
Dataset Information


Selective inhibition of proteoglycan and hyaluronate synthesis in chondrocyte cultures by cyclofenil diphenol, a non-steroidal weak oestrogen.

ABSTRACT: Cyclofenil diphenol, a weak non-steroidal oestrogen, binds to albumin. In the presence of concentrations of albumin just sufficient to keep cyclofenil diphenol in solution, the compound inhibited the synthesis of [35S]proteoglycans, [3H]glycoproteins, [3H]hyaluronate and [3H]proteins in primary cultures of chondrocytes from the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma in a dose-dependent manner. When excess albumin was present, conditions were found (90 micrograms of cyclofenil diphenol and 4 mg of albumin per ml of culture medium) which completely inhibited [35S]proteoglycan and [3H]hyaluronate synthesis but had little effect on [3H]protein or [3H]glycoprotein synthesis. The time of onset of inhibition of [35S]proteoglycan synthesis by cyclofenil diphenol was very rapid (t1/2 less than 25 min) and incompatible with an action mediated through suppression of proteoglycan core protein synthesis. Cyclofenil diphenol inhibited the synthesis of [35S]chondroitin sulphate chains onto p-nitrophenyl beta-D-xyloside in the cultures. Cyclofenil diphenol had little effect on the secretion from chondrocytes of [35S]proteoglycans synthesized immediately prior to treatment. Chondrocyte cultures treated with cyclofenil diphenol recovered their biosynthetic activities almost completely within 3 h of removing the compound from the culture medium. Cyclofenil diphenol had a similar inhibitory action on the synthesis of [35S]proteoglycans in secondary cultures of human dermal fibroblasts from both normal subjects and patients with systemic sclerosis. It is proposed that cyclofenil diphenol inhibits the synthesis of [35S]proteoglycans by interfering with the formation of the glycosaminoglycan side chains of these molecules in the Golgi apparatus of cells. The action may be due to disturbance of Golgi membrane organization by the compound.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC1144312 | biostudies-other | 1984 Oct

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other

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