Project description:The mtDNA and Y chromosome of up to 15 Australian Aborigines, concentrating on individuals with indigenous lineages will be sequenced using the standard whole-genome sequencing followed by filtering out autosomal and X sequences, so that only mtDNA and the Y chromosome would be analysed and released.
Project description:The mtDNA and Y chromosome of up to 15 Australian Aborigines, concentrating on individuals with indigenous lineages, will be sequenced using the standard whole-genome sequencing followed by filtering out of autosomal and X sequences, so that only mtDNA and the Y chromosome will be analysed and released.
Project description:The mtDNA and Y chromosome of up to 15 Australian Aborigines, concentrating on individuals with indigenous lineages will be sequenced using the standard whole-genome sequencing followed by filtering out autosomal and X sequences, so that only mtDNA and the Y chromosome would be analysed and released.
Project description:The mtDNA and Y chromosome of up to 15 Australian Aborigines, concentrating on individuals with indigenous lineages, will be sequenced using the standard whole-genome sequencing followed by filtering out of autosomal and X sequences, so that only mtDNA and the Y chromosome will be analysed and released.
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of whole blood using Illumina's Infinium HumanMethylation27 Beadchip array. The dataset encompasses profiles of 12 non-diabetic control blood donors and 12 type-2 diabetic (T2D) individuals.
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of whole blood using Illumina's Infinium HumanMethylation27 Beadchip array. The dataset encompasses profiles of 12 non-diabetic control blood donors and 12 type-2 diabetic (T2D) individuals. Bisulfite converted DNA from 24 blood samples were hybridised to the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation27 Beadchip
Project description:To address the question of whether mtDNA mutations might play a role in familiar ALS (fALS), mtDNA was isolated from whole blood (WB), white blood cells (WBC) and platelets (PLT) from fALS patients and the mitochondrial genome was analyzed using a mtDNA resequencing array (Affymetrix MitoChip v2.0) that allows detection of low-level heteroplasmy in addition to the conventional homoplasmic or heteroplasmic mutations. We distinguished between fALS cases with a prominent maternal (mat) inheritance pattern and fALS cases that do not point to a maternal inheritance pattern (non-mat). As additional controls we compared our results to healthy age and sex matched individuals without any known neurodegenerative background. With this we are aiming to get a deeper insight into a possible role of mtDNA alterations acting as a disease modifier in a subgroup of ALS patients presenting with a maternal transmission of the disease.
Project description:A population and admixture analysis of Mesoamerican Totonacs and South American Bolivians. A panel of highly informative ancestry informative markers (AIMs) for New World populations is identified. Regions coinciding with AIMs are have moderate signatures of selection. Population structure and differentiation were assessed with a genome-wide panel of 815,377 autosomal markers, Y-chromosome STR and SNPs, and mtDNA sequence data.