Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The common genetic variants associated with complex traits typically lie in non-coding DNA and may alter gene regulation in a cell type-specific manner. Consequently, the choice of tissue or cell model in the dissection of disease associations is important. We carried out an expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) study of primary human osteoblasts (HOb) derived from 95 unrelated donors of Swedish origin, each represented by two independently derived primary lines to provide biological replication. We combined our data with publicly available information from a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of bone mineral density (BMD). The top 2000 BMD-associated SNPs were tested for cis-association of gene expression in HObs and in lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) using publicly available data and showed that HObs have a significantly greater enrichment (threefold) of converging cis-eQTLs as compared to LCLs. The top 10 BMD loci with SNPs showing strong cis-effects on gene expression in HObs were selected for further validation using a staged design in two cohorts of Caucasian male subjects. All 10 variants were tested in the Swedish MrOS Cohort (n = 3014), providing evidence for two novel BMD loci (SRR and MSH3). These variants were then tested in the Rotterdam Study (n = 2090), yielding converging evidence for BMD association at the 17p13.3 SRR locus. The cis-regulatory effect was further fine-mapped to the proximal promoter of the SRR gene (rs3744270). Our results suggest that primary cells relevant to disease phenotypes complement traditional approaches for prioritization and validation of GWAS hits for follow-up studies. Reprinted from Grundberg E, Kwan T, Ge B et al., Genome Res Nov 2009, with permission from Genome Research, Cold Spring Harbor Press, PMID:19654370.
PROVIDER: phs000225.v1.p1 | EGA |
Rivadeneira Fernando F Styrkársdottir Unnur U Estrada Karol K Halldórsson Bjarni V BV Hsu Yi-Hsiang YH Richards J Brent JB Zillikens M Carola MC Kavvoura Fotini K FK Amin Najaf N Aulchenko Yurii S YS Cupples L Adrienne LA Deloukas Panagiotis P Demissie Serkalem S Grundberg Elin E Hofman Albert A Kong Augustine A Karasik David D van Meurs Joyce B JB Oostra Ben B Pastinen Tomi T Pols Huibert A P HA Sigurdsson Gunnar G Soranzo Nicole N Thorleifsson Gudmar G Thorsteinsdottir Unnur U Williams Frances M K FM Wilson Scott G SG Zhou Yanhua Y Ralston Stuart H SH van Duijn Cornelia M CM Spector Timothy T Kiel Douglas P DP Stefansson Kari K Ioannidis John P A JP Uitterlinden André G AG
Nature genetics 20091004 11
Bone mineral density (BMD) is a heritable complex trait used in the clinical diagnosis of osteoporosis and the assessment of fracture risk. We performed meta-analysis of five genome-wide association studies of femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD in 19,195 subjects of Northern European descent. We identified 20 BMD loci that reached genome-wide significance (GWS; P < 5 x 10(-8)), of which 13 map to regions not previously associated with this trait: 1p31.3 (GPR177), 2p21 (SPTBN1), 3p22 (CTNNB1), 4q2 ...[more]