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Electrostatic Interaction with the Bacterial Cell Envelope Tunes the Lytic Activity of Two Novel Peptidoglycan Hydrolases.

ABSTRACT: Peptidoglycan (PG) hydrolases, due to their crucial role in the metabolism of the bacterial cell wall (CW), are increasingly being considered suitable targets for therapies, and a potent alternative to conventional antibiotics. In the light of contradictory data reported, detailed mechanism of regulation of enzymes activity based on electrostatic interactions between hydrolase molecule and bacterial CW surface remains unknown. Here, we report a comprehensive study on this phenomenon using as a model two novel PG hydrolases, SpM23_A, and SpM23_B, which although share the same bacterial host, similarities in sequence conservation, domain architecture, and structure, display surprisingly distinct net charges (in 2D electrophoresis, pI 6.8, and pI 9.7, respectively). We demonstrate a strong correlation between hydrolases surface net charge and the enzymes activity by modulating the charge of both, enzyme molecule and bacterial cell surface. Teichoic acids, anionic polymers present in the bacterial CW, are shown to be involved in the mechanism of enzymes activity regulation by the electrostatics-based interplay between charged bacterial envelope and PG hydrolases. These data serve as a hint for the future development of chimeric PG hydrolases of desired antimicrobial specificity. IMPORTANCE This study shows direct relationship between the surface charge of two recently described enzymes, SpM23_A and SpM23_B, and bacterial cell walls. We demonstrate that by (i) surface charge probing of bacterial strains collection, (ii) reduction of the net charge of the positively charged enzyme, and (iii) altering the net charge of the bacterial surface by modifying the content and composition of teichoic acids. In all cases, we observed that lytic activity and binding strength of SpM23 enzymes, are regulated by electrostatic interactions with the bacterial cell envelope and that this interaction contributes to the determination of the spectrum of susceptible bacterial species. Moreover, we revealed the regulatory role of charged cell wall components, namely, teichoic and lipoteichoic acids, over the SpM23 enzymes. We believe that our findings make an important contribution to understand the means of hydrolases activity regulation in the complex environment of the bacterial cell wall.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC9241647 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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