Project description:Allele-specific circular chromosome conformation capture sequencing (4C-seq) using the single nucleotide polymorphism rs2836411 as a bait was performed in two cell types: human umibilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and human aortic smooth muscle cells (HASMCs).
Project description:We have performed circular chromosome conformation capture sequencing (4C-seq) with six baits located at the Runx1 locus in the mouse hematopoietic progenitor cell line HPC-7. 4C baits were designed to the P1 and P2 promoters and to the previously characterised +24 hematopoietic enhancer (P1, P2 and 24), with secondary baits located at nearby cohesin/CTCF (cc) binding sites (P1cc, 24cc, P2cc).
Project description:The ability to correlate chromosome conformation and gene expression gives a great deal of information regarding the strategies used by a cell to properly regulate gene activity. 4C-seq is a relatively new and increasingly popular technology where the set of genomic interactions generated by a single point in the genome can be determined. 4C-seq experiments generate large, complicated datasets and it is imperative that signal is properly distinguished from noise. Currently there are a limited number of methods for analyzing 4C-seq data. Here, we present a new method, fourSig, which, in addition to being simple to use and as precise as current methods, also includes a new feature to prioritize significantly enriched interactions and predict their reproducibility among experimental replicates. Here, we demonstrate the efficacy of fourSig with previously published and novel 4C-seq datasets and show that our significance prioritization correlates with the ability to reproducibly detect interactions amongst replicates. The datasets provided include those generated from allele-specific 4C-Seq with a viewpoint of the TSS for the gene Ibtk on mouse Chromosome 9. FASTQ files, text files containing genomic coordiantes and read counts, and bedGraph formats for UCSC Genome Browser tracks are provided. All sequences were mapped relative to mouse genome build mm9. Sequencing of circular chromosome conformation capture (4C-Seq) was performed at the transcription start site (TSS) for the gene Ibtk for three replicates in F1 hybrid mouse trophoblast stem (TS) cells. Experiment was designed to detect allele specific patterns using SNP differences between the inbred lines mated to produce the TS cells (C57Bl/6 and CAST/EiJ)
Project description:To understand regulatory function in human neural differentiation, we performed ATAC-seq in human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), in vitro-differentiated neural progenitor cells (NPC) and ganglionic eminence-like (GE) cells, as well as commercially available neural stem cells, GABAergic neurons, and glutamatergic neurons. We also performed circular chromosome conformation capture (4C)-seq on these cells.
Project description:Here we report that the spatial organization of yeast tRNA genes depends upon both locus position and tRNA identity; supporting the idea that the genomic organization of tRNA loci utilizes tRNA dependent signals within the nucleoprotein-tRNA complexes that form into clusters. We use high-throughput sequencing coupled to Circular Chromosome Conformation Capture to detect interactions with two wild type tRNAs and these same positions replaced with suppressor tRNAs (SUP4-1). Detect DNA-DNA interactions (Circular chromosome conformation capture; 4C) with two wild type tRNAs and these same positions replaced with suppressor tRNAs (SUP4-1) Supplementary files: Alignment files generated by Topography v1.19 software.
Project description:Background: The packaging of long chromatin fibres in the nucleus poses a major challenge, as it must fulfil both physical and functional requirements. Until recently, insight into the chromosomal architecture of plants was mainly provided by cytogenetic studies. Complementary to these analyses, chromosome conformation technologies promise to refine and improve our view on chromosomal architecture and to provide a more generalised description of nuclear organization. Results: Employing circular chromosome conformation capture (4C), this study describes chromosomal architecture in Arabidopsis nuclei from a genome-wide perspective. Surprisingly, the linear organisation of chromosomes is reflected in the genome-wide interactome. In addition, we studied the interplay of the interactome and epigenetic marks and report that the heterochromatic knob on the short arm of chromosome 4 (hk4s) maintained a pericentromere-like interaction profile and interactome despite its euchromatic surrounding. Conclusion: Despite the extreme condensation that is necessary to pack the chromosomes into the nucleus, the Arabidopsis genome appears to be packed in a predictive manner, according to the following criteria: (i) heterochromatin and euchromatin represent two distinct interactomes, (ii) interactions between chromosomes correlates with the linear position on the chromosome arm, and (iii) distal chromosome regions have a higher potential to interact with other chromosomes. This study includes circular chromosome conformation capture (4C) sequencing information of 13 samples, present in two batches, each present in duplicates (A and B). The individual 4C sequencing information can be retrieved by the 4C primer sequence, given in the 4C primer information file.
Project description:To understand the role of 3D chromatin architecture in establishing tissue-specific expression of the CFTR gene, we mapped chromatin interactions using Circular Chromosome Conformation Capture (4C) and epigenomic data such as H3K27ac and Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin (ATAC-seq) on Capan-1 pancreatic cells.
Project description:To understand the role of 3D chromatin architecture in establishing tissue-specific expression of the CFTR gene, we mapped chromatin interactions using Circular Chromosome Conformation Capture (4C) and epigenomic data such as H3K27ac and Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin (ATAC-seq) on Capan-1 pancreatic cells.
Project description:To understand the role of 3D chromatin architecture in establishing tissue-specific expression of the CFTR gene, we mapped chromatin interactions using Circular Chromosome Conformation Capture (4C) and epigenomic data such as H3K27ac and Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin (ATAC-seq) on Capan-1 pancreatic cells.