Antibody-independent activation of the complement system by mitochondria is mediated by cardiolipin.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Non-immune activation of the first component of complement (C1) by the heart mitochondrial inner membrane has been investigated. Cardiolipin, the only strong activator of C1 among phospholipids, is present in large amounts in the heart mitochondrial inner membrane. We therefore studied its contribution to C1 activation by mitochondria. The proteins of the mitochondrial inner membrane were found to activate C1 only weakly, in contrast with the phospholipid fraction which induces strong C1 activation. Furthermore, the digestion of mitochondrial inner membranes with proteolytic enzymes did not affect C1 activation. Additional support in favour of cardiolipin being the responsible activator came from competition experiments with mitochondrial creatine kinase (mt-CPK) and adriamycin, known to bind to cardiolipin. Both mt-CPK and adriamycin displaced C1q from the mitochondrial inner membrane. In addition, C1q displaced mt-CPK bound to mitoplasts.
Project description:Antibody-dependent complement activity is associated not only with autoimmune morbidity, but also with antitumor efficacy. In infectious disease, both recombinant monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal antibodies generated in natural adaptive responses can mediate complement activity to protective, therapeutic or disease-enhancing effect. Recent advances have contributed to the structural resolution of molecular complexes involved in antibody-mediated complement activation, defining the avid nature of participating interactions and pointing to how antibody isotype, subclass, hinge flexibility, glycosylation state, amino acid sequence and the contextual nature of the cognate antigen/epitope are all factors that can determine complement activity through impact on antibody multimerization and subsequent recruitment of complement component 1q. Beyond the efficiency of activation, complement activation products interact with various cell types that mediate immune adherence, trafficking, immune education and innate functions. Similarly, depending on the anatomical location and extent of activation, complement can support homeostatic restoration or be leveraged by pathogens or neoplasms to enhance infection or promote tumorigenic microenvironments, respectively. Advances in means to suppress complement activation by intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), IVIG mimetics and complement-intervening antibodies represent proven and promising exploratory therapeutic strategies, while antibody engineering has likewise offered frameworks to enhance, eliminate or isolate complement activation to interrogate in vivo mechanisms of action. Such strategies promise to support the optimization of antibody-based drugs that are able to tackle emerging and difficult-to-treat diseases by improving our understanding of the synergistic and antagonistic relationships between antibody mechanisms mediated by Fc receptors, direct binding and the products of complement activation.
Project description:Complement activation is an important cause of tissue injury in patients with Ab-mediated rejection (AMR) of transplanted organs. Complement activation triggers a strong inflammatory response, and it also generates tissue-bound and soluble fragments that are clinically useful markers of inflammation. The detection of complement proteins deposited within transplanted tissues has become an indispensible biomarker of AMR, and several assays have recently been developed to measure complement activation by Abs reactive to specific donor HLA expressed within the transplant. Complement inhibitors have entered clinical use and have shown efficacy for the treatment of AMR. New methods of detecting complement activation within transplanted organs will improve our ability to diagnose and monitor AMR, and they will also help guide the use of complement inhibitory drugs.
Project description:Antibodies targeting human leukocyte antigen (HLA)/major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins limit successful transplantation and transfusion, and their presence in blood products can cause lethal transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI). It is unclear which cell types are bound by these anti-leukocyte antibodies to initiate an immunologic cascade resulting in lung injury. We therefore conditionally removed MHC class I (MHC I) from likely cellular targets in antibody-mediated lung injury. Only the removal of endothelial MHC I reduced lung injury and mortality, related mechanistically to absent endothelial complement fixation and lung platelet retention. Restoration of endothelial MHC I rendered MHC I-deficient mice susceptible to lung injury. Neutrophil responses, including neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) release, were intact in endothelial MHC I-deficient mice, whereas complement depletion reduced both lung injury and NETs. Human pulmonary endothelial cells showed high HLA class I expression, and posttransfusion complement activation was increased in clinical TRALI. These results indicate that the critical source of antigen for anti-leukocyte antibodies is in fact the endothelium, which reframes our understanding of TRALI as a rapid-onset vasculitis. Inhibition of complement activation may have multiple beneficial effects of reducing endothelial injury, platelet retention, and NET release in conditions where antibodies trigger these pathogenic responses.
Project description:Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) remains a leading cause of transfusion-related deaths. In most cases, anti-leukocyte antibodies in the transfusion product trigger TRALI, but not all anti-leukocyte antibodies cause TRALI. It has been shown that the anti-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antibody 34-1-2S (anti-H-2Kd) causes TRALI in BALB/c mice (MHC class I haplotype H-2Kd), whereas SF1.1.10 (anti-H-2Kd) does not. In C57BL/6 mice (MHC class I haplotype H-2Kb), TRALI only occurs when anti-MHC class I antibody AF6- (anti-H-2Kb) is administered together with a high dose of 34-1-2S. It remains unknown which specific antibody characteristics are responsible for eliciting TRALI. We therefore investigated several biological and structural features of 34-1-2S compared with other anti-MHC class I antibodies, which on their own do not cause TRALI: SF1.1.10 and AF6- No substantial differences were observed between the TRALI-causing 34-1-2S and the TRALI-resistant SF1.1.10 regarding binding affinity to H-2Kd. Regarding binding affinity to H-2Kb, only AF6- potently bound to H-2Kb, whereas 34-1-2S exhibited weak but significant cross-reactivity. Furthermore, the binding affinity to FcγRs as well as the Fc glycan composition seemed to be similar for all antibodies. Similar Fc glycosylation profiles were also observed for human TRALI-causing donor anti-HLA antibodies compared with human anti-HLA antibodies from control donors. 34-1-2S, however, displayed superior complement activation capacity, which was fully Fc dependent and not significantly dependent on Fc glycosylation. We conclude that TRALI induction is not correlated with Fab- and Fc-binding affinities for antigen and FcγRs, respectively, nor with the composition of Fc glycans; but increased Fc-mediated complement activation is correlated with TRALI induction.
Project description:The complement system is part of the innate immune response that plays important roles in protecting the host from foreign pathogens. The complement components and relative fragment deposition have long been recognized to be strongly involved also in the pathogenesis of autoantibody-related kidney glomerulopathies, leading to direct glomerular injury and recruitment of infiltrating inflammation pathways. More recently, unregulated complement activation has been shown to be associated with progression of non-antibody-mediated kidney diseases, including focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, C3 glomerular disease, thrombotic microangiopathies, or general fibrosis generation in progressive chronic kidney diseases. Some of the specific mechanisms associated with complement activation in these diseases were recently clarified, showing a dominant role of alternative activation pathway. Over the last decade, a growing number of anticomplement agents have been developed, and some of them are being approved for clinical use or already in use. Therefore, anticomplement therapies represent a realistic choice of therapeutic approaches for complement-related diseases. Herein, we review the complement system activation, regulatory mechanisms, their involvement in non-antibody-mediated glomerular diseases, and the recent advances in complement-targeting agents as potential therapeutic strategies.
Project description:Of the four human immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses, IgG4 is considered the least inflammatory, in part because it poorly activates the complement system. Regardless, in IgG4 related disease (IgG4-RD) and in autoimmune disorders with high levels of IgG4 autoantibodies, the presence of these antibodies has been linked to consumption and deposition of complement components. This apparent paradox suggests that conditions may exist, potentially reminiscent of in vivo deposits, that allow for complement activation by IgG4. Furthermore, it is currently unclear how variable glycosylation and Fab arm exchange may influence the ability of IgG4 to activate complement. Here, we used well-defined, glyco-engineered monoclonal preparations of IgG4 and determined their ability to activate complement in a controlled system. We show that IgG4 can activate complement only at high antigen and antibody concentrations, via the classical pathway. Moreover, elevated or reduced Fc galactosylation enhanced or diminished complement activation, respectively, with no apparent contribution from the lectin pathway. Fab glycans slightly reduced complement activation. Lastly, we show that bispecific, monovalent IgG4 resulting from Fab arm exchange is a less potent activator of complement than monospecific IgG4. Taken together, these results imply that involvement of IgG4-mediated complement activation in pathology is possible but unlikely.
Project description:Mitophagy is critical for cell homeostasis. Externalization of the inner mitochondrial membrane phospholipid, cardiolipin (CL), to the surface of the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) was identified as a mitophageal signal recognized by the microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3. However, the CL-translocating machinery remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that a hexameric intermembrane space protein, NDPK-D (or NM23-H4), binds CL and facilitates its redistribution to the OMM. We found that mitophagy induced by a protonophoric uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), caused externalization of CL to the surface of mitochondria in murine lung epithelial MLE-12 cells and human cervical adenocarcinoma HeLa cells. RNAi knockdown of endogenous NDPK-D decreased CCCP-induced CL externalization and mitochondrial degradation. A R90D NDPK-D mutant that does not bind CL was inactive in promoting mitophagy. Similarly, rotenone and 6-hydroxydopamine triggered mitophagy in SH-SY5Y cells was also suppressed by knocking down of NDPK-D. In situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) showed that mitophagy-inducing CL-transfer activity of NDPK-D is closely associated with the dynamin-like GTPase OPA1, implicating fission-fusion dynamics in mitophagy regulation.
Project description:Background: The complement system activation and regulation have been linked to post-transplant pathologies including chronic antibody mediated rejection (cAMR) and the recurrence of IgA nephropathy (ReIgAN) but distinct mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Methods: In this retrospective single center study, the outcome of kidney transplantation was studied in 150 patients with late histological diagnosis to be either cAMR or ReIgAN, 14 stable kidney grafts at 3 months and finally 11 patients with native kidney IgAN nephropathy. To study a role of complement cascade and regulation in cAMR and ReIgAN, the RNA was extracted from available frozen kidney biopsy samples and using RT-qPCR transcripts of 11 target genes along with clinical data were determined and compared with stable grafts at 3 months protocol biopsies or IgAN native kidney nephropathy. Immunohistologically, CD46 (MCP), and C5 proteins were stained in biopsies. Results: Interestingly, there were no differences in kidney graft survival between cAMR and ReIgAN since transplantation. cAMR was associated with significantly higher intragraft transcripts of C3, CD59, and C1-INH as compared to ReIgAN (p < 0.05). When compared to normal stable grafts, cAMR grafts exhibited higher C3, CD55, CD59, CFH, CFI, and C1-INH (p < 0.01). Moreover, ReIgAN was associated with the increase of CD46, CD55, CD59 (p < 0.01), and CFI (p < 0.05) transcripts compared with native kidney IgAN. Rapid progression of cAMR (failure at 2 years after biopsy) was observed in patients with lower intrarenal CD55 expression (AUC 0.77, 78.6% sensitivity, and 72.7 specificity). There was highly significant association of several complement intrarenal transcripts and the degree of CKD regardless the diagnosis; C3, CD55, CFH, CFI, and C1-INH expressions positively correlated with eGFR (for all p < 0.001). Neither the low mRNA transcripts nor the high mRNA transcripts biopsies were associated with distinct trend in MCP or C5 proteins staining. Conclusions: The intrarenal complement system transcripts are upregulated in progressively deteriorated kidney allografts.