The response of the small intestine to vitamin D. Correlation between calcium-binding-protein production and increased calcium absorption.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: 1. The synthesis of calcium-binding protein, a protein produced in the small intestine in response to vitamin D, was investigated with a view to determining whether calcium-binding-protein production could be correlated with the stimulation of calcium absorption by vitamin D. 2. A radioimmunological assay, which can quantitatively estimate calcium-binding-protein concentrations as low as 1mug/g wet wt., was used to detect the synthesis of soluble calcium-binding protein. 3. When used on intestinal supernatants from chicks dosed with vitamin D, calcium-binding protein was not detectable at 8h but was present after 12h at a concentration of 8.6mug/g wet wt.; in agreement with this an increase in calcium absorption due to vitamin D was detected at 12h but not at 8h. 4. The synthesis of calcium-binding protein was also monitored directly by making use of the ability of the iodinated antiserum to bind specifically to nascent calcium-binding protein chains on intestinal polyribosomes; in this way calcium-binding-protein synthesis could be detected 8h after dosage with vitamin D. Further, the binding reaction indicated a near linear increase in the calcium-binding-protein-synthesizing capacity over a 16h period. 5. From the amount of calcium-binding protein present 12 and 24h after vitamin D administration it is calculated that calcium-binding-protein mRNA is produced at approx. 1mol/min per intestinal cell. 6. It is concluded that the high correlation between the initiation of calcium-binding-protein synthesis and the stimulation of calcium absorption by vitamin D strengthens the proposal that calcium-binding protein plays an important role in calcium transport.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC1168501 | biostudies-other | 1974 Nov
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other