Project description:Bilayer lipids influence the lateral structure of the membranes, but the relationship between lipid properties and the lateral structure formed is not always understood. Model membrane studies on bilayers containing cholesterol and various phospholipids (PLs) suggest that high and low temperature melting PLs may segregate, especially in the presence of cholesterol. The effect of different PL headgroups on lateral structure of bilayers is also not clear. Here, we have examined the formation of lateral heterogeneity in increasingly complex (up to five-component) multilamellar bilayers. We have used time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy with domain-selective fluorescent probes (PL-conjugated trans-parinaric acid), and (2)H NMR spectroscopy with site or perdeuterated PLs. We have measured changes in bilayer order using such domain-selective probes both as a function of temperature and composition. Our results from time-resolved fluorescence and (2)H NMR showed that in ternary bilayers, acyl chain order and thermostability in sphingomyelin-rich domains were not affected to any greater extent by the headgroup structure of the monounsaturated PLs (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, or phosphatidylserine) in the bilayer. In the complex five-component bilayers, we could not detect major differences between the different monounsaturated PLs regarding cholesterol-induced ordering. However, cholesterol clearly influenced deuterated N-palmitoyl sphingomyelin differently than the other deuterated PLs, suggesting that cholesterol favored N-palmitoyl sphingomyelin over the other PLs. Taken together, both the fluorescence spectroscopy and (2)H NMR data suggest that the complex five-component membranes displayed lateral heterogeneity, at least in the lower temperature regimen examined.
Project description:Cell-membrane-mimicking supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) provide an ultrathin, self-assembled layer that forms on solid supports and can exhibit antifouling, signaling, and transport properties among various possible functions. While recent material innovations have increased the number of practically useful SLB fabrication methods, typical SLB platforms only work in aqueous environments and are prone to fluidity loss and lipid-bilayer collapse upon air exposure, which limits industrial applicability. To address this issue, herein, we developed sucrose-bicelle complex system to fabricate air-stable SLBs that were laterally mobile upon rehydration. SLBs were fabricated from bicelles in the presence of up to 40 wt% sucrose, which was verified by quartz crystal microbalance-dissipation (QCM-D) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments. The sucrose fraction in the system was an important factor; while 40 wt% sucrose induced lipid aggregation and defects on SLBs after the dehydration-rehydration process, 20 wt% sucrose yielded SLBs that exhibited fully recovered lateral mobility after these processes. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that sucrose-bicelle complex system can facilitate one-step fabrication of air-stable SLBs that can be useful for a wide range of biointerfacial science applications.
Project description:Supported lipid bilayers (SLB) are important for the study of membrane-based phenomena and as coatings for biosensors. Nevertheless, there is a fundamental lack of understanding of the process by which they form from vesicles in solution. We report insights into the mechanism of SLB formation by vesicle adsorption using temperature-controlled time-resolved fluorescence microscopy at low vesicle concentrations. First, lipid accumulates on the surface at a constant rate up to approximately 0.8 of SLB coverage. Then, as patches of SLB nucleate and spread, the rate of accumulation increases. At a coverage of approximately 1.5 x SLB, excess vesicles desorb as SLB patches rapidly coalesce into a continuous SLB. Variable surface fluorescence immediately before SLB patch formation argues against the existence of a critical vesicle density necessary for rupture. The accelerating rate of accumulation and the widespread, abrupt loss of vesicles coincide with the emergence and disappearance of patch edges. We conclude that SLB edges enhance vesicle adhesion to the surface and induce vesicle rupture, thus playing a key role in the formation of continuous SLB.
Project description:Antigen binding by serum Ig-M (IgM) protects against microbial infections and helps to prevent autoimmunity, but causes life-threatening diseases when mistargeted. How antigen-bound IgM activates complement-immune responses remains unclear. We present cryoelectron tomography structures of IgM, C1, and C4b complexes formed on antigen-bearing lipid membranes by normal human serum at 4 °C. The IgM-C1-C4b complexes revealed C4b product release as the temperature-limiting step in complement activation. Both IgM hexamers and pentamers adopted hexagonal, dome-shaped structures with Fab pairs, dimerized by hinge domains, bound to surface antigens that support a platform of Fc regions. C1 binds IgM through widely spread C1q-collagen helices, with C1r proteases pointing outward and C1s bending downward and interacting with surface-attached C4b, which further interacts with the adjacent IgM-Fab2 and globular C1q-recognition unit. Based on these data, we present mechanistic models for antibody-mediated, C1q-transmitted activation of C1 and for C4b deposition, while further conformational rearrangements are required to form C3 convertases.
Project description:G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute a large family of membrane proteins that plays a key role in transmembrane signal transduction and draw wide attention since it was discovered. Arrestin is a small family of proteins which can bind to GPCRs, block G protein interactions and redirect signaling to G-protein-independent pathways. The detailed mechanism of how arrestin interacts with GPCR remains elusive. Here, we conducted molecular dynamics simulations with coarse-grained (CG) and all-atom (AA) models to study the complex structure formed by arrestin and rhodopsin, a prototypical GPCR, in a POPC bilayer. Our results indicate that the formation of the complex has a significant impact on arrestin which is tightly anchored onto the bilayer surface, while has a minor effect on the orientation of rhodopsin in the lipid bilayer. The formation of the complex induces an internal change of conformation and flexibility in both rhodopsin and arrestin, mainly at the binding interface. Further investigation on the interaction interface identified the hydrogen bond network, especially the long-lived hydrogen bonds, and the key residues at the contact interface, which are responsible for stabilizing the complex. These results help us to better understand how rhodopsin interacts with arrestin on membranes, and thereby shed lights on arrestin-mediated signal transduction through GPCRs.
Project description:Cholesterol is essential to the formation of phase-separated lipid domains in membranes. Lipid domains can exist in different thermodynamic phases depending on the molecular composition and play significant roles in determining structure and function of membrane proteins. We investigate the role of cholesterol in the structure and dynamics of ternary lipid mixtures displaying phase separation using molecular dynamics simulations, employing a physiologically relevant span of cholesterol concentration. We find that cholesterol can induce formation of three regimes of phase behavior: 1) miscible liquid-disordered bulk, 2) phase-separated, domain-registered coexistence of liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered domains, and 3) phase-separated, domain-antiregistered coexistence of liquid-disordered and newly identified nanoscopic gel domains composed of cholesterol threads we name "cholesterolic gel" domains. These findings are validated and discussed in the context of current experimental knowledge, models of cholesterol spatial distributions, and models of ternary lipid-mixture phase separation.
Project description:The β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) catalyses the folding and insertion of β-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs) into the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria by mechanisms that remain unclear. Here, we present an ensemble of cryoEM structures of the E. coli BamABCDE (BAM) complex in lipid nanodiscs, determined using multi-body refinement techniques. These structures, supported by single-molecule FRET measurements, describe a range of motions in the BAM complex, mostly localised within the periplasmic region of the major subunit BamA. The β-barrel domain of BamA is in a 'lateral open' conformation in all of the determined structures, suggesting that this is the most energetically favourable species in this bilayer. Strikingly, the BAM-containing lipid nanodisc is deformed, especially around BAM's lateral gate. This distortion is also captured in molecular dynamics simulations, and provides direct structural evidence for the lipid 'disruptase' activity of BAM, suggested to be an important part of its functional mechanism.
Project description:In the photosynthetic apparatus of plants a high proportion of LHCII protein is needed to integrate 50% non-bilayer lipid MGDG into the lamellar thylakoid membrane, but whether and how the stability of the protein is also affected is not known. Here we use single-molecule force spectroscopy to map the stability of LHCII against mechanical unfolding along the polypeptide chain as a function of oligomerization state and lipid composition. Comparing unfolding forces between monomeric and trimeric LHCII demonstrates that the stability does not increase significantly upon trimerization but can mainly be correlated with specific contact sites between adjacent monomers. In contrast, unfolding of trimeric complexes in membranes composed of different thylakoid lipids reveals that the non-bilayer lipid MGDG substantially increases the mechanical stability of LHCII in many segments of the protein compared to other lipids such as DGDG or POPG. We attribute these findings to steric matching of conically formed MGDG and the hourglass shape of trimeric LHCII, thereby extending the role of non-bilayer lipids to the structural stabilization of membrane proteins in addition to the modulation of their folding, conformation and function.
Project description:Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), which constitutes ?1% of the plasma membrane phospholipid, plays a key role in membrane-delimited signaling. PIP2 regulates structurally and functionally diverse membrane proteins, including voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels, inwardly rectifying ion channels, transporters, and receptors. In some cases, the regulation is known to involve specific lipid-protein interactions, but the mechanisms by which PIP2 regulates many of its various targets remain to be fully elucidated. Because many PIP2 targets are membrane-spanning proteins, we explored whether the phosphoinositides might alter bilayer physical properties such as curvature and elasticity, which would alter the equilibrium between membrane protein conformational states-and thereby protein function. Taking advantage of the gramicidin A (gA) channels' sensitivity to changes in lipid bilayer properties, we used gA-based fluorescence quenching and single-channel assays to examine the effects of long-chain PIP2s (brain PIP2, which is predominantly 1-stearyl-2-arachidonyl-PIP2, and dioleoyl-PIP2) on bilayer properties. When premixed with dioleoyl-phosphocholine at 2 mol %, both long-chain PIP2s produced similar changes in gA channel function (bilayer properties); when applied through the aqueous solution, however, brain PIP2 was a more potent modifier than dioleoyl-PIP2. Given the widespread use of short-chain dioctanoyl-phosphoinositides, we also examined the effects of diC8-phosphoinositol (PI), PI(4,5)P2, PI(3,5)P2, PI(3,4)P2, and PI(3,4,5)P3. The diC8 phosphoinositides, except for PI(3,5)P2, altered bilayer properties with potencies that decreased with increasing head group charge. Nonphosphoinositide diC8 phospholipids generally were more potent bilayer modifiers than the polyphosphoinositides. These results show that physiological increases or decreases in plasma membrane PIP2 levels, as a result of activation of PI kinases or phosphatases, are likely to alter lipid bilayer properties, in addition to any other effects they may have. The results further show that exogenous PIP2, as well as structural analogues that differ in acyl chain length or phosphorylation state, alters lipid bilayer properties at the concentrations used in many cell physiological experiments.