum field theory including particle pair creation and annihilation, as well as self-energy interactions. These are experimentally observed by manipulating four internal levels of a 171Yb+ trapped ion, where we encode the fermionic modes, and two motional degrees of freedom that simulate the bosonic modes. Our experiment establishes an avenue towards the efficient implementation of field modes, which may prove useful in studies of quantum field theories including non-perturbative regimes.