
Dataset Information


A Study of Avastin (Bevacizumab) in Combination With Xelox and Tarceva in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.

ABSTRACT: This study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of a first-line regimen of Avastin and Xelox (Xeloda + Eloxatin) followed by Avastin and Tarceva, in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Patients will receive 6 x 21 day cycles of treatment with Avastin (7.5mg/kg iv on day 1), Xeloda (1000mg/m2 po twice daily on days 1 to 14) and Eloxatin (130mg/m2 iv on day 1). Patients free of disease progression will then continue with Avastin (7.5mg/kg iv once every 3 weeks) and Tarceva (150mg po daily). The anticipated time on study treatment is until disease progression, and the target sample size is <100 individuals.

DISEASE(S): Colorectal Cancer,Colorectal Neoplasms,Pacientes Con Diagnóstico Confirmado Histológicamente De Adenocarcinoma Colorrectal Metastático (estadio Iv), No Resecable, Con Enfermedad Medible, Que No Hayan Recibido Quimioterapia Previa Para La Enfermedad.

PROVIDER: 2090033 | ecrin-mdr-crc |


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