Project description:Average methylation levels based on nanopolish calls from Roadmap Epigenomics histone mark annotations using different cell types. Data from 8 individuals at different time points.
Project description:Average methylation levels based on nanopolish calls from Roadmap Epigenomics chromatin state annotations using different cell types. Data from 8 individuals at different time points.
Project description:Average hypermethylation on transcription factor binding sites based on nanopolish calls; only positions showing higher methylation than sample’s average methylation at enhancers were included when defining the average methylation level. Data from 6 individuals at different time points.
Project description:Average hydroxymethylation levels based on megalodon calls from Roadmap Epigenomics histone mark annotations using different cell types. Data from 8 individuals at different time points.
Project description:Average hydroxymethylation levels based on megalodon calls from Roadmap Epigenomics chromatin state annotations using different cell types. Data from 8 individuals at different time points.
Project description:Average hydroxymethylation levels on transcription factor binding sites obtained from ENCODE (ChIP-sequencing of GM12878 lymphoblastoid cell line). Data from 6 individuals at different time points.
Project description:Average methylation difference 12 months vs 0 months at Roadmap Epigenomics chromatin state annotations from different cell types using nanopolish. Data from 8 individuals.
Project description:K562 cells were grown at different oxygen levels (21%, 5%, 1%) and samples were collected at 6hr, 24hr, 3day, and 6day time points (triplicate per time point).