Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 4 samples of primary cells from tonsil with cell surface markes CD20med/CD38high in young individuals (3 to 10 years old) are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of EGA data sets is EGAD00001001523. Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. The mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' file of this ArrayExpress record. Information on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website:
Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 29 samples of primary cells or cultured primary cells of different haemopoeitc lineages from cord blood are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of EGA data sets is EGAD00001001165. Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. The mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' file of this ArrayExpress record. Information on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website:
Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 74 samples of primary cells or cultured primary cells of different haemopoeitc lineages from cord blood, venous blood, bone marrow and thymus are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. There are 32 EGA data set accessions, which can be found under the Comment[EGA_DATA_SET] column in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' (SDRF) file of this ArrayExpress record ( Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. Likewise, mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the SDRF file. Please note that the raw data files for 11 sequencing runs have yet been deposited at EGA, so they are marked with \\ot available\\ under the Comment[SUBMITTED_FILE_NAME] field in the SDRF file, and were included for the sake of completeness. Further iInformation on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website:\
Project description:Cancer cell lines can provide robust and facile biological models for the generation and testing of hypothesis in the early stages of drug development and caner biology. Although clinical trials remain the ultimate scientific testing ground for anticancer therapies, the use of appropriate model systems to explore the molecular basis of drug activity and to identify predictive biomarkers during their development can have a profound effect on the design, cost and ultimate success of new cancer drug development. In order to capture the high degree of genomic diversity in cancer and to identify rare molecular subtypes, we have assembled a collection of >1000 cancer cell lines. These lines have been characterised using whole exome sequencing, genome wide analysis of copy number, mRNA gene expression profiling and DNA methylation analysis ( To further characterise this panel of cell lines we have now compiled data for RNA sequencing. The current study represent data for ~450 of the cell lines in the panel, data for the remaining lines can be accessed via the CGHUB data browser hosted at UCSC. <br>This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of the EGA data set is EGAD00001001357 under EGA study accession EGAS00001000828.
Project description:In this study, we investigated somatic mutations in T cells in patients with various hematological disorders. To analyze immune cell phenotypes with somatic mutations, we performed scRNA+TCRab sequencing from 9 patients with chronic GVHD and clonal expansions of CD4+ or CD8+ T cells based on T cell receptor sequencing. CD45+ PBMCs (lymphocytes and monocytes) were sorted with BD Influx cell sorter and subjected to sequencing with Chromium VDJ and Gene Expression platform (v1.1, 10X Genomics). Sequencing was performed with Novaseq 6000 (Illumina). The immune cell phenotypes were compared to healthy controls processed in the same laboratory (accession number E-MTAB-11170). Due to data privacy concerns, the raw sequencing data is in the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA) under accession code [xxxx] and can be requested through the EGA Data Access Committee.
Project description:CTCF ChIP-seq of 39 primary samples derived from human acute leukemias, namely AML, T-ALL and mixed myeloid/lymphoid leukemias with CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP). Due to patient confidentiality considerations, the raw data files for this dataset have been deposited to the EGA controlled-access archive under the accession numbers EGAS00001007094 (study); EGAD00001011059 (dataset).
Project description:To identify heterogeneity of stromal cells in human lymph nodes, we performed single-cell RNA-seq of stromal cells (CD45-, CD31- PDPN+) from 3 donors. Additionally, dendritic cells (DCs, CD45+, CD11C+) were isolated from the LNs of the same donors to predict potential interactions between these two types of cells. As potentially human identifiable data, he raw sequencing data files for this experiment will be deposited in the controlled-access EGA archive.
Project description:Total RNA-seq of blasts derived 100 adult T-ALL cases, 211 AML cases and 13 mixed myeloid/lymphoid leukemias with CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP). In addition, CD34+ HSPCs derived from 9 healthy donors are used as a control. Due to patient confidentiality considerations, the raw data files for this dataset have been deposited to the EGA controlled-access archive under the accession numbers EGAS00001007094 (study); EGAD00001011054, EGAD00001007646, EGAD00001007581 (datasets).