Project description:Single Nuclei Primary GBM IDHR132H Wildtype. Female 76.
Single Nuclei RNA seq from high grade primary glioma sample. NovaSeq6000 was used for RNA seq. The files uploaded are bam files created with grch38 reference.
Project description:Single Nuclei RNA-Seq Primary GBM. Gender Female Age 51.
Single Nuclei RNA seq from high grade primary glioma sample. NovaSeq6000 was used for RNA seq. The files uploaded are bam files created with grch38 reference.
Project description:Single Nuclei RNA Seq of primary GBM. Gender Female Age 44.
Single Nuclei RNA seq from high grade primary glioma sample. NovaSeq6000 was used for RNA seq. The files uploaded are bam files created with grch38 reference
Project description:Single Cell-RNA Seq IDHR132H Wild-type Primary GBM Female, 76.
Single Cell RNA seq from high grade primary glioma sample. NovaSeq6000 was used for RNA seq. The files uploaded are bam files created with grch38 reference through cellranger count (10xGenomics.)
Project description:SF11977 single cell RNA-seq IDHR132H Wild-type GBM Female, 61
Single Cell RNA seq from high grade primary glioma sample. NovaSeq6000 was used for RNA seq. The files uploaded are bam files created with grch38 reference through Cellranger count (10xGenomics.)
Project description:In the current work, we present the first proteogenomic dataset of GBM clinical samples to date. We have assembled a cohort of 87 GBM patients of varying survival rates and performed MS-based proteomics analysis as well as RNA-seq in order to identify the molecular differences associated with survival and examine the contribution of each layer to GBM landscape. We show that each layer alone only partially reflects patient survival, but RNA-protein integration identifies clear patterns of layer-specific and layer-common processes specifically contributing to either short-term or long-term survival of patients. Furthermore, we compare our data to published single-cell RNA-seq of GBM tumors and evaluate the RNA-protein variability within single-cell based tumor subpopulations. We found that while all signatures of the four subpopulations tend to have high RNA-protein correlation, each signature is associated differently with survival. Altogether, these results highlight the potential of proteogenomics to further stratify heterogeneity in GBM tumors and identify processes contributing to poorer survival.
Project description:Single Nuclei RNA-Seq Primary High-grade Glioma. Gender Female age 40.
Single Nuclei RNA seq from high grade primary glioma sample. NovaSeq6000 was used for RNA seq. The files uploaded are bam files created with grch38 reference.
Project description:Single Nuclei RNA-Seq Primary High-grade Glioma. Gender Female Age 51.
Single Nuclei RNA seq from high grade primary glioma sample. NovaSeq6000 was used for RNA seq. The files uploaded are bam files created with grch38 reference
Project description:SF11644 Primary GBM Gender Male age 57. Single Cell RNA seq from high grade primary glioma sample. NovaSeq6000 was used for RNA seq. The files uploaded are bam files created with grch38 reference through Cellranger count (10xGenomics.)