Project description:Chlorophototrophic organisms have a charge-separating reaction centre (RC) complex that receives energy from a dedicated light-harvesting (LH) antenna. In the purple phototrophic bacteria, these two functions are embodied by the 'core' photosynthetic component, the RC-LH1 complex. RC-LH1 complexes sit within a membrane bilayer, with the central RC wholly or partly surrounded by a curved array of LH1 subunits that bind a series of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) and carotenoid pigments. Decades of research have shown that the absorption of light initiates a cascade of energy, electron, and proton transfers that culminate in the formation of a quinol, which is subsequently oxidized by the cytochrome bc1 complex. However, a full understanding of all these processes, from femtosecond absorption of light to millisecond quinone diffusion, requires a level of molecular detail that was lacking until the remarkable recent upsurge in the availability of RC-LH1 structures. Here, we survey 13 recently determined RC-LH1 assemblies, and we compare the precise molecular arrangements of pigments and proteins that allow efficient light absorption and the transfer of energy, electrons and protons. We highlight shared structural features, as well as differences that span the bound pigments and cofactors, the structures of individual subunits, the overall architecture of the complexes, and the roles of additional subunits newly identified in just one or a few species. We discuss RC-LH1 structures in the context of prior biochemical and spectroscopic investigations, which together enhance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis in the purple phototrophic bacteria. A particular emphasis is placed on how the remarkable and unexpected structural diversity in RC-LH1 complexes demonstrates different evolutionary solutions for maximising pigment density for optimised light harvesting, whilst balancing the requirement for efficient quinone diffusion between RC and cytochrome bc1 complexes through the encircling LH1 complex.
Project description:Plants are subject to dramatic fluctuations in the intensity of sunlight throughout the day. When the photosynthetic machinery is exposed to high light, photons are absorbed in excess, potentially leading to oxidative damage of its delicate membrane components. A photoprotective molecular process called non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is the fastest response carried out in the thylakoid membranes to harmlessly dissipate excess light energy. Despite having been intensely studied, the site and mechanism of this essential regulatory process are still debated. Here, we show that the main NPQ component called energy-dependent quenching (qE) is present in plants with photosynthetic membranes largely enriched in the major trimeric light-harvesting complex (LHC) II, while being deprived of all minor LHCs and most photosystem core proteins. This fast and reversible quenching depends upon thylakoid lumen acidification (ΔpH). Enhancing ΔpH amplifies the extent of the quenching and restores qE in the membranes lacking PSII subunit S protein (PsbS), whereas the carotenoid zeaxanthin modulates the kinetics and amplitude of the quenching. These findings highlight the self-regulatory properties of the photosynthetic light-harvesting membranes in vivo, where the ability to switch reversibly between the harvesting and dissipative states is an intrinsic property of the major LHCII.
Project description:Key to efficient harvesting of sunlight in photosynthesis is the first energy conversion process in which electronic excitation establishes a trans-membrane charge gradient. This conversion is accomplished by the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) that is, in case of the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides studied here, surrounded by light harvesting complex 1 (LH1). The RC employs six pigment molecules to initiate the conversion: four bacteriochlorophylls and two bacteriopheophytins. The excited states of these pigments interact very strongly and are simultaneously influenced by the surrounding thermal protein environment. Likewise, LH1 employs 32 bacteriochlorophylls influenced in their excited state dynamics by strong interaction between the pigments and by interaction with the protein environment. Modeling the excited state dynamics in the RC as well as in LH1 requires theoretical methods, which account for both pigment-pigment interaction and pigment-environment interaction. In the present study we describe the excitation dynamics within a RC and excitation transfer between light harvesting complex 1 (LH1) and RC, employing the hierarchical equation of motion method. For this purpose a set of model parameters that reproduce RC as well as LH1 spectra and observed oscillatory excitation dynamics in the RC is suggested. We find that the environment has a significant effect on LH1-RC excitation transfer and that excitation transfers incoherently between LH1 and RC.
Project description:The manipulation of B800 bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a in light-harvesting complex 2 (LH2) from the purple photosynthetic bacterium Phaeospirillum molischianum (molischianum-LH2) provides insight for understanding the energy transfer mechanism and the binding of cyclic tetrapyrroles in LH2 proteins since molischianum-LH2 is one of the two LH2 proteins whose atomic-resolution structures have been determined and is a representative of type-2 LH2 proteins. However, there is no report on the substitution of B800 BChl a in molischianum-LH2. We report the reconstitution of 3-acetyl chlorophyll (AcChl) a, which has a 17,18-dihydroporphyrin skeleton, to the B800 site in molischianum-LH2. The 3-acetyl group in AcChl a formed a hydrogen bond with β'-Thr23 in essentially the same manner as native B800 BChl a, but this hydrogen bond was weaker than that of B800 BChl a. This change can be rationalized by invoking a small distortion in the orientation of the 3-acetyl group in the B800 cavity by dehydrogenation in the B-ring from BChl a. The energy transfer from AcChl a in the B800 site to B850 BChl a was about 5-fold slower than that from native B800 BChl a by a decrease of the spectral overlap between energy-donating AcChl a and energy-accepting B850 BChl a.
Project description:The purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodovulum sulfidophilum synthesizes photosynthetic apparatus even under highly aerated conditions in the dark. To understand the oxygen-independent expression of photosynthetic genes, the expression of the puf operon coding for the light-harvesting 1 and reaction center proteins was analyzed. Northern blot hybridization analysis showed that puf mRNA synthesis was not significantly repressed by oxygen in this bacterium. High-resolution 5' mapping of the puf mRNA transcriptional initiation sites and DNA sequence analysis of the puf upstream regulatory region indicated that there are three possible promoters for the puf operon expression, two of which have a high degree of sequence similarity with those of Rhodobacter capsulatus, which shows a high level of oxygen repression of photosystem synthesis. Deletion analysis showed that the third promoter is oxygen independent, but the activity of this promoter was not enough to explain the aerobic level of mRNA. The posttranscriptional puf mRNA degradation is not significantly influenced by oxygen in R. sulfidophilum. From these results, we conclude that puf operon expression in R. sulfidophilum is weakly repressed by oxygen, perhaps as a result of the following: (i) there are three promoters for puf operon transcription, at least one of which is oxygen independent; (ii) readthrough transcripts which may not be affected by oxygen may be significant in maintaining the puf mRNA levels; and (iii) the puf mRNA is fairly stable even under aerobic conditions.
Project description:The reaction centre-light harvesting 1 (RC-LH1) core complex is indispensable for anoxygenic photosynthesis. In the purple bacterium Rhodobacter (Rba.) sphaeroides RC-LH1 is produced both as a monomer, in which 14 LH1 subunits form a C-shaped antenna around 1 RC, and as a dimer, where 28 LH1 subunits form an S-shaped antenna surrounding 2 RCs. Alongside the five RC and LH1 subunits, an additional polypeptide known as PufX provides an interface for dimerisation and also prevents LH1 ring closure, introducing a channel for quinone exchange that is essential for photoheterotrophic growth. Structures of Rba. sphaeroides RC-LH1 complexes revealed several new components; protein-Y, which helps to form the quinone channel; protein-Z, of unknown function and seemingly unique to dimers; and a tightly bound sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG) lipid that interacts with two PufX arginine residues. This lipid lies at the dimer interface alongside weak density for a second molecule, previously proposed to be an ornithine lipid. In this work we have generated strains of Rba. sphaeroides lacking protein-Y, protein-Z, SQDG or ornithine lipids to assess the roles of these previously unknown components in the assembly and activity of RC-LH1. We show that whilst the removal of either protein-Y, protein-Z or ornithine lipids has only subtle effects, SQDG is essential for the formation of RC-LH1 dimers but its absence has no functional effect on the monomeric complex.
Project description:The core of the photosynthetic apparatus of purple photosynthetic bacteria such as Rhodobacter capsulatus consists of a reaction center (RC) intimately associated with light-harvesting complex 1 (LH1) and the PufX polypeptide. The abundance of the RC and LH1 components was previously shown to depend on the product of the puhB gene (formerly known as orf214). We report here that disruption of puhB diminishes RC assembly, with an indirect effect on LH1 assembly, and reduces the amount of PufX. Under semiaerobic growth conditions, the core complex was present at a reduced level in puhB mutants. After transfer of semiaerobically grown cultures to photosynthetic (anaerobic illuminated) conditions, the RC/LH1 complex became only slightly more abundant, and the amount of PufX increased as cells began photosynthetic growth. We discovered that the photosynthetic growth of puhB disruption strains of R. capsulatus starts after a long lag period, which is due to physiological adaptation rather than secondary mutations. Using a hybrid protein expression system, we determined that the three predicted transmembrane segments of PuhB are capable of spanning a cell membrane and that the second transmembrane segment could mediate self-association of PuhB. We discuss the possible function of PuhB as a dimeric RC assembly factor.
Project description:Photoprotective non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) represents an effective way to dissipate the light energy absorbed in excess by most phototrophs. It is often claimed that NPQ formation/relaxation kinetics are determined by xanthophyll composition. We, however, found that, for the alveolate alga Chromera velia, this is not the case. In the present paper, we investigated the reasons for the constitutive high rate of quenching displayed by the alga by comparing its light harvesting strategies with those of a model phototroph, the land plant Spinacia oleracea. Experimental results and in silico studies support the idea that fast quenching is due not to xanthophylls, but to intrinsic properties of the Chromera light harvesting complex (CLH) protein, related to amino acid composition and protein folding. The pKa for CLH quenching was shifted by 0.5 units to a higher pH compared with higher plant antennas (light harvesting complex II; LHCII). We conclude that, whilst higher plant LHCIIs are better suited for light harvesting, CLHs are 'natural quenchers' ready to switch into a dissipative state. We propose that organisms with antenna proteins intrinsically more sensitive to protons, such as C. velia, carry a relatively high concentration of violaxanthin to improve their light harvesting. In contrast, higher plants need less violaxanthin per chlorophyll because LHCII proteins are more efficient light harvesters and instead require co-factors such as zeaxanthin and PsbS to accelerate and enhance quenching.
Project description:Electronic 2D spectroscopy allows nontrivial quantum effects to be explored in unprecedented detail. Here, we apply recently developed fluorescence detected coherent 2D spectroscopy to study the light harvesting antenna 2 (LH2) of photosynthetic purple bacteria. We report double quantum coherence 2D spectra which show clear cross peaks indicating correlated excitations. Similar results are found for rephasing and nonrephasing signals. Analysis of signal generating quantum pathways leads to the conclusion that, contrary to the currently prevailing physical picture, the two weakly coupled pigment rings of LH2 share the initial electronic excitation leading to quantum mechanical correlation between the two clearly separate absorption bands. These results are general and have consequences for the interpretation of initially created excited states not only in photosynthesis but in all light absorbing systems composed of weakly interacting pigments where the excitation transfer is commonly described by using Förster theory. Being able to spectrally resolve the nonequilibrium dynamics immediately following photoabsorption may provide a glimpse to the systems' transition into the Förster regime.