Project description:Intensity calculation on the pixel values of the DAT file for 7409 samples genotyped using Axiom 815K Spanish Biobank array (Thermo Fisher)
Project description:To identify SNPs predisposing to systemic mastocytosis (SM) we performed a two stage GWAs consisting of two cohorts from the UK and Germany at stage 1 and three cohorts from Spain, Italy and Denmark at stage 2. At both stages, the SM cases were compared with publicly available controls. The control cohorts used were WTCCC and KORA at stage 1 and the Spanish National DNA bank, InChianti and Inter99 at stage 2. The data available are raw intensity files for 480 SM cases that were genotyped at stage 1. Please see our publication (Galata et al 2020) for details regarding QC of the stage 1 samples.
Project description:We aimed to identify urinary exosomal miRNAs associated with PCa metastasis and develop a non-invasive risk-scoring model for PCa metastasis in this study. MiRNA profiles were examined using the Taqman low-density miRNA array (TLDA). Megaplex reverse transcription reactions and pre-amplification reactions were performed to increase the quantity of cDNA for miRNA expression analysis using the Megaplex PreAmp Primers Human Pool A and TaqMan PreAmp Master Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific). MiRNA expression was evaluated via the TLDA panel A v2.0 (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Raw data were processed using the QuantStudio Real-Time PCR Software (Thermo Fisher Scientific) to determine a cycle threshold (Ct) value for each miRNA.
Project description:DNA was isolated from whole red blood cells from various lines and crosses of broiler chickens. DNA was genotyped using Axiom genome-wide chicken array and cel files were analyzed using Axiom Analysis Suite Software (version 3.0.1) with Gallus gallus 5.0 using the software's Best Practices for agricultural animals. The results were exported (Genotyping_Data-3-21-2018.vcf) for all genotype calls and text file of all SNPs with >= 97% call rate rate was also produced for filtering the VCF file (ALL_SNPSs_with_Call_Rate_97_Plus_3-21-2018).
Project description:The Genome Research program at Fundacio ACE (GR@ACE, Barcelona, Spain), represents a new effort to study Alzheimer's Disease susceptibility. The GR@ACE study comprises 7,409 unrelated individuals. 4,120 AD cases were diagnosed at Fundació ACE Memory Clinic (Barcelona, Spain). 3,289 Controls were obtained from three collections (Fundació ACE, Barcelona; DNA National Biobank, Salamanca and HU Valme, Seville). Genotyping was carried out using the 815K Axiom Spain Biobank array (Affymetrix.) in the Spanish national center for genotyping (CEGEN, Santiago de Compostela, Spain). After genotyping, an extensive quality control was conducted, including re-sampling, gender match, stratification, relatedness, heterozygosity, differential missingness and HWD analyses.