
Dataset Information


Nicotine Addiction Genetics and Correlates


Ascertainment: Families were ascertained through panels of adult Australian twins, and a sample of spouses of Australian twins. Families with at least one offspring who was identified as a current or former smoker in an earlier survey. Screening telephone interviews were conducted with index cases to provide confirmation of a history of heavy cigarette smoking, to obtain confirmation of a history of heavy cigarette smoking, and to obtain additional information on the history of cigarette use and the survival status of other family members, and their full siblings and parents. Index cases were the affected spouse of a twin, or the affected twin from pairs discordant for a history of heavy smoking, or a randomly chosen twin from pairs where both have a history of regular smoking (i.e., has smoked at least 100 cigarettes lifetime), and at least one live biological parent to identify sibships with at least one affected sib pair (ASP) concordant for heavy smoking, and at least one living parent. If permission was granted by the index case, eligible family members were contacted and invited to provide a blood sample and to complete a telephone diagnostic interview. In families with just one available biological parent, and additional unaffected sibling who had never smoked on a regular basis (i.e., has smoked fewer than 100 cigarette lifetime, but has experimented with cigarettes once or twice) was included (when available) to help compensate for the loss of information due to missing parental phenotypes. (Target N=400 Australian families with approximately 600 ASPs; and 600 TDT trios comprised of a nicotine dependent index case and both biological parents). Diagnostic Assessment: The telephone diagnostic interview assessed DSM-IV and modified DSM-IIIR diagnoses (i.e., without time clustering) for nicotine dependence, alcohol and other drug dependence and abuse, major depression, and childhood conduct disorder. Most diagnostic assessments were based on the SSAGA/SSAGA-II, developed for the multi-site gene-mapping alcoholism study (the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcohol. An exception was the tobacco section, which was developed directly from the CIDI and DIS (as the original SSAGA did not include a diagnostic section on nicotine dependence).

PROVIDER: phs001299 | dbGaP |



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