Project description:The Pregnancy Outcome Prediction (POP) study is a prospective cohort study of nulliparous women attending the Rosie Hospital (Cambridge, UK) for their dating ultrasound scan. The study included 4512 women with a viable singleton pregnancy; study participants provided written informed consent and were recruited between January 2008 and July 2012. The POP study aimed both at evaluating performance of known biomarkers and serial ultrasonography in assessing maternal and fetal well-being, as well as identifying novel biomarkers. The study is sufficiently large to be powered for relatively uncommon adverse pregnancy outcomes. Women attended four study visits scheduled every 8 weeks, starting with the first trimester. Participants had blood taken during the dating/recruitment visit (at approximately 12 weeks gestation (wkGA)), as well as at three subsequent visits (at ∼20wkGA, ∼28wkGA and ∼36wkGA). For more detail, please visit:
Project description:Wistar rats, purchased from BRL (Fullinsdorf/BL, Switzerland), and WBN/Kob rats, purchased from SLC Inc. (Shizuoka, Japan), were specific pathogen-free. Rats were housed in groups of maximally 4 instandard cages (1,820 cm2 bottom area) and kept in our animal facility for various time periods between 1 week and 36 weeks (free access to standard rat chow and water; specific pathogen-free conditions; 20 degree C; day/night cycle simulated by artificial lighting of 50 lx from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., dimmed in the remaining hours to almost complete darkness; air humidity 50 to 60%). Prior to surgery or sacrifice, the rats were fasted overnight (16 to18 h) with free access to water. All manipulations conformed with the Swiss Federal Guidelines on Animal Experiments and were approved by the local ethics committee.
Project description:The objective of my study was to identify the genes differentially expressed in gastric adenocarcinoma associated with prevalent risk factor such as tobacco use (Meiziol, Tuibur etc) in high-risk Indian population. The Tumor tissue and matched normal tissue distant to the tumor were collected during endoscopy in RNA later, Snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70°C until processed. Data of clinicopathologic parameters were obtained from patients’ clinical report, operative notes and pathologic report. Institutional Human ethics committee approved the study.
Project description:Individualized outcome prediction classifiers were successfully constructed through expression profiling of 91 up-regulated and 67 down-regulated miRNAs in 5 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) cases and 5 controls.
Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 29 samples of primary cells or cultured primary cells of different haemopoeitc lineages from cord blood are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of EGA data sets is EGAD00001001165. Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. The mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' file of this ArrayExpress record. Information on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website:
Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 4 samples of primary cells from tonsil with cell surface markes CD20med/CD38high in young individuals (3 to 10 years old) are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of EGA data sets is EGAD00001001523. Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. The mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' file of this ArrayExpress record. Information on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website: