Spectroscopic identification of the haem axial ligands of haemoferritin and location of possible haem-binding sites in ferritin by molecular modelling.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Horse spleen ferritin will bind up to 16 protoporphyrin IX haem groups per 24 subunits in vitro [Kadir & Moore (1990) FEBS Lett. 276, 81-84] at a site that causes the haem to be low spin for both ferric and ferrous states. E.p.r. spectra at 10 K of the oxidized form of the resulting haemoferritin gives g values of 2.93, 2.26 and 1.55, characteristic of low-spin haem. The near-i.r. magnetic circular dichroism spectrum shows a porphyrin-to-ferric charge-transfer band at 1590 nm. The spectroscopic parameters indicate that the haem group is probably bound by two histidine ligands. Molecular modelling studies reveal one type of potential haem-binding site in horse L-chain ferritin with bis-histidine co-ordination. This is an intersubunit site which lies in a pocket within the ferritin protein shell in the region of the 3-fold channel. The ligands are His-114 and His-124 in horse L-chain. A second possible set of sites in human H-chain ferritin involves His-60 residues in the pockets between pairs of subunits. These are considered less likely sites of haem occupancy. There are three of the intersubunit sites in horse L-chain ferritin at each of the eight 3-fold channels. We propose that conformational crowding between haem-binding sites at a given channel prevents more than two haems per channel being bound.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC1133187 | biostudies-other | 1992 Oct
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other