First assessment of three-dimensional quantitative photoacoustic tomography for in vivo detection of osteoarthritis in the finger joints.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this pilot clinical study is to assess three-dimensional (3-D) quantitative photoacoustic tomography (qPAT) for in vivo detection of osteoarthritis (OA) in the finger joints.All subject data were handled in compliance with the rules and regulations concerning the privacy and security of protected health information under HIPAA. Seven female subjects (two OA patients and five healthy controls) entered the study and their distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints were examined by a 3-D photoacoustic scanner. 3-D optical absorption coefficient images of all the photoacoustically examined joints were recovered using a 3-D qPAT reconstruction algorithm.The recovered quantitative photoacoustic images revealed obvious difference in the optical absorption coefficient of the joint cavity (cartilage and synovial fluid) between the OA and healthy joints. Quantitative analysis of the joints also indicated an apparent difference in the recovered joint spacing between the OA and healthy subjects.This initial clinical evaluation suggests that it is feasible to detect osteoarthritis in the finger joints with our 3-D qPAT approach, which has paved the way to further statistically evaluate the diagnostic performance of the 3-D qPAT approach in comparison with radiography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on a sample of hand osteoarthritis.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC3139504 | biostudies-other | 2011 Jul
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other