Project description:Photosynthetic microalgae are responsible for an important fraction of CO2 fixation and O2 production on Earth. Three-dimensional (3D) ultrastructural characterization of these organisms in their natural environment can contribute to a deeper understanding of their cell biology. However, the low throughput of volume electron microscopy (vEM) methods along with the complexity and heterogeneity of environmental samples pose great technical challenges. In the present study, we used a workflow based on a specific electron microscopy sample preparation method compatible with both light and vEM imaging in order to target one cell among a complex natural community. This method revealed the 3D subcellular landscape of a photosynthetic dinoflagellate, which we identified as Ensiculifera tyrrhenica, with quantitative characterization of multiple organelles. We show that this cell contains a single convoluted chloroplast and show the arrangement of the flagellar apparatus with its associated photosensitive elements. Moreover, we observed partial chromatin unfolding, potentially associated with transcription activity in these organisms, in which chromosomes are permanently condensed. Together with providing insights in dinoflagellate biology, this proof-of-principle study illustrates an efficient tool for the targeted ultrastructural analysis of environmental microorganisms in heterogeneous mixes.
Project description:Intracellular processes depend on a strict spatial and temporal organization of proteins and organelles. Therefore, directly linking molecular to nanoscale ultrastructural information is crucial in understanding cellular physiology. Volume or three-dimensional (3D) correlative light and electron microscopy (volume-CLEM) holds unique potential to explore cellular physiology at high-resolution ultrastructural detail across cell volumes. However, the application of volume-CLEM is hampered by limitations in throughput and 3D correlation efficiency. In order to address these limitations, we describe a novel pipeline for volume-CLEM that provides high-precision (<100 nm) registration between 3D fluorescence microscopy (FM) and 3D electron microscopy (EM) datasets with significantly increased throughput. Using multi-modal fiducial nanoparticles that remain fluorescent in epoxy resins and a 3D confocal fluorescence microscope integrated into a Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB.SEM), our approach uses FM to target extremely small volumes of even single organelles for imaging in volume EM and obviates the need for post-correlation of big 3D datasets. We extend our targeted volume-CLEM approach to include live-cell imaging, adding information on the motility of intracellular membranes selected for volume-CLEM. We demonstrate the power of our approach by targeted imaging of rare and transient contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosomes within hours rather than days. Our data suggest that extensive ER-lysosome and mitochondria-lysosome interactions restrict lysosome motility, highlighting the unique capabilities of our integrated CLEM pipeline for linking molecular dynamic data to high-resolution ultrastructural detail in 3D.
Project description:Correlative microscopy incorporates the specificity of fluorescent protein labeling into high-resolution electron micrographs. Several approaches exist for correlative microscopy, most of which have used the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as the label for light microscopy. Here we use chemical tagging and synthetic fluorophores instead, in order to achieve protein-specific labeling, and to perform multicolor imaging. We show that synthetic fluorophores preserve their post-embedding fluorescence in the presence of uranyl acetate. Post-embedding fluorescence is of such quality that the specimen can be prepared with identical protocols for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM); this is particularly valuable when singular or otherwise difficult samples are examined. We show that synthetic fluorophores give bright, well-resolved signals in super-resolution light microscopy, enabling us to superimpose light microscopic images with a precision of up to 25 nm in the x-y plane on electron micrographs. To exemplify the preservation quality of our new method we visualize the molecular arrangement of cadherins in adherens junctions of mouse epithelial cells.
Project description:Correlating complementary multiple scale images of the same object is a straightforward means to decipher biological processes. Light microscopy and electron microscopy are the most commonly used imaging techniques, yet despite their complementarity, the experimental procedures available to correlate them are technically complex. We designed and manufactured a new device adapted to many biological specimens, the CryoCapsule, that simplifies the multiple sample preparation steps, which at present separate live cell fluorescence imaging from contextual high-resolution electron microscopy, thus opening new strategies for full correlative light to electron microscopy. We tested the biological application of this highly optimized tool on three different specimens: the in vitro Xenopus laevis mitotic spindle, melanoma cells over-expressing YFP-langerin sequestered in organized membranous subcellular organelles and a pigmented melanocytic cell in which the endosomal system was labeled with internalized fluorescent transferrin.
Project description:Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) unifies the versatility of light microscopy (LM) with the high resolution of electron microscopy (EM), allowing one to zoom into the complex organization of cells. Here, we introduce photonic chip assisted CLEM, enabling multi-modal total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy over large field of view and high precision localization of the target area of interest within EM. The photonic chips are used as a substrate to hold, to illuminate and to provide landmarking of the sample through specially designed grid-like numbering systems. Using this approach, we demonstrate its applicability for tracking the area of interest, imaging the three-dimensional (3D) structural organization of nano-sized morphological features on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells such as fenestrations (trans-cytoplasmic nanopores), and correlating specific endo-lysosomal compartments with its cargo protein upon endocytosis.
Project description:Correlative light and electron microscopy is a powerful tool to study the internal structure of cells. It combines the mutual benefit of correlating light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy information. The EM images only contain contrast information. Therefore, some of the detailed structures cannot be specified from these images alone, especially when different cell organelle are contacted. However, the classical approach of overlaying LM onto EM images to assign functional to structural information is hampered by the large discrepancy in structural detail visible in the LM images. This paper aims at investigating an optimized approach which we call EM-guided deconvolution. This applies to living cells structures before fixation as well as previously fixed sample. It attempts to automatically assign fluorescence-labeled structures to structural details visible in the EM image to bridge the gaps in both resolution and specificity between the two imaging modes. We tested our approach on simulations, correlative data of multi-color beads and previously published data of biological samples.
Project description:We report methodological advances that extend the current capabilities of ion-abrasion scanning electron microscopy (IA-SEM), also known as focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy, a newly emerging technology for high resolution imaging of large biological specimens in 3D. We establish protocols that enable the routine generation of 3D image stacks of entire plastic-embedded mammalian cells by IA-SEM at resolutions of ∼10-20nm at high contrast and with minimal artifacts from the focused ion beam. We build on these advances by describing a detailed approach for carrying out correlative live confocal microscopy and IA-SEM on the same cells. Finally, we demonstrate that by combining correlative imaging with newly developed tools for automated image processing, small 100nm-sized entities such as HIV-1 or gold beads can be localized in SEM image stacks of whole mammalian cells. We anticipate that these methods will add to the arsenal of tools available for investigating mechanisms underlying host-pathogen interactions, and more generally, the 3D subcellular architecture of mammalian cells and tissues.
Project description:Autophagosome biogenesis occurs in the transient subdomains of the endoplasmic reticulum that are called omegasomes, which, in fluorescence microscopy, appear as small puncta, which then grow in diameter and finally shrink and disappear once the autophagosome is complete. Autophagosomes are formed by phagophores, which are membrane cisterns that elongate and close to form the double membrane that limits autophagosomes. Earlier electron-microscopy studies showed that, during elongation, phagophores are lined by the endoplasmic reticulum on both sides. However, the morphology of the very early phagophore precursors has not been studied at the electron-microscopy level. We used live-cell imaging of cells expressing markers of phagophore biogenesis combined with correlative light-electron microscopy, as well as electron tomography of ATG2A/B-double-deficient cells, to reveal the high-resolution morphology of phagophore precursors in three dimensions. We showed that phagophores are closed or nearly closed into autophagosomes already at the stage when the omegasome diameter is still large. We further observed that phagophore precursors emerge next to the endoplasmic reticulum as bud-like highly curved membrane cisterns with a small opening to the cytosol. The phagophore precursors then open to form more flat cisterns that elongate and curve to form the classically described crescent-shaped phagophores.