Drug-microenvironment mapping reveals resistance mechanisms and prognostic patient subgroups in CLL
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Perturbation dataset of 192 primary CLL samples perturbed with combinations of 12 drugs and 17 microenvironmental stimuli. Additionally, clinical, genetic and CLL-Proliferative Drive annotation.
Further, Immunohistochemistry results of 100 CLL infiltrated and 100 non-neoplastic lymph nodes stained for microenvironmental pathway activity, also with clinical annotation where available.
Published under: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.23.453514
ORGANISM(S): Homo sapiens (human)
PROVIDER: S-BSST824 | biostudies-other |
SECONDARY ACCESSION(S): 10.1101/2021.07.23.453514
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other