ABSTRACT: Interventions: Group 1: In this retrospective analysis, the following patient data are analyzed to compare the laser-assisted versus non-laser-assisted lung metastasisctomy with respect to long-term survival:
Age, sex, date of primary surgery, date of lung metastasectomy, localization of the metastasis, TNM staging, existence of extrapulmonal metastasis, neoadjuvant/adjuvant systemic treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy), date of recurrent surgery, surgical technique, surgical access, extent of resection, number of resected lung metastases, lung function data, number of dissected lymph nodes, resection margins, duration of hospitalisation, postoperative complications, date of recurrence, localization of recurrence, treatment at recurrence, date of death
Primary outcome(s): overall survival
Study Design: Allocation: ; Masking: ; Control: ; Assignment: ; Study design purpose: treatment