Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Information about how different forms of CMT affect children is not readily available because there are not good methods to measure impairment of children with CMT. The purpose of this project is to develop and test such a method and to then test this scale to ensure that it is an effective measurement of impairment of CMT in children, that the children tolerate it well, that different investigators using this method obtain similar results and that changes over time with the scale allow measurement of progression of CMT in the children. Primary Objective: To develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. Secondary Objective: We propose to test the sensitivity of the CMT Peds Scale in a longitudinal study and compare the CMT Peds Scale with the Children's Quality of Life scale CHQ-PF50. 2000 patients <21 years of age with various forms of CMT will be evaluated at baseline and at subsequent annual follow up visits when possible. This first study release makes available data of n=208 study participants.
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