Project description:Genome-wide DNA Methylation Data from Illumina HumanMethylationEPIC arrays for whole blood samples from 570 healthy individuals. Raw IDAT files are available for a subset of 403 samples on EGA. Raw data (IDAT files) and associated phenotype information are available for all individuals included in this study (n=570) directly from CIBMTR. Data are available under controlled access release upon reasonable request and execution of a data use agreement. Requests should be submitted to CIBMTR at and include the study reference IB17-04.
Project description:For thousands of years, the Eurasian steppe has been a centre for human migrations and cultural changes. To understand its population history following the Bronze Age migrations, 137 ancient humans were sequenced. These ancient DNA sequences were notably compared to the genetic data of present-day populations from Eurasia. Besides already published data, 502 individuals currently living in Inner Asia and Jordania were sampled and newly genotyped on diverse DNA-arrays. These new data, merged as a single dataset of 242,406 autosomal SNPs, are included in the present ENA study.
Project description:We analyzed copy numbers of 60 SCLC cell lines using 6.0 SNP-arrays. For a subgroup of 36 cell lines, previously published copy number data was utilized. CEL and SEG files are included for all cell lines, for which copy number data were not publicly available.
Project description:Alphaherpesviruses, as large double-stranded DNA viruses, were long considered to be genetically stable and to exist in a homogeneous state. Recently, the proliferation of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) and bioinformatics analysis has expanded our understanding of herpesvirus genomes and the variations found therein. Recent data indicate that herpesviruses exist as diverse populations, both in culture and in vivo, in a manner reminiscent of RNA viruses. In this review, we discuss the past, present, and potential future of alphaherpesvirus genomics, including the technical challenges that face the field. We also review how recent data has enabled genome-wide comparisons of sequence diversity, recombination, allele frequency, and selective pressures, including those introduced by cell culture. While we focus on the human alphaherpesviruses, we draw key insights from related veterinary species and from the beta- and gamma-subfamilies of herpesviruses. Promising technologies and potential future directions for herpesvirus genomics are highlighted as well, including the potential to link viral genetic differences to phenotypic and disease outcomes.
Project description:Collisional mountain belts grow as a consequence of continental plate convergence and eventually disappear under the combined effects of gravitational collapse and erosion. Using a decade of GPS data, we show that the western Alps are currently characterized by zero horizontal velocity boundary conditions, offering the opportunity to investigate orogen evolution at the time of cessation of plate convergence. We find no significant horizontal motion within the belt, but GPS and levelling measurements independently show a regional pattern of uplift reaching ~2.5?mm/yr in the northwestern Alps. Unless a low viscosity crustal root under the northwestern Alps locally enhances the vertical response to surface unloading, the summed effects of isostatic responses to erosion and glaciation explain at most 60% of the observed uplift rates. Rock-uplift rates corrected from transient glacial isostatic adjustment contributions likely exceed erosion rates in the northwestern Alps. In the absence of active convergence, the observed surface uplift must result from deep-seated processes.
Project description:Compatibility between high-density oligonucleotide arrays is significantly affected by probe-level sequence information. With a careful filtering of the probes based on their sequence overlaps, data from different generations of microarrays can be combined more effectively. The dataset of 14 human muscle biopsy samples from patients with inflammatory myopathies that were hybridized on both HG-U95Av2 and HG-U133A human arrays for this purpose. Signal values from GCOS 1.2 with Detection call and p-value are provided here, and CEL files are also available for download. Keywords: parallel sample
Project description:<p><b>LOCATION CHANGE FOR ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE SEQUENCING PROJECT (ADSP) DATA:</b> Please go to <a href="" target="_blank">NIAGADS DSS</a> to apply for build 38 ADSP genetic and phenotypic data. See Background below for more details. For instructions on how to access the additional ADSP data that are shared through <a href="" target="_blank">NIAGADS DSS</a>, visit the <a href="" target="_blank">Application Instructions</a> page.</p> <p>Background: Additional sequencing data are continuously being generated by the ADSP. These data are mapped to the latest Genome Reference Consortium human genome build GRCh38 (hg38) and are being shared through the NIA Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease Data Storage Site (<a href="" target="_blank">NIAGADS</a>) Data Sharing Service (<a href="" target="_blank">DSS</a>). As of May 1, 2020 there are 4,789 whole genomes and 19,922 whole exomes available to the research community. Later in 2020 there will be a total of ~17,000 whole genomes and 19,922 whole exomes available through NIAGADS DSS (<a href="" target="_blank">ng00067</a>). The total number of genomes from multi-ethnic cohorts is anticipated to exceed 50,000. Please see the <a href="">ADSP Design</a> page for the complete study description.</p> <p>ADSP whole exome and whole genome sequence data that were shared through dbGaP were mapped to the GRCh37 (build 37). These data are from the Discovery Phase of the project (described below) and will continue to be available at this site.</p> <p><b>STUDY DESCRIPTION FOR dbGaP BUILD 37 ADSP DATA: </b>The overarching goals of the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) are to: (1) identify new genomic variants contributing to increased risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease (AD), (2) identify new genomic variants contributing to protection against developing AD, and (3) provide insight as to why individuals with known risk factor variants escape from developing AD. These factors will be studied in multi-ethnic populations in order to identify new pathways for disease prevention. Such a study of human genomic variation and its relationship to health and disease requires examination of a large number of study participants and needs to capture information about common and rare variants (both single nucleotide and copy number) in well phenotyped individuals.</p> <p>Using existing samples from NIH funded and other studies, three NHGRI funded Large Scale Sequencing and Analysis Centers (LSAC) - Broad, Baylor, and Washington University - produced the DNA sequence data. Variant call data are being made available to the scientific community through NIH-approved data repositories. Statistical analysis of the sequence data is anticipated to identify new genetic risk and protective factors. The ADSP will conduct and facilitate analysis of sequence data to extend previous discoveries that may ultimately result in new directions for AD therapeutics. Analysis of ADSP data will be done in two phases.</p> <p>The Discovery Phase analysis (2014-2018) is funded under <a href="">PAR-12-183</a>. The entire Discovery dataset contains whole-genome sequencing data on 584 subjects from 113 families, and pedigree data for > 4000 subjects; whole exome sequencing data on 5096 cases 4965 controls; and whole exome sequence data on an additional 853 (682 Cases [510 Non-Hispanic, 172 Hispanic]), and 171 Hispanic Control subjects from families that are multiply affected with AD.</p> <p>The Replication Phase (2016-2021) analysis will be funded under <a href="">RFA-AG-16-001</a> and <a href="">RFA-AG-16-002</a> and is expected to include a combination of genotyping and sequencing approaches on at least 30,000 subjects. Targeted sequencing will be done by the LSACs.</p> <p><b>GRCh37 Data Releases</b></p> <ul> <li>The <b>first</b> ADSP data release occurred on November 25, 2013. It included the whole-genome sequencing data in BAM file format on 410 individuals.</li> <li>The <b>second</b> ADSP data release occurred on March 31, 2014, and included the whole-genome sequencing data in BAM file format for an additional 168 individuals.</li> <li>The <b>third</b> ADSP data release occurred on November 03, 2014 and included whole-exome sequencing data in BAM file format for 10,939 individuals.</li> <li>The <b>fourth</b> ADSP data release occurred on February 13, 2015 and included revised ethnic data for subjects with whole-exome sequencing data.</li> <li>The <b>fifth</b> ADSP data release occurred on July 13, 2015 and included whole-genome genotypes and updated phenotypes as well as changes to pedigree structures and sample IDs.</li> <li>The <b>sixth</b> ADSP data release occurred on December 8, 2015, and included whole-exome genotypes and updated phenotypes as well as changes to subject IDs.</li> </ul> <p>This <b>seventh ADSP data release on April 12, 2016</b> includes: </p> <ul> <p>(1) WES and WGS SNV VCF files</p> <p>(2) WES and WGS Indel PLINK files</p> </ul> <p><b>ADSP Data Available through dbGaP:</b></p> <p> <table border="1"> <tr> <th></th> <th><b>ADSP - Whole Genome Sequencing</b></th> <th><b>ADSP - Whole Exome Sequencing</b></th> <th><b>Comments</b></th> </tr> <tr> <td>DNA-Seq (BAM)</td> <td>n=578</td> <td>n=10913</td> <td>Sequence data available (plus n=38 replications w/out genotype data)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Concordant SNV Genotypes (PLINK format)</td> <td>N/A</td> <td>n=10913</td> <td>QC'ed genotypes that are concordant between the Atlas (Baylor's) and GATK (Broad's) calling pipelines (a subset of the consensus genotype set)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Consensus Genotypes (PLINK and VCF format)</td> <td>n=578</td> <td>n=10913</td> <td>QC'ed genotypes that are concordant between Atlas and GATK pipelines as well as those that that were called uniquely by Atlas or GATK</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Concordant Indel Genotypes (PLINK format)</td> <td>n=578</td> <td>n=10913</td> <td>QC'ed genotypes that are concordant between the Atlas and GATK calling pipelines</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Phenotype Data</td> <td>n=4735</td> <td>n=10913</td> <td>Data of n=53 phenotype variables available (plus administrative data), including APOE genotype. WGS phenotypes include data of connecting family members.</td> </tr> </table> </p> <p>Please use the <a href="">release notes</a> provided by dbGaP to obtain detailed information about study release updates. </p> <p>The <a href="">ADSP data portal</a> provides a customized interface for users to quickly identify and retrieve files by covariates, phenotypes, and data properties such as sequencing facility or coverage. For more information about the ADSP study and the data portal, please visit <a href=""></a>.</p>