
Dataset Information


Spatial transcriptomics Visium data for mouse bleomycin model of lung fibrosis

ABSTRACT: Visium (10x Genomics) spatially resolved transcriptomics data generated from the mouse model of bleomycin (BLM)-induced lung fibrosis, with lung tissue collected at 7 or 21 days post single-dose BLM (40 µg/mouse, o.p) or saline vehicle challenge. Data from a total of 24 tissue sections, from 18 unique mouse left lung lobes. The mice were all female C57BL/6NCrl, purchased from Charles River (Germany), and were 8 weeks + 5 days old at the time of study initiation. Animal handling conformed to standards established by the Council of Europe ETS123 AppA, the Helsinki Convention for the Use and Care of Animals, Swedish legislation, and AstraZeneca global internal standards. All mouse experiments were approved by the Gothenburg Ethics Committee for Experimental Animals in Sweden and conformed to Directive 2010/63/EU. The present study was approved by the local Ethical committee in Gothenburg (EA000680-2017) and the approved site number is 31-5373/11. Data included in this repository: - Visium data in the format of selected Space Ranger output files ("filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5", "raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5", "metrics_summary.csv", and the "spatial/" folder) for each individual section analysed. Zipped into one folder: "mm_visium_spaceranger_output.zip" - Sample metadata containing information for each sample with linked subject information: "mm_visium_metadata.tsv" - R objects produced using STUtility and contains the processed data used for downstream analyses, most importantly all spot metadata with assigned data and deconvolution results (NMF, cell2location): "mm_visium_all_stutility_obj.rds" (all), "mm_visium_d7_stutility_obj.rds " (day 7 data), "mm_visium_d21_stutility_obj.rds" (day 21 data) - Cell2location output files ("*_spot_cell_abundances_5pc.csv"), zipped into one folder: "cell2location_strunz2020.zip" - Full resolution H&E images ("*.jpg") of each tissue section that was used as input for spaceranger together with alignment json and sequencing fastq files. Zipped into one folder: "he_fullres_jpgs.zip" - Spot alignment files ("*.json") created in Loupe Browser using the corresponding full resolution H&E image in which spots under the tissue was identified. Zipped into one folder: "loupe_alignment_jsons.zip" Space Ranger output found within the zipped files in folders named "V*****-***-*1". To generate these files, raw FastQ files from the NovaSeq sequencing were processed with the Space Ranger pipeline (v. 1.2.2, 10x Genomics), where the reads were mapped to the mm10 reference genome. Manual spot alignment was performed in the Loupe Browser (v. 6, 10x Genomics) software. Cell type mapping results were obtained using the cell2location (v. 0.1) method, integrating the Space Ranger output data with annotated single cell RNA-seq data produced from mouse BLM injured lungs collected at multiple time points, published by Strunz et al., 2020 (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17358-3, GEO accession: GSE141259). Seurat/STUtility objects were generated from the Space Ranger output files, using the R packages STUtility (v. 1.1.1) and Seurat (v. 4.1.1) in R (v. 4.0.5). The d7 and d21 subset were derived from the object with all samples processed jointly, and thereafter NMF deconvolution and subsequent clustering (d21) was performed. All R scripts used for the data analyses can be found at https://github.com/lfranzen/spatial-lung-fibrosis. The deposited data is presented in the article "Mapping spatially resolved transcriptomes in human and mouse pulmonary fibrosis" by Franzén L & Olsson Lindvall M, et al. (preprint: "Translational mapping of spatially resolved transcriptomes in human and mouse pulmonary fibrosis", bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.12.21.572330).

ORGANISM(S): Mus musculus (mouse)


PROVIDER: S-BSST1409 | biostudies-other |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other

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