Project description:Linker file for COMBAT CITEseq sequencing data. Links COMBAT sample IDs with sequencing pools and their associated raw sequence data. Sequence data can be found in the following datasets:
ADT data: EGAD00001007962
GEX data: EGAD00001008007
VDJ (B-cell): EGAD00001007964
VDJ (T-cell): EGAD00001007965
Project description:This data set was generated by the UK Brain Expression Consortium and consists of gene expression data generated from post-mortem human brain samples, dissected from 10 brain regions and originating from a large cohort of neurologically and neuropathologically normal individuals. The UK Brain Expression Consortium has generated gene expression data on a large cohort of neurologically and neuropathologically normal individuals in order to better understand gene expression differences across the human brain.
Project description:This data set was generated by the UK Brain Expression Consortium and consists of gene expression data generated from post-mortem human brain samples, dissected from 10 brain regions and originating from a large cohort of neurologically and neuropathologically normal individuals. The UK Brain Expression Consortium has generated gene expression data on a large cohort of neurologically and neuropathologically normal individuals in order to better understand gene expression differences across the human brain.
Project description:This dataset includes gene expression data from 103 primary tumour samples. 86 samples from this dataset have already been deposited into GEO (GSE36924), and has been duplicated here since the data has been processed differently. This data is also available through the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) Data Portal (http://dcc/, under the project code: Pancreatic Cancer (QCMG, AU). Access to the restricted clinical data must be made through the ICGC Data Access Compliance Office (
Project description:ATAC-Seq was performed for 35 AML primary specimens from primary AML cells, followed by a detailed ATAC-Seq pipeline for data processing. We provide both raw files as well as various processed files such as individual and consensus peaks.
Project description:This data set was generated by the UK Brain Expression Consortium and consists of gene expression data generated from post-mortem human brain samples, dissected from 10 brain regions and originating from a large cohort of neurologically and neuropathologically normal individuals. The UK Brain Expression Consortium has generated gene expression data on a large cohort of neurologically and neuropathologically normal individuals in order to better understand gene expression differences across the human brain. 1231 samples are analysed in total and these samples originate from 134 Caucasian individuals. From each individual, up to ten brain regions were sampled and analysed.
Project description:This data set was generated by the UK Brain Expression Consortium and consists of gene expression data generated from post-mortem human brain samples, dissected from 10 brain regions and originating from a large cohort of neurologically and neuropathologically normal individuals. The UK Brain Expression Consortium has generated gene expression data on a large cohort of neurologically and neuropathologically normal individuals in order to better understand gene expression differences across the human brain. 1231 samples are analysed in total and these samples originate from 134 Caucasian individuals. From each individual, up to ten brain regions were sampled and analysed.
Project description:In the present study, zebrafish were exposed to permethrin during early-life, and F1 and F2 generations were bred unexposed. Permethrin exposed F0 fish showed a hypoactive phenotype at adulthood, whereas males from the F1 and F2 generations showed a decrease in anxiety-like behavior. We performed transcriptomic analyses on whole brains (GSE154020), and here, we further performed RRBS analyses to identify whether there was any stable change in DNA methylation that could be linked to the effects observed at other levels of organization. Due to technical issues during sequencing, we had to perform a correction on the raw data (CombaT) in order to remove a batch effect (flow-cell). We made sure that this did not create any false-positive differentially methylated region. Processed files available are the results from methyl calling before batch correction(with a min coverage >= 5 per C). A matrix of corrected data is available as supplementary file.
Project description:Pneumonia remains the leading cause of death in children under five, but existing diagnostic methods frequently lead to innecessary or mistaken treatment. M. pneumoniae lacks cellular wall so it does not respond to common firs-line antibiotic. Our study aims to guide the diagnosis and treatment by identifying host transcriptomic biomarkers in the blood of children with Mycoplasma pneumoiae pneumonia. Using RNA sequencing, we identified and validated 8 different n-transcript signature that accurately differentiates M. pneumoniae pneumonia from the rest of pneumonias. A strand specific library preparation was completed using NEBNext® Ultra™ II mRNA kit (NEB) and NEB rRNA/globin depletion probes following manufacturer’s recommendations. Individual libraries were normalized using Qubit, pooled together and diluted. The sequencing was performed using a 150 or 75 paired-end configuration in a Novaseq6000 or HiSeq 4000 platforms. Quality control of raw data was carried out using FastQC, alignment and read counting were performed using STAR, alignment filtering was done with SAMtools and read counting was carried out using FeatureCounts. RNAseq data was processed for batch correction using control samples and COMBAT-Seq package.