
Dataset Information


Biosynthesis of proteoglycans in cartilage slices. Fractionation by gel chromatography and equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation.

ABSTRACT: The kinetics of incorporation of [(35)S]sulphate into slices of pig laryngeal cartilage in vitro was linear with time up to 6h. The specific radioactivities of the extracted proteoglycans (containing about 80% of the uronic acid of the cartilage) and the glycosaminoglycans remaining in the tissue after extraction were measured after various times of continuous and ;pulse-chase' radioactivity incorporation. Radioactivity was present in the isolated chondroitin sulphate after 2 min, but there was a 35min delay in its appearance in the extractable proteoglycan fraction. Fractionation of the proteoglycans by gel chromatography showed that the smallest molecules had the highest specific radioactivity, but ;pulse-chase' experiments over 5h did not demonstrate any precursor-product relationships between fractions of different size. Equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation in 4m-guanidine hydrochloride showed that among the proteoglycan fractions the specific radioactivity increased as the chondroitin sulphate content decreased, but with preparations from ;pulse-chase' experiments there was again no evidence for precursor-product relationships between the different fractions. Differences in radioactive incorporation would seem to reflect metabolic heterogeneity within the proteoglycans extracted from cartilage. This may be due either to a partial separation of different types of proteoglycans or to differences in the rates of degradation of the molecules of different size and composition as a result of the nature and specificity of the normal degrading enzymes. The results suggest that molecules of all sizes were formed at the same time.

SUBMITTER: Hardingham TE 

PROVIDER: S-EPMC1178490 | biostudies-other | 1972 Feb

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other

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