Project description:Genotype data of the Japanese population (N=142) were collected at Osaka University. Genotyping was performed using Infinium Asian Screening Array (Illumina, USA).
Project description:GWAS genotype data of the Japanese population (N=2,380) were collected at Osaka University and the affiliated medical institutes. GWAS genotyping was performed using Infinium Asian Screening Array (Illumina, USA).
Project description:Illumina Infinium Asian Screening Array (ASA) are used to found any SNPs from Asian population. Therefore, we profiled the blood DNA samples to found SNPs related to breast cancer
Project description:The Japan COVID-19 Task Force (JCTF) was established in early 2020 as a nation-wide multicenter consortium to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) involving 2,393 Japanese COVID-19 cases collected in initial pandemic waves with 3,289 controls. GWAS genotyping was performed using Infinium Asian Screening Array (Illumina, USA).
Project description:ASA-750K is a commercial array developed by Novogene Bioinformatics Technology Co.Ltd. The array contains 738980 sites in total including Illumina Asian Screening Arrary with additional 50k SNP sites (see for more information).
Project description:We performed a comparative study of European and Asian populations using Illumina HM450K. We found that the majority of Infinium probes, which differentiated two examined groups, had SNPs in their target sequence. We investigated the impact of those SNPs on methylation readouts by Illumina HM450K Array. Our study clearly demonstrates that SNP variation existing in the genome, if not accounted for, may lead to false interpretation of the methylation signal differences suggested by some of the Illumina Infinium probes.
Project description:More than 200 asthma-associated genetic variants have been identified in genome-wide association studies (GWASs). Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) data resources can help identify causal genes of the GWAS signals, but it can be difficult to find an eQTL that reflects the disease state because most eQTL data are obtained from normal healthy subjects. We performed a blood eQTL analysis using transcriptomic and genotypic data from 436 Korean asthma patients. To identify asthma-related genes, we carried out colocalization and Summary-based Mendelian Randomization (SMR) analysis using the results of asthma GWASs and eQTL data. In addition, we compared the results of disease eQTL data and asthma-related genes with two normal blood eQTL data from Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project and a Japanese study. We identified 342,054 cis-eQTL and 2,931 eGenes from asthmatic eQTL analysis. We compared the disease eQTL results with GTEx and a Japanese study and found that 63.2 % of the 2,931 eGenes overlapped with the GTEx eGenes and 38.5 % with the Japanese eGenes. Following the integrated analysis of the asthmatic eQTL data with asthma GWASs, using colocalization and SMR methods, we identified 13 asthma-related genes specific to the Korean asthmatic eQTL data. We provided Korean asthmatic cis-eQTL data and identified asthma-related genes by integrating them with GWAS data. In addition, we suggested these asthma-related genes as therapeutic targets for asthma. We envisage that our findings will contribute to understanding the etiological mechanisms of asthma and provide novel therapeutic targets.