
Dataset Information


Systematic study of single-cell isolation from musculoskeletal tissues for single-sell sequencing.



The single-cell platform provided revolutionary way to study cellular biology. Technologically, a sophistic protocol of isolating qualified single cells would be key to deliver to single-cell platform, which requires high cell viability, high cell yield and low content of cell aggregates or doublets. For musculoskeletal tissues, like bone, cartilage, nucleus pulposus and tendons, as well as their pathological state, which are tense and dense, it's full of challenge to efficiently and rapidly prepare qualified single-cell suspension. Conventionally, enzymatic dissociation methods were wildly used but lack of quality control. In the present study, we designed the rapid cycling enzymatic processing method using tissue-specific enzyme cocktail to treat different human pathological musculoskeletal tissues, including degenerated nucleus pulposus (NP), ossifying posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) and knee articular cartilage (AC) with osteoarthritis aiming to rapidly and efficiently harvest qualified single-cell suspensions for single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq).


We harvested highly qualified single-cell suspensions from NP and OPLL with sufficient cell numbers and high cell viability using the rapid cycling enzymatic processing method, which significantly increased the cell viability compared with the conventional long-time continuous digestion group (P < 0.05). Bioanalyzer trace showed expected cDNA size distribution of the scRNA-seq library and a clear separation of cellular barcodes from background partitions were verified by the barcode-rank plot after sequencing. T-SNE visualization revealed highly heterogeneous cell subsets in NP and OPLL. Unfortunately, we failed to obtain eligible samples from articular cartilage due to low cell viability and excessive cell aggregates and doublets.


In conclusion, using the rapid cycling enzymatic processing method, we provided thorough protocols for preparing single-cell suspensions from human musculoskeletal tissues, which was timesaving, efficient and protective to cell viability. The strategy would greatly guarantee the cell heterogeneity, which is critical for scRNA-seq data analysis. The protocol to treat human OA articular cartilage should be further improved.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC9327421 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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